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作者:惡血華│2008-07-14 02:19:16│巴幣:2│人氣:2001
Galeb Duhr Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Long ago, all dwarves were slaves to the giants and titans. More than one variety of dwarf failed to escape during the initial revolution, including the galeb duhrs. However, unlike the azers that continue to serve their masters in the Elemental Chaos, many galeb duhrs have slipped away from their brutish masters into the world. On the other hand, some still serve their hill giant and earth titan overlords, both in the Elemental Chaos and in the natural world.

Gargoyle Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Gargoyles prefer to nest on high rocky outcroppings and the rooftops of tall stone buildings; however, they can also be found in caverns deep below the earth. Rituals can summon gargoyles to serve as guardians of locations or prisons, or to hunt down people or items.
DC 15:石像鬼喜歡棲息在聳立的岩石和高大石樓的頂端;然而,它們也可能存在於地底深處的洞穴中。儀式可以召喚石像鬼做為所在地的守衛或者囚徒,也可以用來追捕某人或某物。

Ghost Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Religion check.
DC 20: A ghost recalls at least a portion of its past life, but its personality might be altered by its death and manifestation as an undead spirit.
DC 25: Some ghosts are inexorably linked to the world, reforming at full strength a few days after being “destroyed.” Such a ghost is more likely to talk to those willing to help it, since fulfilling its final aims is the only way it can rest. The purpose could be anything from finding a lost item to burying its corporeal remains to solving its own murder.
DC 20:幽魂記得至少一部分它的過去,但它的人格可能被死亡扭曲並表現為亡靈精神。
DC 25:某些幽魂被無情地羈留在這個世界上,會在“被摧毀”後數天再度變得充滿力量。這樣的幽魂只有在達到它的最終目的後才會安息,所以更有可能願意與那些能夠幫助它的人交談。最終目的可以是找回失去的物件,埋葬它的遺體或者找出謀殺它的兇手。

Ghoul Lore
A character knows the following information about ghouls with a successful Religion check.
DC 15: Humanoids that indulge in or resort to cannibalism become ghouls when they die. Ghouls are also created through rituals. When a creature transforms into a ghoul, all the cares, concerns, and goals of its former life are washed away in an undead pulse of ravenous longing.
DC 20: Most ghouls revere Doresain, the King of Ghouls (and an exarch of Orcus). Doresain has a domain in the Abyss known as the White Kingdom, which is inhabited by ghouls and other flesh-eating undead. It is called the White Kingdom because every building is made of bones, and walking through its bone-dust streets kicks up clouds of white dust that create a fog throughout the city and coat things in white.
DC 25: Sometimes ghouls are graced by Doresain with power greater than their fellows. These so-called abyssal ghouls are the Ghoul King’s favorites and make up a goodly portion of the king’s Court of Teeth. The Court of Teeth includes over a thousand ghouls who reside with Doresain in a palace hollowed from the petrified but living form of a fallen primordial. Abyssal ghouls are also found in the world and on other planes, secretly aiding demons, undead, and evil lords who’ve sworn fealty to Doresain.

