

典獄長 | 2016-11-11 15:02:05 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 254

(Day 10, 14:00, National Stadium Basketball Court)
      They came back to Kaohsiung to walking around here. “We have to get some fast getaway vehicles, and I suggest motorcycles are the best.” said Feng. “Where can we get them?” asked Liang.”Notorious Formosan Agents have 4 Ducati bikes with nitro boost system, they keep them in an apartment at North Qijin.”
     “Just some flocks of chickens.” “You think we can defeat them easily? They just recruited a lot of new members for rioting!” “Don’t scared of the mobs, hop on the bikes and go, piece of cake.”
     They took Su’s car to the apartment. Liang scouting outside with his binoculars: “Look, their equipment have improved for several years, but lots of covers and our agile move can take advantage. Put onthe masks we taken from Alkaid.”
     “Liang, you hold east, me and Su attackfrom south, Jian stand at north.” said Zhou.
     Jian waited until a member walking out, hestabbed him and running up to the stairs, “I’m in, your show now!” “Acknowledged!”
*******Imagine the combat scene by yourselves*******
    Eliminated all enemies, they started searching bikes.
Zhou found one at basement garage; Su tore down the canvas and found another; Jian found another in storage; Liang found last one behind the couch.
     “Now we ride them to the escape point.”“They know their apartment has been compromised, sending more agents to neutralize.” warned Feng. “We have nitro boost, can ride very fast indeed,avoid taking serious damage.” They rammed out of the garage and heading to the destination.
******Still imagine the scene******
      Su threw a grenade to a big road sign, it crashed and blocked the pursuing cars. Their escape point is a residential block. “I chose here, not a criminal hot spot and police can’t track us easily,we can play hide and seek with them before dash.” said Zhou. “But why we take a large circle around to here? We should take ferry then! Local residents were spooked!”complained Liang. “This is faster and safer. At least all setups are done,exhibition ends in two weeks, wait till chance comes.”

