Day 2

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Day 1
The values and principles of the UK
The fundamental principles of British life include:
- Democracy 民主
- The rule of law 法治
- Individual liberty 個人自由
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs 包容不同信仰信念
- Participation in community life 參與社區生活
As part of the citizenship ceremony, new citizens pledge to uphold these values. The pledge is:
'I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfill my duties and obligations as a British citizen.'
If you wish to be a permanent resident or citizen of the UK, you should:
- respect and obey the law 尊重和遵守法律
- respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions 尊重其他人的權利,包括他們表達個人意見的權利
- treat others with fairness 平等對待其他人
- look after yourself and your family 關顧自己及家人
- look after the area in which you live and the environment. 關顧你生活的地方和環境
In return, the UK offers:
- freedom of belief and religion 信仰自由
- freedom of speech 言論自由
- freedom from unfair discrimination 免於不公平歧視的自由
- a right to fair trial 公平審判的權利
- a right to join in the election of government 參與政府選舉的權利
What is the UK?
The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 'Great Britain' refers only to England, Scotland and Wales, not to Northern Ireland.
There are also several islands which are closely linked with the UK but are not part of it: ... These have their own governments and are called 'Crown dependencies'. There are also several British overseas territories in other parts of the world, such as ... They are also linked to the UK but are not a part of it. 有幾個島嶼與英國關係密切,但不是英國一部分。它們有自己的政府,稱為'皇家屬地'。還有一些英國海外領土在世界其他地方。它們與英國有關聯,但不是英國一部分。
Day 2
Early Britain
For much of the Stone Age, Britain was connected to the continent by a land bridge.
Britain only became permanently separated from the continent by the Channel about 10,000 years ago.
The first farmers arrived in Britain 6,000 years ago. The ancestors of these first farmers probably came from south-east Europe. These people built houses, tombs and monuments on the land.
第一批農民在6,000年前抵達不列顛。他們的祖先可能來自東南歐。這些人在此地建造房子,墳墓,紀念碑。(包括Stonehenge 巨石陣)
Around 4,000 years ago, people learned to make bronze. We call this period the Bronze Age. People lived in rough houses and buried their dead in tombs called round barrows.
約4,000年前,人們學到製作青銅。我們稱這時期為青銅器時代。人們住在簡陋房子裡,把屍體埋進稱為round barrows的墳墓裡。
The Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age, when people learned how to make weapons and tools out of iron.
They made the first coins to be minted in Britain, some inscribed with the names of Iron Age kings.
The Romans
Julius Caesar led a Roman invasion of Britain in 55 BC. → unsuccessful
In AD 43, Emperor Claudius led the Roman army in a new invasion... in occupying almost all of Britain.→ successful
Areas of what is now Scotland were never conquered by the Romans, and the Emperor Hadrian built a wall in the north of England to keep out the Picts (ancestors of the Scottish people). Included in the wall were several forts.
The Romans remained in Britain for 400 years. They built roads and public buildings, created a structure of law, and introduced new plants and animals, It was during the 3rd and 4th centuries AD that the first Christian communities began to appear in Britain.
Day 3
The Anglo-Saxons
The Roman army left Britain in AD 410 to defend other parts of the Roman Empire and never returned. Britain was again invaded by tribes from northern Europe: the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons.
..., by about AD 600, Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were established in Britain.
約西元 600年,在不列顛建立撒克遜王國。
Parts of the west of Britain, including much of what is now Wales, and Scotland, remained free of Anglo-Saxon rule.
The Vikings
The Vikings came from Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They first visited Britain in AD 789 to raid coastal towns and take away goods and slaves. Then, they began to stay and form their own communities in the east of England and Scotland. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England united under King Alfred the Great, who defeated the Vikings.