★Death Giant Lore
A character knows the following information about death giants with a successful Arcana check.
DC 25: Death giants hunt living creatures in their native Shadowfell. In the natural world, they prefer to den in hollows below mass graveyards, in empty mausoleums and necropoli, and other places where the veil between the world and the Shadowfell is particularly thin.
DC 30: Death giants sustain themselves by stealing and devouring living souls. Death giants do not need to do this often; however, they often make a dark sport of hunting the living.
DC 25: 死亡巨人們在他們的家鄉落影冥界狩獵著活物。在主物質界(natural world),他們喜歡在墓地下方的洞穴或空的陵墓中居住——特別是那些和落影冥界的阻礙特別薄弱的地方。
DC 30: 死亡巨人通過竊取和吞食靈魂來滿足自己。雖然他們並不需要頻繁的這麼做,但他們經常進行這項黑暗的獵殺活動。
★Earth Giant Lore
A character knows the following information about earth giants with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: Earth giants are the most brutish of giantkind. They inhabit badlands, deserts, and canyons, though lesser earth giants (such as hill giants) often gather in high mountain valleys and along mountain passes.
DC 25: Many of the dwarves who were enslaved by the earth giants were transformed as galeb duhrs. Some of them continue to serve earth giants, while others escaped and view giants (and earth giants in particular) as bitter enemies.
DC 20: 大地巨人是巨人族中最粗野的。他們居住在荒野、沙漠和峽谷中,不過少量的的大地巨人(例如山嶺巨人)會居住在高山的山谷和山口處。
DC 25: 許多被大地巨人奴役的矮人被變成了galeb duhrs(MM114). 他們有的繼續為大地巨人服務,而有些則逃脫了並視巨人(特別是大地巨人)為仇敵。
★Fire Giant Lore
A character knows the following information about fire giants with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: Fire giants seek to forge new empires. They remember the giant empires of old and want to rekindle their ancient glory. Fire giants take slaves, using them as laborers in their forges and strongholds. They also keep hell hounds as pets.
DC 25: Fire giants managed to hold onto some of their dwarven slaves of old. Over time, these dwarves changed to
suit the nature of their masters, becoming azers.
DC 20: 火巨人謀求建立一個新的帝國。他們牢記著古代巨人帝國的榮耀,並且時刻思考著如何重振那古老的輝煌。火巨人掠奪其他生物作為奴隸,逼迫他們在自己的鍛造場和堡壘裏工作。他們會收養地獄犬作為寵物。
DC 25: 火巨人的奴隸中有許多矮人被迫成為奴隸已久。隨著時間的推移,這些矮人的本質變的和他們的主人一樣,成為了火矮人。
★Storm Giant Lore
A character knows the following information about storm giants with a successful Arcana check.
DC 25: Storm giants build (or command lesser beings to build) grand castles atop tall mountains, on floating islands, and sometimes in the oceans of the world. They breathe water as easily as air.
DC 30: Some storm giants use rituals to summon great storms upon which their armies can ride. Such storms, rare throughout history, are called Harbinger Storms.
DC 25: 風暴巨人(或命令其他弱小的生命)在高山、浮島或海洋中修建雄偉的城堡。他們可以如同在空氣中一般在水中呼吸。
DC 30: 有些風暴巨人使用儀式召喚可供他的軍隊搭乘的大風暴。這些史上罕有的風暴被稱做先驅者風暴。

Gibbering Beast Lore
A character knows the following information about gibbering beasts with a successful Dungeoneering check.
DC 15: Gibbering beasts spontaneously arise when creatures, especially sentient ones, die in a place touched by the Far Realm.
DC 20: For the most part, gibbering beasts speak nonsense. Occasionally, a gibbering beast speaks an intelligible word or phrase, usually mingled with its mad gibbering. The word or phrase could be a clue or warning, or it could just be something of no importance whatsoever.
DC 25: Gibbering orbs are denizens of the Far Realm that wander the planes and the places between, consuming living creatures. Although they appear insane, gibbering orbs are perversely rational, and they pursue secret objectives all their own.

