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作者:Nil*夜*はじめ│彩夢芭蕾│2013-09-21 19:38:06│巴幣:2│人氣:465
同時發於故事與現實交界處» 金冠學園


原文出處:Princess Tutu Livejournal Community
原文發表時間:2006-02-01 00:05:00

※問題為Princess Tutu Livejournal Community和在場的參加人員提出。





Do you have a favorite dance from the series?
She felt this was a hard question, and she had to think about it for a
while, after some thought she answered that it would have to be one of the
last dances in the series when Fakir and Ahiru dance together.



Is it possible for Ahiru to turn back into a girl?
Itoh-san was somewhat vague on this answer. She spoke of how with the
current ending the fans themselves imagine possible varying outcomes beyond
the end of the series. (I got the sense that she liked this open-endedness
for that very reason.) However, she did say that the POSSIBILITY of such a
thing occurring was not ruled out.



Is this what you envisioned for the end? Is there anything you would want
to change, or add?

Yes, she's very happy with the theme of the show and it's execution in the
animated series. The series does represent the story she wanted to tell.
(While this was her answer for this question, if you look at the responses
below you do see that there were a few other things she would have wanted.)



In the series, Myth has been built as a major character from the beginning,
but at the end of the series he seems to depart rather abruptly. Why?

She does regret that as they approached broadcast date for the end of the
series that they were running out of time. She was moved because everyone
on the production staff was working long and hard, and it got to the point
you had to say "time's up!" and everyone on the staff wanted to do more, to
get just one more thing done would beg so earnestly for just a little bit
longer. But they just couldn't do that.

She really had wanted more time to better portray Myth's departure. She had
this speech she really wanted for him to say, that would have made his
reasonings far more clear, and thus the departure not as abrupt as it
seemed. (We couldn't get the specifics of the speech from Itoh-san as we
ran out of time, but perhaps her answer to the next question may in part
apply to this question?)




Claire was a very complicated character. Was she truly an innocent caught
up in something beyond her control? Or was she not so innocent to begin
with and thus tainted from the very beginning?

Itoh-san took some time thinking about this question and eventually
answered that Claire has a wounded heart (and thus the implication can be
inferred that she was an innocent victim in surreal circumstances) and that
someone needs to help her heal. (Could this be part of what Myth's speech
would have revealed? Alas, we may never know! But it does seem to be a
reasonable correlation!).



Will there ever be a sequel?
Itoh-san expressed that she would like for there to be more, but for it to
be a new-story, or a spin-off. When asked for what the premise of this
would be... she did not want to answer as she does not want to give that
away. A follow-up question was asked, "could you at least tell us what
character or characters the story would revolve around?", to which she
answered quite clearly: Fakir & Ahiru. (Which I think ties in nicely to her
answer that the POSSIBILITY has not been ruled out for Ahiru to become a
girl again at the end of the series.)

Itoh-san said that in Japan it might be difficult to see more of Tutu made.
But perhaps if a U.S. production company became interested in it, that we
might see more.




Are you working on any new projects currently?
She has a new project that should broadcast in the fall. That the
announcement won't even be made in Japan until this coming March, and that
Ushicon may be the first time news of the new series has been announced.
She has just begun character designs for a new series with a working title
of "The Day After Tomorrow." The new work involves as a theme, Japanese
Culture (in the way that Princess Tutu has a theme of ballet and their
stories). When asked if she could be more specific, she declined to answer,
saying everything beyond that will remain a secret for now with an
enigmatic smile on her face.


註:原文「everything beyond that will remain a secret for now」直翻是「無法透露下去,目前還必須保密」,這裡我採用「禁止事項」,因為這個詞不僅在動漫界常被引用,也很符合伊藤老師說這句話露出神祕笑容的口吻。
「禁止事項(禁則事項です)」源自《涼宮春日》系列某個角色的口頭禪,因為不能再多透露,該角色會用「禁止事項」擋掉問題。詳細介紹請見Komica Wiki的介紹:http://wiki.komica.org/wiki/?成句%2F這是禁止事項

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