The Sexy Brutale
日文: セクシー・ブルテイル
發售年: 2017年
遊戲開發公司: Cavalier Game Studios、 Tequila Works
攻略遊戲版本: PS4
100%獎盃數: 共19個。
線上獎盃: 無
DLC獎盃: 無
2021年12月份PS PLUS免費遊戲。PS+贈送遊戲,領了好段時間沒玩,這款是可愛版風格,畫風有點像早期2D遊戲3D固定背景的遊戲,但細節不錯,畫質也不低,沒看到點陣圖的顆粒狀。劇情滿有趣,有點黑暗,算是一個滿悲哀的故事,每個人一開始都戴著一個面具,主角是一個老人,要解開這些謎題,找到事情的真正經過。
100%獎盃難度評價: 2.0/10 很簡單
[1]操作技術難度(25%): 2/10 很簡單
[2]關卡設計難度(25%): 4/10 簡單
[3]花費時間難度(50%): 1/10 很簡單 (約5小時)
1.The End of the Beginning: You saw everything the Bloody Girl has to show you. Time to get to work. [銅1]
2.Sixpence None the Wiser: You saved Reginald Sixpence. The mansion clocks are yours to command. [銀1]
3.To Defeat the Spider's Curse…: You saved Trinity and Clay. The quietest of sounds are clear to you. [金1]
4.The Devil and the Blue: You saved Willow Blue. You can see things that should remain unseen. [銀2]
5.Tequila, Down the Hatch: You saved Tequila Belle. Glass shatters at your word. [銀3]
6.A (Stylish) Sense of Dread: You have encountered a chilling figure in the heart of the mansion. [銅2]
7.An Electric Performance!: You saved Greyson and Redd. The locks of the mansion open for you. [金2]
8.Stories and Studies of Strange Things: You discovered the library. What secrets does it hide? [銀4]
9.The Light Fantastic: You smashed a priceless chandelier with your voice. Vandalism! [銅3]
10.Out of the Frying Pan…: You saved Aurum and Thanos. The secrets of the mansion are yours to learn. [金3]
11.The King in Red: You encountered the deep Lord of the mansion. A prison in his own bloodied tears. [金4]
12.How Scenical! How Scenical!: You discovered the mansion grounds. A beautiful, terrible sight. [銀5]
13.…Into the Fire: You have survived the burning mansion. For some reason, it feels hotter than ever. [銅4]
14.The Tale of the Sexy Brutale: The pieces are in place. But the picture is still not complete… [金5]
15.Finding Forever: You spilled the deepest secrets at the heart of the Sexy Brutale. [銀6]
16.A Full Deck: You collected every card available within the mansion. Someone will be very pleased … [金6]
17.The Gang's All Here: You possess every invite sent to every guest. It is a full — if macabre — collection. [金7]
18.The Door of Old Habits…: You have unlocked the door to a deep, dark place. Some things never die. [金8]
19.Totale Brutale: You have unlocked every trick, secret and note that the mansion has to offer. [白金]
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