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Our Place(ACCA13區監察課)
作者:SPT草包│2017-07-05 07:28:04│巴幣:10│人氣:1037
Our PlaceACCA13區監察課 ED2
作詞:Konnie Aoki
請按我Our lives, our world, our days hereafter我們的生活,我們的世界,今後我們的日子Our lives, our world, our days, our futures我們的生活,我們的世界,我們的將來Thinking in my brain在我大腦中思考著How could I remember everything?我如何能記得每一件事?Reality; the only truth to me is you and I, we keep alive現實;這對我唯一的真實是你與我,我們保持活著Arrive past the betraying and the pain (and the pain)跨越過這個背叛與這份痛苦(與這份痛苦)All the enjoyment and the days spent playin' (spent playin')所有的享樂與日子都用盡於玩樂中(用盡於玩樂中)Feelin' no fear acceptin' this "fate"感受不到害怕接受這份“命運”Vision all clear ahead in every way幻覺全部清空在各條道路上向前Looking back on you and me, 動き出したコンパスLooking back on you and me, うごきだしたこんばLooking back on you and me, u go ki da shi ta ko n ba回顧著你與我,開始轉動的羅盤Looking back and now I see, 抱き寄せるようなLooking back and now I see, だきよせるようなLooking back and now I see, da ki yo se ru yo o na回顧著並且現在我看到了,好像抱了過來分かるはずのない, something like what goes onわかるはずのない, something like what goes onwa ka ru ha zu no na i, something like what goes on沒有應該知道的,某事情好像發生了什麼変わりゆく日々は, passing on and onわりゆくひびは, passing on and onwa ri yu ku hi bi wa, passing on and on逐漸改變的日子,不斷重複經過すれ違う 意味をすれちがう いみをsu re chi ga u i mi wo詢問著 擦肩而過的問いかける, where we'll goといかける, where we'll goto i ka ke ru, where we'll go意義,我們將去哪裡Watching days go by, come on, check your sight看著日子過去,過來,檢查你的視野ヒカリが描く この道の上ひかりがえが このみちのうえhi ka ri ga e ga ko no mi chi no we e光芒描繪著 在這條道路之上Still we gotta shine, gonna make it right我們仍然取得光芒,要去讓它正確トビラを開け Shine in our placeとびらをあげ Shine in our placeto bi ra wo a ge Shine in our place打開門扇照耀在我們的所在We know how to find, come on, check your sight我們知道如何去找到,過來,檢查你的視野輝くいま 果てなき明日へかがやくいま はてなきやせへka ga ya ku i ma ha te na ki ya se e光輝的現在 前往無盡的明天We'll know if we try, gonna make it right我們將會知道如果我們嘗試,要去讓它正確はじまりのサイン Shining in our placeはじまりのさいん Shining in our placeha ji ma ri no sa i n Shining in our place開始的信號照耀著我們的所在Our lives, our world, our days hereafter我們的生活,我們的世界,今後我們的日子Our lives, our world, our days, our futures我們的生活,我們的世界,我們的將來So まだ見ぬ場所へ, on the path we walk onSo まだみぬばしょへ, on the path we walk onSo ma da mi nu ba sho e, on the path we walk on所以前往還未見過的地方,在那小徑上我們走著The destination's been the same place all along終點的始終是同一個地方夢に舞う 日々をゆめにまう ひびをyu me ni ma u hi bi wo越過飛舞於 夢中越えていま, I move onこえていま, I move onko e te i ma, I move on的日子的現在,我持續移動Watching days go by, come on, check your sight看著日子過去,過來,檢查你的視野ヒカリが描く この道の上ひかりがえが このみちのうえhi ka ri ga e ga ko no mi chi no we e光芒描繪著 在這條道路之上Still we gotta shine, gonna make it right我們仍然取得光芒,要去讓它正確トビラを開け Shine in our placeとびらをあげ Shine in our placeto bi ra o a ge Shine in our place打開門扇照耀在我們的所在We know how to find, come on, check your sight我們知道如何去找到,過來,檢查你的視野輝くいま 果てなき明日へかがやくいま はてなきやせへka ga ya ku i ma ha te na ki ya se e光輝的現在 前往無盡的明天We'll know if we try, gonna make it right我們將會知道如果我們嘗試,要去讓它正確はじまりのサイン Shining in our placeはじまりのさいん Shining in our placeha ji ma ri no sa i n Shining in our place開始的信號照耀著我們的所在When each and every trust can betray當各自與每個信賴能夠背叛When you're surrounded by both the joy and the pain當你被高興與痛苦所包圍Hey, once you accept, we now can see嘿,一但你接受,我們現在可以看見Now you can move ahead現在你能向前移動Keep it rounded, walk with my grounded feet保持循環,跟隨我踩下的步伐Whether it's true or fake無論它是真的或假的Regardless which path I take不管我採取哪條途徑For I'll notice what I got to see都來自我將察覺我所看到的I'll arrive where I got to be我將會到達我要去的地方Our lives, our world, our days hereafter我們的生活,我們的世界,今後我們的日子Our lives, our world, our days, our futures我們的生活,我們的世界,我們的將來
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