看更多 我要大聲說昨天09:24 leon770530巴友

《The Friends of Voltaire》
S.G. Tallentyre:I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study, you will interpret a dream.
2. I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
3. Thought is already is late, exactly is the earliest time.
4. Not matter of the today will drag tomorrow.
5. Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain   is life-long.
6. Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently.
7. Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.
8. The study certainly is not the life complete. But, since continually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what but also can make?
9. Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid.
10. Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently, can feel the successful taste.
11. Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.
12. The time is passing.
13. Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear.
14. The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays.
15. Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow.
16. The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the reality person.
17. The education level represents the income.
18. One day, has not been able again to come.
19. Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page.
20. Has not been difficult, then does not have attains.


  • 帳號:luniprincess
  • 暱稱:Arale
  • 稱號:風之誓約放浪者
  • LV33 / 妖精 / 初心者
  • 巴幣:6222
  • GP:448
  • 被贊助:0
  • 勇者評價:0







  • STR:471
  • DEX:572
  • INT:505
  • LUK:471
  • VIT:471
  • AGI:572
  • MND:471
  • 今日人氣:0
  • 總人氣:1735
  • 創作:3篇
  • 我的收藏:0篇
  • 好友圈:1
  • 追蹤者:1
  • 更新時間:06-10 10 點
  • 上站次數:3066
  • 手機認證:未完成
  • 註冊日期:2005-08-14
  • 上站日期:2017-01-02
  • 站規測驗:已通過
  • 哈啦篇數:1941
  • 動漫電玩通:0

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