維京人來自丹麥、挪威和瑞典。他們在西元 789年首次抵達不列顛並襲擊沿岸城鎮,帶走物品和奴隸。然後,他們開始在東英格蘭和蘇格蘭停留,形成自己的社區。英格蘭的撒克遜王國在國王之下聯合起來擊敗了維京人。
Anglo-Saxon kings continued to rule what is now England, except for the short period when there were Danish kings.撒克遜人繼續統治現在的英格蘭,除了短暫地被丹麥王統治的時期。
The Norman Conquered
In 1066, an invasion led by William, the Duke of Normandy (in what is now northern France), defeated Harold, the Saxon king of England, at the Battle of Hastings. Harold was killed in the battle.
The Norman Conquest was the last successful foreign invasion of England and led to many changes in government and social structures in England. Norman French, the language of the new ruling class, influenced the development of the English language as we know it today.
Day 4
The Middle Ages
War at home and abroad
Broadly speaking, the Middle Ages (or medieval period) spans a thousand years, from the end of the Roman Empire in AD 476 up until 1485.
廣義來說,中世紀跨越千年,從西元 476年羅馬帝國結束後到1485年。
The English kings fought with the Welsh, Scottish and Irish noblemen for control of their lands. ... In 1284 King Edward I of English introduced the Statute of Rhuddlan, which annexed Wales to the Crown of England.
By the middle of the 15th century, the last Welsh rebellions had been defeated. English laws and the English, language were introduced.
In Scotland, the English kings were less successful. In 1314 the Scottish, led by Robert the Bruce, defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn, and Scotland remained unconquered by the English.
在蘇格蘭,英格蘭王取得少許成功。1314年,Robert the Bruce領導蘇格蘭人在Bannockburn戰爭中擊敗英格蘭人,蘇格蘭一直未被英格蘭征服。
During the Middle Ages, the English kings also fought a number of wars abroad. Many knights took part in the Crusades, in which European Christians fought for control, of the Holy Land. English kings also fought a long war with France, called the Hundred Years War (even though it actually lasted 116 years).
The Black Death
The Normans used a system of land ownership known as feudalism. The king gave land to his lords in return for help in war. Landowners had to send certain numbers of men to serve in the army. Some peasants had their own land but most were serfs. They had a small, area of their lord's land where they could grow food. In return, they had to work for their lord and could not move away. The same system developed in southern Scotland. In the north of Scotland and Ireland, land was owned by members of the 'clans' (prominent families).
諾曼人使用所謂封建的土地所有權制度。國王給予他的領主土地,作為回報要支援戰爭。地主必須派遣一定數量的男人參軍。一些農民也擁有他們自己的土地,但大多是農奴。他們有一片領主的土地,以種植糧食,作為回報,他們要為領主工作,不能搬走。類似的制度也被發展在蘇格蘭南部。在蘇格蘭北部和愛爾蘭,土地則由'氏族' (一些顯赫的家族)擁有。
In 1348, a desease, probably a form of plague, came to British. This was known as the Black Death. One third of the population of England died and a similar proportion in Scotland and Wales. ... Following the Black Death, the smaller population meant there was less need to grow cereal crops. There were labour shortages and peasants began to demand higher wages.
Legal and political changes
In the Middle Ages, Parliament began to develop into the institution it is today.
There were few formal limits to the king's power until 1215.
The Magna Carta established the idea that even the king was subject to the law. It protected the rights of the nobility and restricted the king's power to collect taxes or to make or change laws. In future, the king would need to involve his noblemen in decisions,
The number attending Parliament increased and two separate parts, known as Houses, were established. The nobility, great landowners and bishops sat in the House of Lords. Knights, who were usually smaller landowners, and wealthy people from towns and cities were elected to sit in the House of Commons.
出席議會的人增加並分為兩部分,被建立稱為眾議院: 貴族、大地主、主教在上議院; 騎士、通常是小地主的人、從城鎮地方獲選的富裕的人在下議院。
A similar Parliament developed in Scotland. It had three Houses, called Estates: the lords, the commons and the clergy.
