

可以 | 2023-01-16 09:15:05 | 巴幣 104 | 人氣 379

all in all總之
in case 以免/萬一
make it up to sb./make up for sth. 補償某人某事
deal with=cope with=handle
be equipped with
consist of=be composed of=be made up of
in turn轉而、因而
be used as被用來...
take advantage of sth/sb利用
be out of one’s mind發瘋了
take one’s chances冒險
aim to +VR 目標是
protest A from/against B
get rid of擺脫 +N
work out健身
from scratch從無到有、從頭開始
turn out +toV/that S + V
包括主動用法:inclusive of=including
whether A or B無論A或B
bring up提出;養育
in need of +N 需要...
that is (to say)=in other words
find out發現
all the time=at all times  一直
get away with + N 逍遙法外;安然無事
break the ice打破沉默
have an effect/impact/influence on +N
be interested in= take interest in +N
pick up接送;理解
regardless of=in spite of = despite
on the contrary =in/by contrast
think over+N 仔細考慮
make a... impression on sb.
in all probability 大概、很有可能
be concerned with +N和...有關
in the long term=in the long run
take up占用 (時間/空間)
all over the world=(all) around the world
large amount of=a large amount of
take place=happen=occur=be held
up to高達
and the like=and so on/forth 諸如此類
in that way=by doing so 那樣的話
play a... part in...=play a... role in...
stand in lines=line up
line up with + N對齊
even worse更糟的是
put forward提出
identify A as B 視A為B
vanish into thin air消失得無影無蹤
pitch in to VR(或直接句點)協力做出貢獻
chip in贊助
from time to time=at times,on occasion 有時候
keep in shape=stay fit 保持身材
read up on +N 仔細研究
make an appointment with sb.
free of免於
use up=run out of
get along with +N 和...相處
lean against/on N 倚靠
distinguish A from B=tell A from B區分A和B不同
at will 隨意
In the sense of N 就...的意義上
In a ... manner=In a ... way
tens of thousands of + N 成千上萬
In line with 與...一致
a ton of N=tons of/a lot of N
see... in action親身體驗
1. from door to door挨家挨戶
2. in the meanwhile同時
3. be qualified for有...的資格
4. have no alternative/chance/option but to VR
5. from generation to generation一代又一代(世世代代)
6. dig in開始用餐
7. be crazy about很喜歡
8. A, B, C, and so on/forth等等,A, B, C, etc.
9. by no means=not at all絕不
10. have no nerves泰然自若
11. deprive sb of sth. 剝奪某人某事物
12. here and there到處都是
13. in the long run
14. out of order, fault, broken故障
15. fed up with厭倦
16. for ages=in ages=for a long time很長一段時間
17. be busy with
18. aid sb in sth.助於
19. hunt for/search for
20. a real bargain物美價廉之物
21. brag about吹牛、自誇、炫耀
22. lie on取決於;lie in睡懶覺
23. in a row連續
24. be up to從事;正在(做什麼)
25. deceive=lie騙

call for接應(某人)/需要(某事)
Someone will call for you when it’s your turn to go on stage.
This kind of work calls for a lot of marketing skills.

call on拜訪/號召、請求
I’m going to call on one of my former classmates.
He called on the workers to fight for their rights.

call up打電話給某人/想起某事物/徵召、選派某人
I will call you up tomorrow.
She can still call up scenes of childhood.
The government is calling up men for the army.

call back收回/回電
The bank has begun to call back its money.
I will call back at a more convenient time.

call in召集/邀請/拜訪/請求收回
Please call in the pupils to get into the school hall.
How many friends did you call in?
He called in on his friends on the way home.
The library is calling in all outstanding books.

call off取消/喊走
They want us to call off the strikes.(罷工)
Can you call off your dog?

call to action行動呼籲
He ended his speech with a call to action.

call to mind想起某人、某事物
I know her face but I can’t call her name to mind.

call into question對...表示懷疑
His honesty was called into question.

