

典獄長 | 2016-10-30 10:52:57 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 139

(NoSF Group 23rd,Oslo Suburbs, Norway)
    “There’re some idiots diverted into mining business, MS Stein Quarry recruited a lot of bums work for them. Mining needs skills controlling heavy machinery, and this usually can complete by few workers, what is the purpose of hiring so many guys? I guess this related to drug abuse in South Scandinavia.” said Chief Preben, who was a miner.
     Baard checking his tablet: “According to EuroCloud data, they imported a new drug called Glucomab Arimicin, an alkaloid,estimated price is 5.74 million Euros.” “Your mission is to grab the drug,deliver them to our hideout in Bekkelaget, since you might under an intense attack, we provide you with an armored jeep with mounted machine gun.”
     “Quarry? Sounds like a labyrinth to me,ascending and descending in spiral makes me ill.” complained Robin. “Don’t be silly. Defeating the enemies in order, not in a rush.” said Rune. Then they four set off to the quarry.
(Two hours later)
      They drove up to the hill nearby, Rune was looking for the enemy’s location. ”Some of them equipped with heavy weapons,must take them down first. Svend, you protect us!” then gave a sniper rifle to Svend, “We three get into the quarry, find the drugs and pick you up.” Jeep ran through the lane, crashed the guards.
*****Imaginethe combat scene by yourselves*****
    They reached the center of the quarry, only see some heavy machinery, “This might spend a couple of minutes…” then started searching.
    Finally they found some brown bricks behind the excavator, “These brown bricks are definitely drugs. But how can we deliver out of here?” “Two trucks over there, load them up and send to Bekkelaget!”
     After they’re ready to move, Svend saw a row of enemy approaching. ”They’re surrounding you! But don’t afraid of mobs,stay cool and go up to surface!” Baard broke away from trucks, driving the jeep to Svend, Svend jumped onto the jeep, started shooting the enemies.
******Still imagine the scene******
     “You’re alive? How are the drugs?” “Jeep is heavily damaged, trucks are fine. Looks like they did their best to return the goods. We are almost there.”
      As soon as they arrived, Preben checks the drugs. “I can smell that odor from two miles away, let me see what are they form…” he broke a brick in half and found incredible things inside: shiny and colorful small gems! “I know, MS Stein is not only on the drug trafficking payroll but also help smuggling these gems from there, this company’s supervisors might getting frightened for a more serious problem.” “Mission is complete,next step is……”      
    “You look tired, have some lunch, thanks for your help, I can check the rest.” said Preben.