類似的議會也在蘇格蘭發展起來。它有三個議院,稱為莊園(不知道中文對不對): 上議院、下議院和神職人員(直譯好像不太對勁)。
The principle that judges are independent of the government began to be established. In England, judges are developed 'common law' by a process of precedence (that is, following previous decisions) and tradition. In Scotland, the legal system developed slightly differently and laws were 'codified' (that is, written down).
法官獨立於政府的原則開始被確立。在英格蘭,法官依照優先程序(即遵從先前判決)和傳統制訂'普通法'。在蘇格蘭,法律系統的發展略有不同,法例被'編纂' (即 被寫下來)。
Day 5
A distinct identity
After the Norman Conquest, the king and his noblemen had spoken Norman French and the peasants had continued to speak Anglo-Saxon. Gradually these two languages combined to become one English language.
By 1400, in England, official documents were being written in English, and English had become the preferred language of the royal court and Parliament.
In Scotland, many people continued to speak Gaelic and the Scots language also developed. A number of poets began to write in the Scots language.
The Middle Ages also saw a change in the type of buildings in Britain. Castles were built in many places in Britain and Ireland, parly for defence.
During this period, England was an important trading nation. English wool became a very important export. People came to England from abroad to trade and also to work. Many had special skills, such as weavers from Franch, engineers from Germany, glass manufacturers from Italy and canal builders from Holland.
在此期間, 英格蘭是一個很重要的貿易國家。英格蘭羊毛成為非常重要的出口貨。人們從外國來到英格蘭交易和工作。很多人擁有特殊技能,例如從法國來的紡織工人,從德國來的工程師,從義大利來的玻璃生產者,還有從荷蘭來的運河建造者。
The Wars of the Roses
In 1455, a civil war was begun to decide who should be the king of England. It was fought between the supporters of two families: the House of Lancaster and the House of York. This warwas called the Wars of the Roses, because the symbol of Lancaster was a red rose and the symbol of York was a white rose. The war ended with the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485. King Richard III of the House of York was killed in the battle and Henry Tudor, the leader of the House of Lancaster, became King Henry VII. Henry then married King Richard's niece, Elizabeth of York, and united the two families. Henry was the first king of Tudor.
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8 17/7(英式格式,其實我應該每次都標日期的)
Day 9 19/7
Day 10 5/8
Day 11 22/8

Day 6
The Tudors and Stuarts
Religious conflicts
After his victory in the Wars of the Rose, Henry VII wanted to make sure that England remained peaceful and that his position as king was secure. He deliberately strengthened the central administration of England and reduced the power of the nobles. He was thrifty and built up the monarchy's financial reserves. When he died, his son Henry VIII continued the policy of centralising power.
Henry VIII was most famous for breaking away from the Church of Rome and marrying six times.
To divorce his first wife, Henry needed the approval of the Pope. When the Pope refused, Henry established the Church of England. In this new Church, the king, not the Pope, would have the power to appoint bishops and order how people should worship.
At the same time the Reformation was happening across Europe. This was a movement against the authority of Pope and the ideas and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestants formed their own churches. They read the Bible in their own languages instead of in Latin; They did not pray to saints or at shrines; and they believed that a person's own relationship with God was more important than submitting to the authority of the Church. Protestant ideas gradually gained strength in England, Wales and Scotland during the 16th century.
During the reign of Henry VIII, Wales became formally united with England by the Act for the Government of Wales. The Welsh sent representatives to the House of Commons and the Welsh legal system was reformed
Henry VIII was succeeded by his son Edwards VI, who was strongly Protestant. During his reign, the Book of Common Prayer was written to be used in the Church of England.
Edward died at the age of 15 after ruling for just over six years, and his half-sister Mary became queen. Mary was a devout Catholic and persecuted Protestants (for this reason, she became known as 'Bloody Mary'). Mary also died after s short reign and the next monarch was her half-sister, Elizabeth, the daught of Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn.
