
The euraption of volcano near iceland's capital Reykjavik

dk00z00 | 2021-03-22 11:26:59 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 126

時事的英文寫作2 (2021/03/22)

After more than 50000 earthquakes occurs in Island, Icelanders had been preparing themselves for an eruption for several weeks. Finally, a volcano erupted on Martch 19 near the Iceland's capital Reykjavik.
Lava burst through a crack in the Earth's crust hundreds of metres long. The sky turned red via a series of small fountains  at night. The last eruption there was approximately 800 years ago.
Fortunately, this eruption has not spewed out much ash, and current gas pollution is not expected to cause problem for people.