Githyanki Lore
A character knows the following information about githyanki with a successful Nature check.
DC 20: The ancient gith escaped from their mind flayer overlords long ago, only to fall prey to internecine strife that created the rival githyanki and githzerai races. In time, the githyanki established a tyranny almost as bloodthirsty as the illithids that once enslaved them. Githyanki attack mind flayers on sight, and they are equally cruel toward their githzerai kin. Githyanki speak Common. They also learned Deep Speech from their mind flayer overlords.
DC 25: Githyanki cities and citadels in the Astral Sea are built upon nameless and forgotten dead entities. The githyanki sail the Astral Sea in astral ships, looking for debris of dead gods and shattered realms to add to their own fortresses and hoards. Occasionally they set their sights on other worlds, intent on plundering them as well.
DC 30: Githyanki don’t have families; from birth they belong to military training groups called cadres. A githyanki views her cadre as singularly important and typically does not know the name of her parents or siblings. Even more important than a githyanki’s cadre is her weapon. A githyanki lavishes more care on her weapon than her fellows.
DC 35: Tu’narath is the largest githyanki city. It is built atop the body of a dead god adrift in the Astral Sea and ruled by Vlaakith, the githyanki lich queen, who has ruled supreme for over a thousand years. The githyanki revere the lich-queen as the stepmother of their race. To them, her word is truth. She has the reputation for slaying any who challenge her policy or power, devouring their life essences. Githyanki have a pact with red dragons, which sometimes agree to allow githyanki to ride upon them.
DC 20:很久很久以前,原始的吉斯人從他們的靈吸怪統治者手下逃脫,然而卻在激烈的內戰下分化出吉斯洋基人和吉斯澤雷人這兩個對手。隨著時間流逝,吉斯洋基人建立了一種暴政,這種暴政制度的殘忍嗜血程度幾乎和曾經奴役他們的靈吸怪們一樣。吉斯洋基人只要一見到靈吸怪就會發動攻擊,另外,他們對待他們的親戚吉斯澤雷人的態度也是一樣。
DC 25:吉斯洋基人的城市和根據地都建立在眾星之海中無名和荒廢的死物上。吉斯洋基人在眾星之海裏使用星界飛船航行,尋找已死去的神祗和已毀壞的領域的殘片來增強他們自己的要塞,豐富他們自己的儲藏。偶爾,他們會把視線放到其他世界,下定決心去進行洗劫一空。
DC 30:吉斯洋基人沒有家庭,他們一出生就屬於一些被稱為“骨幹”的軍事訓練機構。一個吉斯洋基人會異乎尋常地重視自己的“骨幹”,另外一個特點是,他們從不會知道自己父母和兄弟姐妹的名字。對一個吉斯洋基人來說,比“骨幹”更重要的是他自己的武器。吉斯洋基人甚至會重視自己的武器多過於重視自己的同伴。
DC 35:Tu’narath是最大的吉斯洋基城市,它建立在一個漂浮在眾星之海的死亡神祗身上,被Vlaakith這位吉斯洋基人的巫妖女王所統治著,她已經統治了超過1000年了。吉斯洋基人把這位巫妖女王當作他們種族的母親一樣尊敬著。對他們來說,她的話就是真理。據說,她會把任何挑戰她的政策和權威的人除掉,吞噬掉他們的生命元素。

Githzerai Lore
A character knows the following information about githyanki with a successful Nature check.
DC 20: Slaves in a long lost illithid empire, the githzerai were once one people with the githyanki. Philosophical differences split the freed people. The githzerai chose an introspective path, building monasteries in which they learn to harness the power of the mind and soul. Many of these monasteries are sequestered in the Elemental Chaos, although some githzerai sects maintain hidden refuges in the natural world.
DC 25: Most githzerai have martial arts training, enabling them to better protect their settlements. A few mix more arcane teachings with martial prowess, becoming multitalented githzerai called zerths.
DC 30: Githzerai warriors form parties to hunt the enemies of their people, particularly mind flayers. Githzerai are also encouraged to pursue their individual goals, some benign and others less so. Githzerai are as capable of evildoing as any sentient race, although particularly wicked githzerai tend to live outside of githzerai society.
DC 35: Zerthadlun, an austere walled settlement with many open fields and markets, is the greatest and most widely known githzerai city—an oasis of calm in the otherwise tumultuous Elemental Chaos. There, the githzerai contemplate order, destiny, entropy, and destruction. They perfect their bodies and minds, testing themselves against the dangers of the Elemental Chaos.
DC 20:在古老逝去的靈吸怪帝國中做奴隸時,吉斯澤雷人曾經和吉斯洋基人是同一個種族。在獲得自由後,哲學理念的衝突使得種族開始分裂。吉斯澤雷人選擇了一條內省的路線,他們建立修道院來學習控制意念和靈魂的力量的方法。很多修道院都位於元素混沌中的隱秘場所,也有些吉斯澤雷教派繼續維護著位於自然世界中的隱藏避難所。
DC 25:絕大部分吉斯澤雷人都經過軍事訓練,以使他們能夠更好的保護他們的居住地。有一些還混合接受了戰鬥方面的奧術訓練,這些便成了被稱為澤斯的,具有多種能力的吉斯澤雷人。
DC 30:吉斯澤雷的戰士們會從組織中出發,去獵殺他們的敵人,尤其是靈吸怪。吉斯澤雷人也被鼓勵去追尋他們自己的目標,有些目標是良性而善意的,有些則次一些。吉斯澤雷人也會做一些邪惡的事情,就如同所有有意識的種族一樣,然而特別的是,邪惡的吉斯澤雷人趨向于住在吉斯澤雷聚居地之外。
DC 35:Zerthadlun,這個簡樸而規劃有致的被城牆包圍的聚居地有著許多開放的田地和市場,是最大最廣為人知的吉斯澤雷城市,也是喧囂的元素混沌中例外的平靜綠洲。在那裏,吉斯澤雷人沉思著秩序,命運,混亂和毀滅。他們完善著他們的身體和意志,以元素混沌中的危險來考驗自己。

