Dreamfall Chapters
中文: 夢殞之章
發售年: 2017年
遊戲開發公司: Red Thread Games
攻略遊戲版本: PS4
100%獎盃數: 共46個。
線上獎盃: 無
DLC獎盃: 無
我已加入PS+高級會員,這款是遊戲目錄內的數位遊戲。本作品是一個互動劇情遊戲,而且只有英文版,dreamfall the longest journey是本遊戲Dreamfall Chapters的前一作品,在2006發行,所以劇情上,會不知道角色來自the longest journey及前因後果,所以我其實在玩當中看的一頭霧水,不過劇情雖很複雜,但很不錯,讓你想了解到底是怎樣回事。劇情包括未來、魔法、夢境等科技與幻想世界的混合,有好幾個不同世界,很讓人驚訝的巨大世界觀,畫面也滿漂亮。
100%獎盃難度評價: 3.25/10 簡單
= [1]╳25% + [2]╳25% + [3]╳50%
= 2╳25% + 5╳25% + 3╳50%
= 0.5 + 1.25 + 1.5
= 3.25
[1]操作技術難度: 2/10 很簡單
[2]關卡設計難度 5/10 中等
[3]花費時間難度: 3/10 簡單
→ 第二輪 NEW GAME
一、第一輪 NEW GAME
以下我拿到獎盃順序: (照上面英文文字步驟做)
1.The beginning of the end: Zoë left Storytime and was reborn. [銅1]
2.The cold, cold sea: Kian escaped Friar's Keep and was reborn. [銅2]
3.Choice & consequence: Delivered the boyfriend's lunch. [銅3]
4.Wel-ding!: Completed work at the Pandemonium. [銅4]
5.Makoya!: Finished today's volunteer work. [銅5]
6.Saga: The Balance has been rattled. [銀1]
7.Let the World Burn: Kian rejected the rebels and doomed reality to destruction. Good job! [銅6]
8.Paying respects: Arn Stont's message to his wife Gerdi was delivered. [銀2]
9.Honour & Humanity: Listen to the entire National Front speech by Onor Hileriss. [銅7]
10.The Test: Kian's first mission completed. [銅8]
11.The Right Mans: Identify the right Azadi collaborator. [銀3]
12.Lost girls: Zoë completes Queenie's mission. [銅9]
13.Data decisions: But did you make the right decision? [銅10]
14.Feeding the young: Kian gave Bip his sand-witch. [銅11]
15.Dead ends: Zoë receives a recorded message from Baruti. [銅12]
16.Wait, what?: Completed Book Two. Completely confused. [銀4]
17.The First Shift: Saga has left the House of All Worlds for the first time. [銅13]
18.Enu-time: You bonded with Enu. [銅14]
19.Tool Time: You returned the maintenance worker's tools. [銀5]
20.Eggspert: You made the best scrambled eggs in the history of mankind. Kudos! [銀6]
21.Total Recall: You have finally embraced your memories. [銅15]
22.A farewell to Shitbot: From now on, it's Awesomebot. [銅16]
23.A Whole New World: Zoë has crossed the Divide into Arcadia. [銅17]
24.Up, up and away!: Completed Book Three. [銀7]
25.Shady business: What was Jakai doing in that room? [銅18]
26.Sleepover!: Got to know Enu properly and said your goodbyes. [銅19]
27.Not So Dirty Dancing: So You Think You Can Dance: Marcuria Edition. [銀8]
28.A Man of Notes: You found the well-hidden note. [銀9]
29.Prophecies: Out of the mouths of babes, the future is foretold. [銀10]
30.TMI: Sharing is caring, except when you do it for your own selfish reasons. [銅20]
31.Portrait of a Necromancer: You found the Necromancer King's secret chamber. [銀11]
32.Bad Boys: You survived Ge'en with Likho's help. [銅21]
33.The Girl Who Walks Between Worlds: Saga is walking the Songlines. [金1]
34.The Watilla is a lie: Wonkers will live again. [銅22]
35.The Red Pill: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F**K [銅23]
36.TONIGHT WE FIGHT LIKE DRAGONS: A thimbleful of powerful liquor awakens the beast. [銅24]
37.Never forget: Wine, water and liquor? That's going to hurt in the morning. [銅25]
38.The Longest Journey Home: Best friends reunited, setting out on their final journey together. [銀12]
39.The Bloodless King: Kian's future has been decided for him: Balance is restored: Our story comes full circle as the past meets the future. [銅26]
40.Balance is restored: Our story comes full circle as the past meets the future. [金2]
二、第二輪 NEW GAME
照上面英文攻略繼續玩第二輪 NEW GAME。
41.She's so cute!: Completed work at the lab. [銅27]
42.Stop the presses!: Zoë learns the truth from Sully. [銅28]
43.Likho-time: You bonded with Likho. [銅29]
44.A farewell to Kidbot: She was a good kid. [銅30]
45.Single mans: You survived Ge'en on your own. [銅31]
46.Balance Restored: Earn all Dreamfall Chapters Trophies. [白金]
FIN ^ ^