1. look up查找(search,seek);向上看
2. look up to仰慕(respect);抬頭看
3. look out向外看;當心(be careful)
4. look away看向別處

1. set up建立、設定、陷害
2. set back 延遲、倒退
3. set in 來到: Spring has set in very early this year.
4. set to 開始(begin,start);毆打或爭吵
5. set on(+Ving)決定;攻擊(attack)
6. set down=write down=take down寫下來
7. set sb. against 競爭、對抗
8. set aside 儲存、不理會、駁回
9. set out/off出發;set out toV(決定)
10. set about +N 著手某事

1. come up 上來、出現(appear)、意外發生
2. come in 進來、收到(消息)、流行、漲潮
3. come out消息傳開、=appear、=publish、出去(社交活動)
4. come on!快點、加油、算了。當動詞:剛開始
5. come down倒塌、下來、=decrease
6. come down on =scold
7. come across看起來(好像)、run into=bump into;但是come across還有遇見某事的意思
8. come over過來、=feel
9. come at撲向
10. come along=with
11. come off脫落、分離:The paint is starting to come off the wall in the kitchen.

1. take-out外帶
2. take up佔時間、空間;take sth. up with sb.=discuss sth. with sb.
3. take after 像(個性或長相)
4. take back收回/回憶起
5. take off起飛、脫掉;take+時間+off請假、休假
6. take sth. down抄筆記、寫下
7. take sth. in吸收;領會=understand
8. take sb. in收留
9. take sth. on承擔(責任)
10. take over=occupy=control
11. take sb. on 雇用某人、與某人競爭
12. take sb. out請某人
13. take it out on sb.對某人出氣
14. take sb. through sth.對某人說明某事
15. take for認為
16. take sb./sth.in hand 負責某人;處理某事
17. take A into consideration/account考慮到A

1. back up備份、後退、增援(reinforce)
2. back away=get away=back off逃脫
3. back down打退堂鼓
4. back out (of)退出
5. back and forth/to and fro來回地

1. move around 走來走去
2. move in 住進新居
3. move on 繼續前進
4. move out 搬出;開始行動

1. bring up 提起(話題);養育
2. bring over 帶上某個物品
3. bring alone 帶某人或某物
4. bring forth 生育、發表
5. bring out 發表、發布

1. push ahead +sth. 堅決繼續
2. push sb. around 迫使sb.就範
3. push sth. back 把某事延後
4. push back=against sth./sb. 反擊

1. walk into 撞到東西
2. walk by經過;walk through走過
3. walk about 徘徊

1. sign in 登記、登入、簽到
2. sign off 停筆;停播;辭職=resign
3. sign on 領失業救濟金;同意;開播:雇用
4. sign out 登出
5. sign up 報名;訂閱
6. sign with簽約
7. sign sth. away 簽字放棄
8. sign for 簽收

1. turn on sb. 背叛某人
2. turn up調高音量;出現(=show up)
3. turn down音量調小;拒絕(=reject,refuse)
4. turn over翻面;交出某物(轉移)
5. turn over a new leaf改過自新
6. turn around轉身;改變心意。turn sth. around某事出現轉機
7. It turn out that 結果是...
8. turn in 繳交
9. turn to轉而求助
10. turn into 變成
11. turn away轉頭不看
12. turn the tables反敗為勝;翻盤

1. be made of由...製成的(看得見原料)
2. be made from由...製成的(看不見原料)
3. be made out of(轉換型態成別的東西)
4. be made with由...組成(菜餚裡的成分)
5. make for導致/攻擊/去往
6. make over 翻新/轉交
7. make off逃走;make off for=leave for去往
8. make up組成/化妝/和解;make up for sth.補償
9. make out親熱/結果=turn out/了解意義=figure out
10. make it抵達某地/達成目標
11. make (no) sense (不)合理
12. make a fortune/killing發財、賺大錢
13. make a living 維生
14. make no difference to=have no influence/impact/effect on
15. make ends meet 收支平衡
16. make use of=take advantage of

