

原來我是漆原派啊 | 2016-06-13 11:54:15 | 巴幣 6 | 人氣 3793

Capcom Unity: SFV Cinematic Story and Additional June Updates
Saikyo Blog: ストV「ゼニー廃止措置」・「ゼネラルストーリー」紹介 & ウルIVキャンペーンについて

★Cinematic Story: “A Shadow Falls” (闇影落下)
The SFV Story Expansion is a 3~4 hour experience titled “A Shadow Falls” and will be released at the end of this month as free DLC to all SFV players. The 5 chapter story takes place between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III and bridges the events that happen in between the two stories. This is the first time in franchise history that fans will be able to play through this type of cinematic experience in a Street Fighter game.

The Street Fighter V Cinematic Story Expansion, “A Shadow Falls,” depicts the ultimate battle between the evil Shadaloo organization and the heroic World Warriors who rise up against them. Seven “Black Moons” are deployed by Shadaloo, granting M. Bison unimaginable power and enveloping the earth in total darkness. Seeing the moons mysteriously appear in the sky, Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li embark on an epic journey around the world to retrieve fragment pieces that are the key to stopping the “Black Moons” before it’s too late. Along the way, they encounter the rest of the World Warriors, each of whom have their own agendas and motivations in mind. The final battle between good and evil begins now… who will RISE UP?

The next related piece of awesome news: all six DLC characters are fully playable in the story mode. That’s right, in addition to Alex, Guile, and Ibuki, that means that Balrog, Urien, and Juri are also playable! The official release of these characters will not be until later in the year, which means everyone will get to play them in advance through this mode. For the DLC characters that haven’t been released at the time the story comes out, those characters shouldn’t be considered final or tournament ready, as they still need to be properly polished and balanced. So, think of this as a free preview of the characters and enjoy playing with them before they get officially released in the other competitive game modes.

Finally, you’ll be able to earn Fight Money from completing the story mode as well! A higher difficulty becomes unlocked after clearing the normal mode, which you can also earn extra Fight Money from:
Normal Mode= 30,000 FM / Extra Mode*= 50,000 FM / TOTAL= 80,000 FM
*Extra Mode (higher difficulty) unlocks after you complete Normal mode

ストリートファイターシリーズは今まで、アーケードモードのスタート時やエンディング時でしか語られなかった各キャラクターのストーリーですが、このゼネラルストーリーはこれまで語られなかった “シャドルーとの戦い”を舞台にした壮絶な物語を体験できるのです。







ノーマルモード= 30,000 FM エキストラモード*= 50,000 FM 合計= 80,000 FM
*エキストラモード(高難易度) はノーマルモードクリア後、解放されます。

◆ 劇情遊戲時間高達3~4小時(美國情報) / 2小時以上(日本情報)
◆ 劇情3D動畫與戰鬥部份之間切換 (應該參考的是DOA5吧? GGXrd的故事模式是純動畫)
◆ 可使用今年預定收錄的所有DLC角色, 包括尚未釋出的拳王, 蛛俐, 武論尊
◆ 以上角色到正式釋出為止都只能在總合劇情模式使用, 尚未進行對戰平衡調整之故
◆ 通常難度的故事模式全破後可取得30,000FM, 解開高難度, 高難度全破後可取得50,000FM

★In-Game Currency System Changes (重大系統變更)
We have an important announcement regarding the in-game currency system. We will no longer be introducing Zenny to Street Fighter V as a real money currency option. After extensive testing and development, we came to the conclusion that it was not necessary in order to carry out our original vision for the product. Instead, we will be utilizing the PlayStation Store and Steam stores to carry out real money transactions.

Our plan for the in-game economy of SFV was always to provide players with choice. Fight Money remains as the basic currency that players can earn for FREE through gameplay and utilize to purchase characters and other awesome downloadable content like stages and costumes. For players who want to just purchase the content outright, instead of introducing Zenny, the process will be much more familiar with purchases happening through the established first party infrastructures.

The in-game store will be upgraded with the PlayStation Store and Steam real money purchase options as part of the update in late June. At the same time, the free trial period for Alex and Guile will come to an end as we previously had stated. Players will need to either obtain the characters through Fight Money, real money, or the season pass to continue using them after the update. We hope that everyone has enjoyed throwing down with these fearsome fighters and feels inclined to pick them up after testing them out during the free trial period!

We know fans have also been wondering about how content will be priced, so we created this handy chart which breaks down the content in Fight Money and real money pricing:
Items / Fight Money / Real Currency
New Characters / 100,000 / $ 5.99 or € 5.99
New Stages / 70,000 / $ 3.99 or € 3.99
Alternate Stages / 40,000 / $ 1.99 or € 1.99
Story Costumes / 40,000 / $ 1.99 or € 1.99
Premium Costumes / NA / $ 3.99 or € 3.99

本来ゼニーで購入予定となっていたコンテンツについては、次回アップデート(Ver.1.04)にて、PS StoreまたはSteamから有料コンテンツとして購入できる仕組みを導入することとなりました。

ゼニーの廃止にともない、「1ゼニー」=「200ファイトマネー」換算で、ゼニーをファイトマネーに変換いたします。数量限定特典や特別パッケージ特典、またシーズンパスの説明等で説明させていただいていた、ゼニーでしか買えないコンテンツは、PS StoreまたはSteamから有料コンテンツとして販売致します。そのためこの度の措置によって購入できるコンテンツは、ファイトマネーで購入できるアイテムのみとなってしまいます。具体的には、下記のカテゴリー価格となる予定です。
項目 / ファイトマネー(FM) / 価格(円)
新キャラクター / 100,000 / 600
新ステージ / 70,000 / 400
アレンジステージ / 40,000 / 200
ストーリーコスチューム / 40,000 / 200
アレンジコスチューム(戦闘服) / NA / 400

ご覧になると分かる通り、アレンジコスチューム(以下アレコス)は当初ゼニーでのみ購入できるコンテンツとして作成していたため、PS StoreまたはSteamからの購入となってしまっていますこと、ご理解いただければ幸いです。




◆ 原本預定的Zenny與Fight Money雙軌遊戲貨幣制度取消
◆ Zenny制度捨棄, 直接改為PSStore / Steam直接實付購買
◆ 原本特典附有Zenny的, 下次更新時直接以1:200換算為FM給持有的玩家
◆ 開放試玩的傲軍與軍佬將於下次更新後必須購入才能遊玩

雖說本來Zenny制度就是變向課金了, 現在改成直接課金的因素是...?


2016-06-13 20:04:39
2016-06-14 13:20:31

2016-06-16 01:42:43
2016-06-28 22:48:34
這新開的劇情是什麼意思呀? 本來版本沒有劇情嘛??O_O
2016-06-16 14:52:32
本來的個人劇情很簡短, 新增的是主軸劇情.
2016-06-28 22:47:21
