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Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Acceleration

作者:薩堪德拉│2013-07-30 02:11:25│巴幣:2│人氣:567

Jokers speaking out
what they don't even think
but I ain't got no words for you now
I can't be the one
one to tell you that things
would turn out perfectly fine knowing it wont
stay natural
don't let me down cuz I know you're alright
it's no big deal at all
don't be wishing things you can't
Ah, be honest to your instinct
you as "one" unique and only
tell me 10 good reasons why you have to change
there is no need to change
get on the car right now and turn the key
don't have to step on the break
speed it up
disc goes round and round
life will not gonna decelerate. Why not take it as if on fast lane
Once you turn the key
grab the handle
you are now on your own
where ever you go
steer (it) right left
or go straight
your choice is yourself
If you are stuck
find whatever you like
and why not do all the things you can do
ride across it
ride over it
Ah, don't have to step on the break
speed it up
disc goes round and round
like driving on fast lane
Spin the disc faster
Could you come out form the shade
get under the sun
try to seek for what you want to do
scenery you've not yet discovered is all out there
step on the peddle
speed it up quicker (faster)
run like the wind
no need to speed down
Do not care about others who laughs and disrespects you
the best is the choice you make and your own aim
Do not care about other people who laughs at you and disrespects you
is the choice you make and your own aim
Turn and grab on to the steering wheel
keep going. Speed it up have (the) meters full
(繼續保持, 不斷加速到極致)
let the engine roar like a mad beast
get the gears heated



裡面有幾段我沒按照原本歌詞翻譯,像是第二段的don't be wishing things you can't 我就翻譯成別希望那些事情你不會發生,有些地方我也是略為修正過。
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同標籤作品搜尋:FALILV|Fear| and Loathing in Las Vegas|Acceleration|All That We Have Now

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