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作者:Nil*夜*はじめ│彩夢芭蕾│2013-10-18 14:45:07│巴幣:2│人氣:450
同時發於故事與現實交界處» 金冠學園


原文出處:Princess Tutu Livejournal Community
原文發表時間:2006-02-01 00:05:00

※問題為Princess Tutu Livejournal Community和在場的參加人員提出。



Hello all! Once upon a time my friend had asked me to help him out on his new venture, and that was Ushicon. I was one of the original organizers and planners of the event years ago, though I retired to focus on my studies after Ushicon 3. I still proudly support Ushicon, and make it a point to get out to the convention every year. My friends on staff, including fennelwink had asked me if I would ask questions for the Princess Tutu community for Itoh's panel at Ushicon, which as a super-uber Tutu fanatic I was more than happy to do!
哈囉,各位!有天我的朋友請我支援他的新冒險事業,那就是Ushicon(註)。我曾是其中的發起人和活動企劃,不過,為了專心念書,於第三屆Ushicon退隱。我仍全力支持Ushicon,設法參加每年的活動。我有朋友是工作人員,其中一位fennelwink問我,今年是否能代表彩夢社團(Princess Tutu community)訪問伊藤郁子?身為《彩夢》超級粉絲,我樂意至極!



After the Princess Tutu panel, I happened to run into Itoh-san's translator
Jen. She related to me that Itoh-san had been somewhat nervous due to the
detail and thoughtfulness of the questions posed to her. And even though it
did make her nervous, she was also quite content and really touched to see
that behind those questions are fans who truly love and appreciate her work.

Other Princess Tutu Highlights from the Weekend

Friday night saw the continuation of the annual tradition of Shoujo PJ
Party, which is a chance for fans to show up in their Pajamas, fuzzy
slippers, with blankets, pillows, and/or stuffed animals to camp out in one
of the video rooms to watch an evening of Shoujo (girl's) anime. The
"Jammie Jam" was kicked off by the first episode of Princess Tutu.

Itoh-san was very generous to the fans, and tried very hard to appease
everyone of her fans. She took the time in most cases to do more than just
provide an autograph, but to also accompany the autograph with a sketch.

There were several cosplayers of Princess Tutu at Ushicon. One amazing
Tutu, several Fakia, and a Neko-sensei that stole the show! Neko-sensei
arrived at the autograph signing area when Itoh was there Saturday, with a
bouquet of roses, and proposed marriage to her! (Obviously this was not a
real proposal (as I'm sure her husband would have something to say about
that), but rather a fan paying homage to the character she helped create).
She, and the others all standing in line, got a huge kick out of that. I
also noticed a Claire sitting outside late Saturday night as well.

[Edited: Added the following]

fennelwink related to me that Itoh-san had informed her that
at one point her and all of the Tutu staff had gone to Germany to all eat
duck together.


Also, fennelwink took Itoh-san on a shopping trip while in Austin,
which included an adventure in the aisles of store with bath goods, where she took a
picture of Itoh-san surrounded by rubber duckies. Hopefully she'll share that
picture with us soon. And apparently Itoh-san likes beer, and was taking
pictures of all the American food. :) Who knows maybe it's research for
a new story if we're lucky.


The Princess Tutu Cast Party
Fansview Coverage of Princess Tutu Cast Party




有些用語不是英文母語使用者或長期住在當地的人,需要花些時間查字典或資料確認原意(之前只有看看過去,還真的不小心誤會成其他意思,等翻譯這篇採訪後,才發現會錯意了,真心覺得可以開個像英文課本裡的單字區,只是解釋起來很蛋疼…… orz)。


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果果日記小屋更新中~歡迎進來參觀 謝謝^^看更多我要大聲說昨天15:15

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