1. against time(adv.)分秒必爭:Leave me alone! I’m working against time.
2. against all expectation出乎意料地
3. against all odds 克服一切困難
4. She is complaining all the time, which annoys me.
5. of all time有史以來:Grace Kelly is considered one of the most beautiful woman of all time.
6. all time faverite 有史以來的最愛
7. at times有時:At times, people make mistakes even when they ’re doing what they ’re good at.
8. at times=occasionally=once in a time=from time to time
9. stall for time 拖延時間
10. at a time同時 Don’t try to do everything at a time, or you might screw up all of them.
11. at a time=simultaneously=at one time=at once=at the same time
12. in time及時趕上:He braked his car just in time. As a result, no one get hurt.
13. in no time=very quickly:In no time, you will find out he’s not as perfect as you think.
14. mark time混時間:I feel like I’ m just marking time in this job.
15. take sb’s time慢慢來:Just take your time and don’t be panicked.
16. do a overtime加班;over time(adv.)隨著時間

1. give off 擺出(某種樣子)、擴大、散發(味道液體)
2. give onto 面向、朝向
3. give out 分發;衰退壞掉;用盡、公布、發出
4. give over停止、交付給
5. give in 讓步
6. give away 贈送、背叛
7. give back 歸還、恢復
8. give sb. a hand幫忙

1. break into闖入
2. break in插嘴、闖入
3. breakdown(n.) 崩潰、故障;break down(v.)
4. break away掙脫、決裂
5. break with tradition;break with斷絕關係
6. break off折斷、分開;突然停頓
7. break through 突破、克服=overcome
8. break one’s words 食言、毀約
9. break the ice 打破僵局
10. break up分手
11. breaking news 即時新聞
12. heartbreaking=sad
13. break out爆發、越獄

1. run into/across=bump into=come across巧遇
2. run for (election)競選
3. run out of sth.用完sth.
4. run behind+time落後
5. run against sb/sth.和某人/某事競爭
6. run sth by sb.告訴某人某事
7. run after=chase=pursue;run over碾過
8. run point 主導
9. run wild 任其發展、肆意妄為
10. run(v.) round in circles=in vain(adv.)徒勞無功

1. stay out of 避開、遠離
2. stay in 待在家
3. stay on繼續留下來
4. stay out在外逗留
5. stay over 留宿、過夜
6. I stayed up late last night.

1. let off 釋放
2. let on(=spill the beans)
3. let alone=not to speak of=much less=still less;not to mention後接N/Ving;still more=much more前為肯定句

1. live up to sth.(expectations, promises) 符合;不辜負
2. live with=put up with=tolerare=endure
3. live on繼續存在

1. pass up (on) 傳遞機會
2. pass on to傳遞、轉移
3. pass on傳遞物品
4. pass over 越過、跳過
5. pass by世代輪替、交棒
6. pass out 昏倒
7. pass off說服他人想法(=convince,persuade)
8. pass around=distribute分配

1. get about/around 旅行、消息流傳
2. get along 離開(某地);get along with相處很好
3. get down=write down=take down=sign down
4. get over走過、越過、克服、痊癒
5. get through用完 、通過(考試)、度過(時間)
6. get sb. to do sth.使役用法
7. get away with逃脫

1. fall out 爭吵(quarrel);掉出來
2. fall behind 落後;積欠
3. fall for掉入情網、被(花言巧語)騙
4. fall through 失敗、泡湯
5. fall on (某日) 正逢;fall in+(月份)
6. fall in坍塌

1. burn down 燒毀
2. burn off 燒盡
3. burn out 筋疲力盡
4. burn up燒盡;burn sb. up 某人火大
5. burst into 突然(起火、笑出來)

1. concern about(for)=be concerned about(for)擔心
2. concern with=be concerned with 關於=about=concerning=regarding
3. concern(n.) 在乎、考量
4. concern sb. 令人某人擔心的是:It concerns the mother that her children eat too much junk food. What concerns people is the govornment’s lack of preparation.
5. concerned,concerning(a.) 擔心的
6. As far as I’m concerned, 關於我的看法
7. To whom it may concern, 敬啟者

1. go into 深入討論
2. go off爆炸、生氣到爆炸、鬧鐘警示燈響起
3. go on +toV(改作別的事)/Ving(繼續原來的)、What’s going on here?發生什麼事?
4. go on with +N繼續
5. go out 出去玩、火滅了
6. go over+sth. =review
7. go through複習(=go over)、經歷
8. go under破產、倒閉
9. go further 更進一步

1. leave A behind 把A留下
2. leave off停止、結束(=stop):We ’re decided to leave off eating meat for a while.
3. leave out (=delete)


菇扇(bloom into citrus
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