Day 7
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth I was a Protestant. She re-established the Church of England as the official Church in England. Everyone had to attend their local church and there were laws about the type of religious services and the prayers which could be said, but Elizabeth did not ask about people's real beliefs. She succeeded in finding a balance between the views of Catholics and the more extreme Protestants. In this way, she avoided any serious religious conflict within England. Elizabeth became one of the most popular monarchs in English history, particularly after 1588, when the English defeated the Spanish Armada (a large fleet of ships).
The Reformation in Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots
Scotland had also been strongly influenced by Protestant ideas. In 1560, the predominantly Protestant Scottish Parliament abolished the authority of the Pope in Scotland and Roman Catholic Religious services became illegal. A Protestant Church of Scotland with an elected leadership was established but, unlike in English, this was not a state Church.
The queen of Scotland, Mary Stuart (often now called 'Mary, Queen of Scots') was a Catholic. She was only a week old when her father died and she became queen. Much of her childhood was spent in France.
Mary was Elizabeth I's cousin...
Exploration, poetry and drama
The Elizabethan period in England was a time of growing patriotism: a feeling of pride in being English. English explorers sought new trade routes and tried to expand British trade into the Spanish colonies in the Americas.
In Elizabeth I's time, English settlers first began to colonise the eastern coast of America. This colonisation, particularly by people who disagreed with the religious views of the next two kings, greatly increased in the next century.
The Elizabethan period is also remembered for the richness of its poetry and drama, especially the plays and poems of William Shakespeare.
James VI and I
Elizabeth I never married and so had no children of her own to inherit her throne. When she died in 1603 her heir was James VI of Scotland. He became King James I of England, Wales and Ireland, but Scotland remained a separate country.
During this period, Ireland was an almost completely Catholic country. Henry VIII had extended English control outside the Pale and had established English authority over the whole country.
During the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I, many people in Ireland opposed rule by the Protestant government in England. There were a number of rebellions. The English government encouraged Scottish and English Protestants to settle in Ulster, the northern province of Ireland, taking over the land from Catholic landholders. These settlements were known as plantations.
James later organised similar plantations in several other parts of Ireland. This had serious long-term consequences for the history of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Day 8 17/7(英式格式,其實我應該每次都標日期的)
The Rise of Parliament
James I and his son Charles I were less skilled politically. Both believed in the 'Divine Right of Kings': the idea that the king was directly appionted by God to rule.
When Charles I inherited the thrones of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland, he tried to rule in line with this principle. When he could not get Parliament to agree with his religious and foreign policies, he tried to rule without Parliament at all.
The beginning of the English Civil War
Charles I wanted the worship of the Church of England to include more ceremonies and introduced a revised Prayer Book. He tried to impose this Prayer Book on the Presbyterian Church in Scotland and this led to serious unrest. A Scottish army was formed and Charles could not find the money he needed for his own army without the help of Parliament. In 1640, he recalled Parliament to ask it for funds. Many in Parliament were Puritans, a group of Protestants who advocated strict and simple religious doctrine and worship. They did not agree with the king's religious views and disliked his reforms of the Church of England. Parliament refused to give the king the money he asked for, even after the Scottish army invaded England.
Another rebellion began in Ireland because the Roman Catholics in Ireland were afraid of the growing power of the Puritans. Parliament took this opportunity to demand control of the English army - a change that would have transferred substantial power from the king to Parliament.
另一場叛亂開在愛爾蘭,因為羅馬天主教會在愛爾蘭害怕日益壯大的清教徒力量。議會抓住這個機會要求控制英格蘭軍隊 - 一個從國王轉移重大權力給議會的改變。
Civil war between the king and Parliament could not now be avoided and began in 1642. The country split into those who supported the king (the Cavaliers) and those who supported Parliament (the Rondheads).
1642年,內戰現已無法避免並開始。國家分裂成那些支持國王的人(騎士團)和那些支持議會的人(the Roundheads).
Oliver Cromwell and the English Republic
The king's army was defeated at the Battle of Marston Moor and Naseby. By 1646, it was clear that Parliament had won the war. Charles was held prisoner by the parliament army.
