造型介紹:我是孤獨身影\r 只能隱身在黑暗之中\r 那位少女稱呼我為音樂天使 她......才是我生命中真正的天使 在她身後永遠守候 即使她逝去\r 也永不改變 這歌 為了她..... No one would listen 沒有人願意聆聽\r No one but her 除了她\r Heard as the outcast hears. 聆聽這被拋棄者的聲音\r Shamed into solitude 感到羞愧而隱居 Shunned by the multitude 迴避了人群 I learned to listen 我學會了聆聽\r In my dark, my heart heard music. 在屬於我的黑暗裡,我的心聽見了音樂. I longed to teach the world 我渴望教導這個世界 Rise up and reach the world 起身並觸碰這個世界 No one would listen 但 沒有人願意聆聽\r I alone could feel the music 只有我孤單著感受到音樂 Then at last, a voice in the gloom 然後直到最後,一個在黑暗中的聲音 Seemed to cry "I hear you; 似乎哭著說:我聽見你了 I hear your fears, 我聽見你的恐懼\r Your torment and your tears." 你的痛苦和你的淚水. She saw my loneliness 她看見我的孤獨\r Shared in my emptiness 分攤了我的空虛 No one would listen 沒有人願意聆聽\r No one but her 除了她\r Heard as the outcast hears 聆聽這被拋棄者的聲音\r No one would listen 沒有人願意聆聽\r No one but her 除了她\r Heard as the outcast hears... 聆聽這被拋棄者的聲音