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喋血雙雄 成就表

作者:我是麥克│2008-01-25 15:31:41│巴幣:0│人氣:550
喋血雙雄 成就表

1. Sun Tzu --> Let your crew do the dirty work.20 points
2. Impact -->Escape from death row.20 points
3. Damned if you do-->Let them burn.20 points
4. Damned if you don't-->No rest for the wicked.30 points
5. Iron Flower-->Complete the game on hard.50 points
6. Crowd Control-->Surgical precision in the nightclub.30 points
7. Have Gun, Will Travel Part I-->Travel into the Rising Sun.20 points
8. Have Gun, Will Travel Part II-->Counter-revolution.20 points
9. Have Gun, Will Travel Part III-->The Beginning of the End.20 points
10. Behemoth-->Stop the roaring beast.10 points
11. Pushblade Symphony-->Points for getting up close and personal.20 points
12. Frag Out-->5 with one fragmentation grenade.20 points
13. Headmaster-->47 headshots.10 points
14. By the Grace of..-->Lynch puts them out of their misery.10 points
15. Boomstick-->Shotgun messiah.20 points
16. Return to Sender-->Throw back enemy grenades.10 points
17. Teflon-->Avoid damage on a level.20 points
18. Bulletproof-->Avoid using adrenaline on a level.10 points
19. Revenge Part I-->Silencing the silent one.20 points
20. Revenge Part IV-->Shouldn't have gotten personal.20 points
21. Revenge Part V-->Glad it got personal.30 points
22. Hindsight-->Get that bird out of the sky.10 points
23. Berserkopath-->Make the most of Lynch's condition.30 points
24. Bullseye-->Lynch reacts fast at the Exchange.20 points
25. Revenge Part II & III-->Who's the old timer now?.20 points

26. Fragile Alliance --> Complete the first level in co-op.10 points
27. No Going Back Now --> Go to the point of no return in co-op.30 points
28. End of the Road -->Complete the game in co-op.50 points
29. Family Member-->Complete a Fragile Alliance session.5 points
30. Some-->Escape with $50,000 from a Fragile Alliance heist.5 points
31. A Lot-->Escape with $1,500,000 from a Fragile Alliance heist.15 points
32. Sweet Revenge-->Get personal revenge in Fragile Alliance.5 points
33. Crime Buster-->Kill 10 traitors in Fragile Alliance.10 points
34. Double Trouble-->Kill 2 traitors in a Fragile Alliance round.25 points
35. Never Give Up-->Get 3 personal revenge kills in a Fragile Alliance session.30 points
36. The Cleaner-->Get 30 personal revenge kills in Fragile Alliance.30 points
37. Mr. Popularity-->Kill 100 traitors in Fragile Alliance.35 points
38. Cash Addict-->Help to get all the money out in a Fragile Alliance round.25 points
39. Most Wanted-->Escape with $150,000,000 from Fragile Alliance heists.50 points
40. Mercenary-->Complete one session in each Fragile Alliance scenario.15 points
41. Mr. Play-It-Straight-->Win 50 rounds of Fragile Alliance as a merc.50 points
42. 50 to Won-->Win 50 rounds of Fragile Alliance.25 points
43.Veteran-->Complete 200 Fragile Alliance sessions.35 points
44. Rush Hour-->Escape in all rounds of a Fragile Alliance session.15 points
45. Perfect Split-->All players split the money equally from a Fragile Alliance heist.25 points
46. Celebrity-->Play as Lynch in Fragile Alliance.0 points
47. True Elite-->Play as Kane in Fragile Alliance.0 points
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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