England declared itself a republic, called the Commonwealth. It no longer had a monarch.
The Scots had not agreed to the execution of Charles I and declared his son Charles II to be king.
Charles II escaped from Worcester, famously hiding in an Oak tree on one occasion, and eventually fled to Europe.
After his campaign in Ireland and victory over Charles II at Worcester, Cromwell was recognised as the leader of the new republic. He was given the title of Lord Protector and ruled until his death in 1658.
Although Britain had been a republic for 11 years, without Oliver Cromwell there was no clear leader or system of government.
The Restoration
In May 1660, Parliament invited Charles II to come back from exile in the Netherlands. He was crowned King Charles II of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Charles II made it clear that he had 'no wish to go on his travels again'.
The Church of England again became the established official Church. Both Roman Catholics and Puritans were kept out of power.
During Charles II's reign, in 1665, there was a major outbreak of plague in London. Thousands of people died, especially in poorer areas. The following year, a great fire destroyed much of the city, including many churches and St. Pual's Cathedral.
The Habeas Corpus Act became law in 1679. This was a very important piece of legislation which remains relevant today. Habeas Corpus is Latin for 'you must present the person in court'. The Act guaranteed that no one could be held prisoner unlawfully. Every prisoner has a right to a court bearing.
Charles II was interested in science. During his reign, the Royal Society was formed to promote 'natural knowledge'. This is the oldest surviving scientific society in the world.
A Catholic king
Charles II had no legitimate children. He died in 1685 and his brother, James, who was a Roman Catholic, became King James II in England, Wales and Ireland King James VII of Scotland. James favoured Roman Catholic and allowed them to be army officers which an Act of Parliament had forbidden. He did not seek to reach agreements with Parliament and arrested some of the bishops pf the Church of England.
The Glorious Revolution
James II's elder daughter, Mary, was married to her cousin William of Orange, the Protestant ruler of the Netherlands. In 1688, important Protestants in England asked William to invade England and proclaim himself king. When William reached England, there was no resistance. James fled to French and William took over the throne, becoming William II of Scotland. William ruled jointly with Mary. This event was later called the 'Glorious Revolution' because there was no fighting in England and because it guaranteed the power of Parliament, ending the threat of a monarch ruling on his or her own as he or she wished.
William defeated James II at the Battle of the Boyne in Ireland in 1690, an event which is still celebrated by some in Northern Ireland today. William re-conquered Ireland and James fled back to France.
An attempt at an armed rebellion in support of James was quickly defeated at Killiecrankie. All Scottish clans were required formally to accept William as king by taking an oath.
Day 9 19/7
A global power
Constitutional monarchy - the Bill of Rights
君主立憲制 - 權利法案
At the coronation of William and Mary, a Declaration of Rights was read. This confirmed that the king would no longer be able to raise taxes or administer justice without agreement from Parliament.
The Bill of Rights, 1689, confirmed the rights of Parliament and the limits of the king's power. Parliament took control of who could be monarch and declared that the king or queen must be a Protestant. A new Parliament had to be elected at least every three years (later the became seven years and now it is five years). Every year the monarch had to ask Parliament to renew funding for the army and the navy.
..., the monarch needed to have advisers, or ministers, who would be able to ensure a majority of votes in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. There were two main groups in Parliament, known as the Whigs and Tories. (The modern Conservative Party is still sometimes referred to as the Tories.) This was the beginning of party politics.
This was also an important time for the development of a free press (newspapers and other publications which are not controlled by the government). From 1695, newspaper were allowed to operate without a government licence. Increasing numbers of newspapers began to be published.
The laws passed after the Glorious Revolution are the beginning of what is called 'constitutional monarchy'. The monarch remained very important but was no longer able to insist on particular policies or actions if Parliament did not agree.
