
Translation_ ポケモン25周年記念ソング 周深「可夢」(翻譯成英文)

chen柏柏9 | 2022-02-19 12:49:59 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 303

©2022 Pokémon. ©1995-2022 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.

第一次翻譯歌詞中文/日文 變成 成英文

可夢 => "寶可夢" pokemon=>extended meaning 延伸意思:像個夢like a dream

风起万世缘 千回(風けた万世縁(えにし 千歳(せんざいAs the wind brings the fate of (ten) thousands of years(or "The wind brings eternal fate"), it lasts for thousands of years(風帶來了萬年的緣分/風帶來萬世緣(永遠的緣分),它持續了千年)
花落心湖又 几蕊(花は心湖(しんこ)に散れど 絆は幾度も芽吹く)How many (stamens do the) flowers fall on the "Heart Lake ( Shinko )”
勘破方圆缥缈 天地尽逍遥(儚(はかな方円(ほうえんりて 無尽逍遥する天地)If you can understand the ever-changing world, you can experience the boundless and unrestrained sky and earth(如果看破天地的瞬息萬變,就可以體會沒有邊際且自由無拘束的天空與大地)
辗转山河 相随(キミと 山河えゆくHand in hand with you, going over the mountains and rivers(跟著你牽手橫跨山河)
日月几何逐 流水(流水のように 過ぎゆく日月)The days and months that pass(Sun and Moon chasing together) like running water(歲月如流水般流逝/白天與月夜互相追逐如流水逝去)
星辰如棋心 如围(駒のごとく 天地を包み込む星空)A starry sky that wraps around the heavens and the earth like apiece
此生可梦几朝飞云终不老(飛雲の境地にあらば 幾度の夢も色あせず)If you are in the border of flying clouds, your dreams will not fade

为君落子 无悔(旅路らせるなら 悔いはなしNo regrets if you illuminate your journey
海角天涯 我甘愿奉陪(天涯どこまでも キミと歩む)I'd love to be with you wherever you go
赤子有梦 任艰险不畏(純粋な心で紡ぐ夢 どんな苦難も恐れず)If we have A dream spun with a pure heart, we'll not afraid of any hardship
烟雨若淡了 唯情深未了(霧雨がやんでも 深まる情は途切れず)Even if the fog and rain stops, my deep feelings for you will not be interrupted
前路有你共喜悲(願わくばキミと 悲喜を共に)I hope to experience happiness and sadness with you in the future journey(希望未來的旅途中可以和你一同感受開心跟悲傷)

梦幻如镜 谁沉沦(夢幻鏡花水月 誰もがいし旅人)Who sinks into Dreams that like mirror flowers and water moon誰沉淪了如鏡花水月的夢境
一场黑白半 成真(白黒の対決 いつか夢はかなう)Black and white are fighting. One day my dream will come true.
此生只梦今朝 哪管云之遥(今日れたら 彼方でもわないIf you can keep your dream today, it doesn't matter if you are far away
念吾如初 无问(貫く二十五年の初心 苦難は問わずTwenty-five years of piercing the beginning, regardless of hardships
(Chinese lyrics do not have"25", but Japanese )(Chinese lyrics do not have"25", but Japanese. "25" means pokemon 25th anniversary.)If we just translate Chinese lyric,it will be:" I love you as much as when I met you, no matter how hard it was." .日文中25是指寶可夢25周年,中文歌詞沒有提到,如果只看中文應該是:
I love you as much as when I met you, no matter how hard it was.
海角天涯 我甘愿奉陪(天涯どこまでも キミと歩む)I'd love to be with you wherever you go
赤子有梦 任艰险不畏(純粋な心で紡ぐ夢 どんな苦難も恐れず)If we have A dream spun with a pure heart, we'll not afraid of any hardship
烟雨若淡了 唯情深未了(霧雨がやんでも 深まる情は途切れず)Even if the fog and rain stops, my deep feelings for you will not be interrupted
前路有你共喜悲(願わくばキミと 悲喜を共に)I hope to experience happiness and sadness with you in the future journey(希望未來的旅途中可以和你一同感受開心跟悲傷)

(repeat again)
海角天涯 我甘愿奉陪(天涯どこまでも キミと歩む)赤子有梦 任艰险不畏(純粋な心で紡ぐ夢 どんな苦難も恐れず)烟雨若淡了 唯情深未了(霧雨がやんでも 深まる情は途切れず)
幸 今生有你 共喜悲(今生でキミと 悲喜を共にする幸せ)It's lucky (satisfy) to experience happiness and sadness with you in the my whole life

