
英文功課 明日方舟職業介紹 先鋒篇

Jingle | 2020-12-16 00:43:51 | 巴幣 12 | 人氣 155

Vanguards are melee operators and cause physical damage. They have low DP costs and have the ability to generate DP, so deploying them first is a good choice. They usually have moderate HP, ATK, DEF, and with no RES; that allows them against the initial enemies. There are four types of Vanguards.

Skill-DP-Recovery Vanguard
Skill-DP-Recovery Vanguards generate DP with their skills. They can block up 2 enemies, have high DEF and low ATK. Such as Siege is a representative operator.

DP-On-Kill Vanguard
DP-On-Kill Vanguards could obtain 1 DP after they defeat an enemy. When they retreated could refund the original DP Cost, unlike other operators who just refund half. They can block up 1 enemy, have high ATK, ASPD, and low DEF. Such as Bagpipe is a representative operator.

Supportive Vanguard
A sub-archetype of Skill-DP-Recovery Vanguards. Supportive Vanguards can block up 1 enemy, but they neither block enemies and attack during the skill duration. By contrast, they could generate more DP than Skill-DP-Recovery Vanguards. They also provide some support to other operators. Such as Myrtle is a representative operator.

Special Vanguard
Yato has unique characteristics that unlike other Vanguards: she has very low redeployment time, but she cannot generate DP.