Only men who owned property of a certain value were able to vote. No women at all had the vote. Some constituencies were controlled by a single wealthy family. These were called 'pocket boroughs'. Other constituencies had hardly any votes and were called 'rotten boroughs'.
A growing population
The first Jews to come to Britain since the Middle Ages settled in London in 1656. Between 1680 and 1720 many refugees called Huguenots came from France. They were protestants and had been persecuted for their religion. Many were educated and skilled and worked as scientists, in banking, or in weaving or other crafts.
The Act or Treaty of Union in Scotland
The Act of Union, know as the Treaty of Union in Scotland, was therefore agreed in 1707, creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. Although Scotland was no longer and independent country, it kept its own legal and education systems and Presbyterian Church.
The Prime Minister
When Queen Anne died in 1714, Parliament chose a German, George I, to be the next king, because he was Anne's nearest Protestant relative.
The most important minister in Parliament became known as the Prime Minister. The first man to be called this was Sir Robert Walpole, who was Prime Minister from 1721 to 1742.
The rebellion of the clans
In 1745 there was another attempt to put a Stuart king back on the throne in place of George I's son, George II.
He was supported by clansmen from the Scottish highlands and raised an army. Charles initially had some successes but was defeated by George II's army at the Battle of Culloden in 1746.
The clans lost a lot of their power and influence after Culloden.
A process began which became known as the 'Highland Clearances'. Many Scottish landlords destroyed individual small farms (known as 'crofts') to make space for large flocks of sheep and cattle. Evictions became very common in the early 19th century.
Day 10 5/8
The Enlightenment
During the 18 century, new ideas about politics, philosophy and science were developed. This is often called 'the Enlightnment'. Many of the great thinkers of the Enlightenment were Scottish.
The Industrial Revolution
Before 18 century, agriculture was the biggest source of employment in Britain. There were many cottage industries, ...
The Industrial Revolution was the rapid development of industry in Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialise on a large scale. It happened because of the development of machinery and the use of steam power. Agriculture and the manufacturing of goods become mechanised.
Many people moved from the countryside a d started working inthe mining and manufacturing industries.
The development of the Bessemer process for the mass lroduction of steel led to the development of the shipbuilding inductry and the railways. Manufacturing jobs became the main source of employment in Britain.
Canals were built to link the factories to towns and cities and to the ports, particularly in the new industrial areas in the middle and north of England.
This was also a time of increased colonisation overseas.
- The coast of Australia and a few colonies 澳洲海岸和一些殖民地
- To gain control over Canada and the East India Company 取得加拿大和東印度公司的控制權
- Large parts of India 大部分印度
- Southern Africa 南非
Britain traded all over the world and began to import more goods. Sugar and tobacco came from North America and the West Indies; textiles, tea and spices came from India and the area that is today called Indonesia. Trading and settlements overseas sometimes brought Britain into conflict with other countries, particularly France.
The slave trade
This commercial expansion and prosperity was sustained in part by the booming slave trade. While slavery was illegal within Britain itself, by the 18th century it was a fully established overseas industry, dominated by Britain and the America colonies.
The first formal anti-slavery groups were set up by the Quakers in the late 1700s, and they petitioned Parliament to ban the practice.
Along with other abolitionists (people who supported the abolition of slavery), he succeeded in the turning public opinion against the slave trade. In 1807, it became illegal to trade slaves in British ships or from British ports, and in 1833 the Emancipation Act abolished slavery throughout the British Empire.
與其他奴隸制廢除者(支持廢除奴的人)一起,William Wilberforce 成功扭轉公眾觀點反對奴隸制。1807年,在英國船上和港口交易奴隸變成違法,並且在1833年,解放奴隸法案禁止奴隸制至整個大英帝國。
After 1833, 2 million Indian and Chinese workers were employed to replace the freed slaves. They worked on sugar plantation in the Caribbean, in mines in South Africa, on railways in East Africa and in the army in Kenya.
Day 11 22/8
The American War of Independence
By 1760s, there were substantial British colonies in North America. The colonies were wealthy and largely in control of their own affairs.
