
Another Story

☆★瓏玥★☆ | 2016-04-10 00:08:26 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 152

Why was I want stay in here,This story about myself,about some game's story.
Sometimes I will feel bored,very! bored!
Obviously someone,but pretend not.
I hope they are pretend not in front of the window.
Well,This week,I feel not true of my guess.
When I online of hero and say hello for guys.
How ever they are still do their own thing, just have one or two reply me.
Anyway,have few people will reply me.
So tired out.
Can I for a place stay? A can reply me,there are the living place.
Enough,this is just a catharsis.
I can't abandon my friends,especially rabbit and bear and many guys.
If I go away they will be very sad.
So, I can't do that.
I believe tomorrow will be better.
Come on,I.