Gnoll Lore豺狼人
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Gnolls are nomadic and rarely stay in one place for long. When gnolls attack and pillage a settlement, they leave nothing behind except razed buildings and gnawed corpses. Gnolls often decorate their armor and encampments with the bones of their victims. Impatient and unskilled artisans, they wear patchwork armor and wield weapons stolen from their victims.
DC 20: Gnolls don’t bargain or parley, and they can’t be bribed or reasoned with. Gnolls are often encountered with hyenas, which they keep as pets and hunting animals. They also work with demons.
DC 25: Gnolls detest physical labor and often use slaves to perform menial chores. The life of a slave in a gnoll camp is brutal and short. That said, slaves who show strength and savagery might be indoctrinated into the gnoll vanguard. Such creatures are usually broken in mind and spirit, having become as cruel and ruthless as their captors.
DC 30: As the mortal instruments of the demon lord Yeenoghu, who is called the Beast of Butchery and Ruler of Ruin, gnolls constantly perform atrocities. When not scouring the land in Yeenoghu’s name, gnolls fight among themselves and participate in rituals that involve acts of depravity and self-mutilation.

Gnome Lore
A character knows the following information about gnomes with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Gnomes dwell in homes burrowed under the roots of trees. Their homes are easily overlooked by untrained eyes.
DC 20: When they feel threatened, gnomes use illusions to steer foes away from their homes or lure them into traps or ambushes.

The following information about goblins can be obtained with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Goblins’ bellicose nature can be traced, in part, to their reverence for the god Bane, whom they see as the mightiest hobgoblin warchief in the cosmos. Some of Bane’s exarches are goblins. Maglubiyet, the Battle Lord, and Hruggek, the Master of Ambush, are most prominent among these.
DC 20: Hobgoblins once had an empire in which bugbears and goblins were their servants. This empire fell to internal strife and interference from otherworldly forces—perhaps the fey, whom many goblins hate.
DC 25: Hobgoblins developed mundane and magical methods for taming and breeding beasts as guards, laborers, and soldiers. They have a knack for working with wolves and worgs, and some drake breeds owe their existence directly to hobgoblin meddling. All goblins carry on this tradition of domesticating beasts.
DC 30: Given their brutal magical traditions, hobgoblins might have created their cousins in ancient times: Bugbears served as elite warriors, and goblins worked as scouts and infiltrators. The disintegration of hobgoblin power led to widespread and diverse sorts of goblin tribes.
★Bugbear Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: A bugbear has little tolerance for talk and resorts to conversation only if the advantage of doing so is apparent. The most common situation is when foes are too strong to challenge openly.
DC 20: Bugbears often decapitate their foes to honor their greatest hero, Hruggek, who is known to decapitate his enemies.
★Goblin Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Goblins are cowardly and tend to retreat or surrender when outmatched. They are fond of taking slaves and often become slaves themselves.
DC 20: Goblins sleep, eat, and spend leisure time in shared living areas. Only a leader has private chambers. A goblin lair is stinking and soiled, though easily defensible and often riddled with simple traps designed to snare or kill intruders.
★Hobgoblin Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Hobgoblins live to make war. A typical tribe includes a mixture of hobgoblins, goblins, and bugbears, with the mightiest hobgoblin holding the title of warchief.
DC 20: A hobgoblin tribe is intensely protective of its reputation and military status. Meetings between groups from different tribes might turn violent if members aren’t restrained. However, a common cause can make hobgoblin tribes set aside their differences for the glory of a great war led by a mighty leader.
DC 25: Like their martial traditions, hobgoblin magical traditions severely test the limits of practitioners. Hobgoblin casters are expected to work well with hobgoblin soldiers.

