
cryptic 的意義與起源

擺渡人 | 2021-08-24 23:34:47 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 134



What It Means

Cryptic refers to something that is difficult to understand or that has or appears to have a hidden meaning.

Cryptic 是指難以理解或具有或似乎具有隱藏含義的事物。

// The children were stumped by the cryptic lettering that the gas company had marked on the street.



"Major League Baseball teased an upcoming announcement Tuesday with a cryptic tweet captioned: 'Big things coming.' At this point, no one really knows what this means, except that whatever MLB plans to announce Wednesday might possibly maybe have something to do with the moon, which, in the mysterious tweet, was edited to look like a baseball hovering over the date, 6.23.21." — Michelle R. Martinelli, USA Today, 22 June 2021

“美國職業棒球大聯盟在週二用一條神秘的推文取笑了即將發布的公告,標題為:‘大事即將來臨。’ 在這一時刻上,沒有人真正知道這意味著什麼,除了 MLB 計劃在周三宣布的任何內容都可能與月球有關,在神秘的推文中,月球被編輯成看起來像一個在日期上盤旋的棒球, 6.23.21。” — Michelle R. Martinelli,今日美國,2021.6.22

Did You Know?

The history of cryptic starts with kryptein, a Greek word meaning "to hide." Can you uncover other kryptein relatives in English? Not surprisingly, crypt, meaning "underground chamber," is one. The element krypton would be another correct guess, and so would apocrypha, which can mean "writings of dubious authenticity.

cryptic 的歷史起於 kryptein ,這個希臘單字意義為躲藏。你能在英語中發現其他 kryptein 親戚嗎?意外地,crypt ,意思是“地下室”,就是其中之一。元素氪將是另一個正確的猜測,而 apocrypha 也是如此,這可能意味著“可疑的真實性的著作”。

" Kryptein also gave us several words having to do with secret codes, such as cryptogram ("a communication in cipher or code") and cryptography ("the coding and decoding of secret messages"). And cryptocurrency is currency that exists digitally and that relies on computer encryption (secret code) to prevent counterfeiting and fraud.

Kryptein 也給了我們幾個與神祕密碼碼有關的詞,例如密文(“密碼或代碼中的通信”)和密碼學(“秘密消息的編碼和解碼”)。和加密貨幣是一種數位貨幣,依靠計算機加密(密碼)來防止偽造和欺詐。


currency  是由 cur (流動) +ency (名詞) 合起來就是流動的東西,可以衍生出貨幣,甚至直面來翻作流通,形容詞可翻作現在的;通用的,可以當作流動;奔跑的意思的字根也有 cour,cor 。
順便講一下, apocrypha  還記得上面 crypt 有隱藏的意思吧,apo (遙遠) ,字尾的 a (名詞,如+L就是形容詞),一起看並衍伸就是杜撰(就像聊齋一樣),在宗教上就是外典;偽經,如果變成容詞的話就是不可靠的;捏造的。
而 fate/apocrypha  的標題也可被稱作外傳,畢竟原本就不算正史(雖然小說我覺得還不錯看,動畫還沒看只聽過片尾曲的 Désir )。

