英文: Deliver Us The Moon
發售年: 2022年
遊戲開發公司: KeokeN Interactive
攻略遊戲版本: PS5
原遊戲平台與發售年: PS4 2020年
100%獎盃數: 共33個。
線上獎盃: 無
DLC獎盃: 無
100%獎盃難度評價: 2.0/10 簡單
= [1]╳25% + [2]╳25% + [3]╳50%
= 3╳25% + 3╳25% + 1╳50%
= 0.75 + 0.75 + 0.5
= 2.0
[1]操作技術難度: 3/10 簡單
[2]關卡設計難度 3/10 簡單
[3]花費時間難度: 1/10 很簡單
1.The First Of Many Courses: Collect a piece of scannable information [銅1]
2.You Spin Me Right Round: Make the world go round [銅2]
3.Learning To Listen: Collect an audiolog [銅3]
4.Environmental Analysis Part I: Complete an astrotool dossier profile [銅4]
5.Fly Me To The Moon: Bid farewell to our home planet [銅5]
6.Once Upon A Time In The Void: Check all links in the MPT network and start the journey to Tombaugh [金1]
7.The Witness: Witness a hologram [銅6]
8.The Mechanic: Find yourself a friend [銅7]
9.A Light In The Dark: Restore local MPT power to a base long abandoned [銅8]
10.Remember Me: Make your way through Copernicus Moonhub's lingering echoes [銀1]
11.Environmental Analysis Part II: Complete three astrotool dossier profiles [銅9]
12.Clearing The Way: Ensure safe passage to the source of the MPT [銀2]
13.Twin Flames: Realign the MPT towers to return local power to Moonhub [銅10]
14.A Light At The End Of The Tunnel: Check up on the MPT before escaping from a collapsing titan [銅11]
15.Lent Them Your Ears: Collect all audiologs [銀3]
16.What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity: Witness all holograms [銀4]
17.Delivered Us The Moon: Stir a sleeping giant, save the world and reunite with an old friend [金2]
[註]破關後可以選等級,共6關,每關右下都有數據收集的數字,如7/7表示收集完了,但不包括每關一本漫畫(the Moonman comic series),去解沒收集到的要素,注意要到下個檢查點才會紀錄。
18.Environmental Analysis Part III: Complete seven astrotool dossier profiles [銀5]
19.In The Nick Of Time: Reach the Taurus V with only seconds to go [銅12]
20.Houston, We've Had A Problem: Forget your training [銅13]
21.Moonbear: If only Kathy could see this [銀6]
22.Have A Seat: Take a seat outside to admire the view [銀7]
23.Gasping For Air: Find oxygen when death seemed certain [銅14]
24.Not A Scratch: Remain unharmed during an electrifying standoff [銀8]
25.Among The Stars: One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind [銀9]
26.Stargazer: Survive outside for 30 minutes [銀10]
27.Goodbye, Old Friend: Bring a companion cell on a rocky road trip [金3]
28.The Aquanaut: They all float down there [金4]
29.The Observer And The Observed: Collect all scannable information [銀11]
30.Environmental Analysis Part IV: Complete ten astrotool dossier profiles [金5]
31.Now You See Me: Find the rhythm to a source of overwhelming power [銅15]
32.Cosmic Marveller: Read all entries of the Moonman comic series [銀12]
33.Mankind's Brightest: Collect all of Deliver Us The Moon's trophies [白金]
FIN ^ ^