
英文功課 明日方舟職業介紹 醫療篇

Jingle | 2020-12-16 00:47:39 | 巴幣 10 | 人氣 107


Medics are ranged operators and restore the HP of other operators and themselves.
They are one of the few HP recovery methods in Arknights. Their ATK represents how much HP they heal. Folinic is the only Medic who has the ability to deal damage to enemies. They usually have moderate ATK, low HP, DEF, ASPD, and no RES. Some of them could also provide buffs to other operators. There are four types of Medics.

Single-Target (ST) Medic
Single-Target Medics heal 1 allies at a time with high ATK and high DP cost.
Such as Shining is a representative operator.

Wide-Range Medic
A sub-archetype of ST Medics. Wide-Range Medics heal 1 allies at a time with low ATK and high DP cost.
They have a large healing range, but the healing amount on farther targets is reduced to 70%
Such as Ceylon is a representative operator.

Area of Effect (AoE) Medic
AoE Medics heal 3 allies simultaneously with low ATK and low DP cost.
Such as Ptilopsis is a representative operator.

Special Medic
Lancet-2 has the unique characteristics that unlike other Medics: she restores the HP of allies and ignores the Deployment Limit, but has a long Redeployment Time.