The British government wanted to tax the colonies. The colonists saw this as an attack on their freedom and said there should be 'no taxation without representation' in the British Parliament.
Fighting broke out between the colonists and the British forces. In 1776, 13 American colonies declared their independence, stating that people had a right to establish their own governments. The colonists eventually defeated the British army and Britain recognised the colonies' independence in 1783.
War with France
In 1789, there was a revolution in France and the new French government soon declared war on Britain. Napoleon, who became Emperor of France, continued the war. Britain's navy fought against combined French and Spanish fleets, winning the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
The British army also fought against the French. In 1815, the French Wars ended with the defeat of the Emperor Napoleon by the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. Wellington was known as the Iron Duke and later became Prime Minister.
The Victorian Age
In 1837, Queen Victoria became queen of the UK at the age of 18. She reigned until 1901, almost 64 years. Her reign is known as the Victorian Age. It was a time when Britain increased in power and influence abroad. Within the UK, the middle classes became increasingly significant and a number of reformers led moves to improve conditions of life for the poor.
The British Empire
During the Victorian period, the British Empire grew to cover all of India, Australia and large parts of Africa...more than 400 million people
Many people were encouraged to leave the UK to settle overseas. Between 1853 and 1913, as many as 13 million British citizens left the country. People continued to come to Britain from other parts of the world.
Many settled in London's East End and in Manchester and Leeds.
Day 11 13/9
Trade and industry
Britain continued to be a great trading nation. The government began to promote policies of free trade, abolishing a number of taxes on imported goods. One example of this was the repealing of the Corn Laws in 1846. These had prevented the import of cheap grain.
Working conditions in factories gradually became better. In 1847, the number of hours that women and children could work was limited by law to 10 hours per day.
Transport links also improved, enbling goods and people to move more easily around the country.
...the father and son George and Robert Stephenson pioneered the railway engine and a major expansion of the railways took place in the Victorian period. Railways were throught out the Empire. There were also great advances in other areas.
父子George和Robert Stephenson首創鐵路引擎,主要鐵路擴展在維多利亞時代進行。
British industry led the world in the 19th century. The UK produced more than half of the world's iron, coal and cotton cloth. The UK also became a centre for financial services, inculding insurance and banking.
The Crimean War
From 1853 to 1856, Britain fought with Turkey and France against Russia in the Crimean War. It was the first war to be extensively covered by the media through news stories and photographs. The conditions were very poor and many solders died from illnesses.
Ireland in the 19th century
Conditions in Ireland were not as good as in the rest of the UK. Two-thrids of the population still depended on farming to make their living, often on very small plots of land. Many depended on potatoes as a large part of their diet. In the middle of the century the potatoes crop failed, and Ireland suffered a famine. A million people died from disease and starvation.
Some emigrated to the United States and others came to England.
Some, such as Fenians, favoured complete independence. Others such as charles Stuart Parnell, advocated 'Home Rule', in which Ireland would remain in the UK but have its own parliament.
有些人,例如芬尼派,主張完全獨立。其的,例如Charles,提倡‘地方自治’, 也就是愛爾蘭會留在英國,但擁有自己的議會。
The right to vote
The Reform Act of 1832 had greatly increased the number of people (middle class) with the right to vote. The Act also abolished the old pocket and rotten boroughs and more parliamentary seats were given to the town and cities.
... but voting was still based on ownership of property。This meant that members of the working class were still unable to vote.
A movement began to demand the vote for the working classes and other people without property.
...in 1867 there was another Reform Act. This created many more urban seats in Parliament and reduced the amount of property that people needed to have before they could vote. However, the majority of men still did not have the right to vote and no women could vote.
Until 1870, when a woman got married, her earnings, property and money automatically belonged to her husband. Acts of Parliament in 1870 and 1882 gave wives the right to keep their own earnings and property.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries,...They formed the women's suffrage movement and became known as 'suffragettes'.