
Biden boosts green ambitions among private sector

dk00z00 | 2021-03-28 22:36:26 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 115

時事列點1 (2021/03/28)

US is the second-largest producer of carbon emission country in the world.
The recent several actions and announcement about climate change in US:
(1) In order to position climate change at center in US policy, Biden signed some executive orders and rejoin the Paris agreement.
(2) The new position, " Special presidential envoy for climate", is created to raise the issue of climate change.
(3) The department of Energy has 40 billion for loan to clean-energy start-up.
(4) The US will reconvene the Major Economies Forum on energy and climate
(5) The US will pursue green recovery efforts, the clean energy transition and sectoral decarbonization

The portion of information mention above are from the website of white house.

