

典獄長 | 2016-11-06 07:42:15 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 149

(Day 2, 7:35)
    “Wake up, everyone! Today’s mission is find the jammer, I just checked the detector, jammer is on one of a Takkyubin delivery trucks, but there has 4 signals. I need you to take their photos of license plates and send them to me.” said Feng, ”And I suggest you ride scooters for each person.” “We must get them in time, later we have some brunch!” said Zhou.
    Then they set off and searching the trucks in the city. “We have only an hour left, jammer will be targeted by police as soon as run out of time, must find them quickly!”
7:43, Liang found one at Dream Mall.
7:50, Zhou found another at Kaohsiung International Airport.
7:59, Su found another at K-Arena.
8:02, Jian found the other near a corner store.
    “Follow the trucks, wait for me check the plates……” Feng type the plate numbers into the system, finally Su’s matched her result. “Su, the truck you following matches the data, find a chance to takeaway.”
    Su followed it until stopped to load, then he drove it away. “I got the truck with jammer, where are you now?” “We have only 20 minutes left, rendezvous at a warehouse in Fengshan, I will go to there.”said Feng.
     Su arrived the warehouse, so did Feng with her laptop. “Let me see, it might put in the body…” she opened the rear doors and found a grey cube stuck inside.”Ah, here it is, is not too late to rewrite it.” She hacked into the jammer,connection to law enforcement defused, but another problem has risen.
    “What’s up?” “I can’t modify the frequency match with security system there, but I know a guy,he has skills that beyond our reach.” “Can we call him?” “We haven’t been in touch for 5 years, I don’t know what happened to him, wait until I know his status.”

