
s4082440824:Take my hand and together we will celebrate.10-15 16:44

s4082440824:From right now gonna use our voices and scream out loud.10-14 19:38

s4082440824:Everyday of our lives wanna find you there.10-13 18:01

asd0123op:洋基萬歲!10-12 22:16

s4082440824:And we can make it last forever and never give it back.10-12 19:21

s4082440824:So I believe that you and me should grab it.10-11 18:17

s4082440824:Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance.10-10 10:33

s4082440824:I wish that you were here to celebrate together. I wish that we could spend the holidays together.10-09 08:39

s4082440824:Lift the head to the sky,cause we will never say bye.10-08 18:05

s4082440824:You're flooding my mind. Keep floating in my mind.10-07 17:40

s4082440824:冰冷的血液流過,刺痛; 溫熱的血淚劃過,觸動, 最深沉的── 歾……10-06 18:10

s4082440824:用最卑微的姿態完成你們的要求, 然後── 悄然離去。10-05 18:08

s4082440824:因此── 必然地相識,必然地分離。10-04 17:58

s4082440824:這世上沒有偶然,有的只是 ──必然。10-03 07:58

s4082440824:奢求著光芒卻又不踏出腳步 ,那就,尋求墮落吧──10-02 08:17

s4082440824:I no longer have your breath here with me,but I am still loving you.10-01 19:31

s4082440824:因為殘缺,所以近人。 因為圓滿,所以完美。09-30 17:54

s4082440824:遺忘, 遇上你之前的過往。 怡望, 遇上你之後的未來。09-29 18:04

s4082440824:習慣一個人。 習慣等雨。 習慣有你。09-28 18:15

s4082440824:心纏, 與你的開始。 心殘, 與他的結束。09-27 18:48

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
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