Workin' On The Railroad Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Normal difficulty or above. 通關Lost In Transit。(Normal難度↑) |
Freight Night Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Hard difficulty or above. 通關Lost In Transit。(Hard難度↑) |
The Greater Train Robbery Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Very Hard difficulty or above. 通關Lost In Transit。(VH難度↑) |
Transitive Property Complete the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above. 通關Lost In Transit。(OVK難度↑) |
Lost And Found Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Mayhem difficulty or above. 通關Lost In Transit。(MH難度↑) |
The Payday Express Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Death Wish difficulty or above. 通關Lost In Transit。(DW難度↑) |
I Like Trains Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Death Sentence difficulty. 通關Lost In Transit。(DS難度) |
Print The Money And Run Complete the Lost In Transit job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated. 通關Lost In Transit。(DS+OD難度) |
Texas Treasures, Part 2 In the Lost In Transit job, find the hidden safe locked with the sheriff star and steal the content. 在Lost In Transit,找到用警星解鎖的隱藏保險箱、並偷走裡頭的物品。 前置條件:成就『Texas Treasures』。 地圖左上角轉盤區旁的貨物儲存場(freight storage)、 上層貨櫃區有一個箱子(從一旁的白色貨櫃跳過去), 裡頭有key42,暗示保險箱在42號貨櫃; 42號紅色貨櫃固定在地圖中下區域、loading garage上方的上層貨櫃, 裡面有個得用警星才能打開的保險箱,拿走裡頭的USB碟即可解鎖成就。 |
Tabula Railroad Complete the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above in Loud, with each crew member wearing a two-piece suit, wielding a Castigo .44 Revolver with a Mosconi 12G shotgun, and using no equipped skills. 在Lost In Transit,場上所有玩家裝備西裝、主武散彈槍Mosconi 12G、副武手槍Castigo.44 Revolver、0技能的情況下火拼通關。(OVK難度↑) 有AI隊友也能解到成就,所以不用硬湊滿4名活人玩家or拔AI隊友。 |
Billy The Kid In the Lost In Transit job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above, get 5 enemy headshot kills within 10 seconds using a revolver. 在Lost In Transit,用任一把Revolver(左輪系列)在10秒內取得5個爆頭擊殺。(OVK難度↑) |
Victimless Crime Complete the Lost In Transit job without raising the alarm or killing anyone. 在Lost In Transit,不觸發警報、且不殺任何人的情況下通關。 |
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