Golem Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana or Nature check.
DC 20: A golem is given “life” by an animating spark from the Elemental Chaos. This spark is not a soul or an independent creature, but raw vitality that gives the golem the power of movement and a glimmer of sentience.
DC 25: A golem’s creator has complete control over its actions. Without its creator present, a golem tries to obey its last orders to the best of its ability.

Gorgon Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: Wild gorgons roam in small herds of three to seven individuals, each containing one male (sometimes called a bull) and several females. Young males must successfully challenge a bull to lead a herd, and those that do not succeed travel alone or in pairs.
DC 20:野生的石化牛以三到七頭的規模組成獸群生活,每群包含一頭雄性(有時也被稱作公牛bull)與數頭雌性。年輕的雄性必須挑戰公牛成功才能領導獸群,失敗者將獨身或成對離去。

Grell Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Dungeoneering check.
DC 15: Grells are solitary, malicious hunters that detest sunlight and prefer to lurk underground. They float silently though the air and like to descend from above, snaring their prey in venomous tentacles.

Grick Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Dungeoneering check.
DC 15: A grick attacks viciously when its nest is threatened or when it is hungry—and it is always hungry. Accustomed to hunting in packs, gricks are much more dangerous when they flank prey.
DC 20: If prey becomes too scarce in its preferred terrain, a grick hunts aboveground at night, always returning to shelter before the bright light of the day burns its tiny eyes.

Griffon Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Griffons are difficult to tame, but stories tell of elves and eladrin who magically control griffons and ride them into battle. Hippogriffs, on the other hand, are easily ridden, even in combat. For that reason, they are the most common flying mount among the civilized races of the world. Hippogriffs breed true. Breeding a hippogriff with a horse produces either another hippogriff or a temperamental horse. Hippogriffs are expensive mounts, so the theft and smuggling of young hippogriffs is a lucrative criminal industry.
DC 20: A griffon’s nest typically contains only one or two eggs. Griffon and hippogriff eggs are worth up to 1,000 gp apiece to prospective buyers, who include eccentrics wishing to display the creature in captivity, villains who want a vicious guard, or spellcasters who believe they can train a young griffon using magic.
DC 25: Rimefire griffons are native to the Elemental Chaos. Ice archons ally with them, and efreets sometimes capture them and force them into service.

Grimlock Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Grimlocks are murderous brutes that prefer raw, fresh meat—preferably human. Having evolved into eyeless creatures, they rely on blindsight to detect enemies.

Guardian Lore
A character knows the following information about guardians with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: A guardian is created by means of a ritual, the main component of which is an amulet to which the guardian is keyed.
DC 25: A guardian obeys its master’s verbal commands to the best of its ability, although it is not good for much beyond combat and simple manual labor. It can also be instructed to perform specific tasks at specific times or when certain conditions are met.
DC 30: If a guardian’s master dies, the guardian carries out the last command it was given until its control amulet falls into the hands of a new owner and new orders are given.

Hag Lore
A character knows the following information about hags with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Hags often know dark rituals that allow them to scry distant places, see into the future, manipulate the weather, or place curses on those who anger them. They gather in small groups called covens, thereby combining their ritual knowledge.
DC 20: Hags are living manifestations of nature’s ugliness, much as eladrin and elves embody nature’s beauty. Miserable and conniving, they seek to destroy those who are content in life. They like to collect treasure and will often impart knowledge or free captives in exchange for valuable items.

Halfling Lore
A character knows the following information about Halflings with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Halflings are resourceful rovers who use the rivers of the world as roads. They’re friendly and inclusive among strangers, and protective of their own kind. A reputation for hospitality but also minor larceny follows them.

Harpy Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Harpies can be either male or female. A male harpy and female harpy will share a nest just long enough to propagate, but once the eggs have been laid, the male abandons the nest and leaves the female to rear the hatchlings. For this reason, harpies are seldom encountered in mixed-gender groups.
DC 20: According to legend, harpies are descended from an evil elf witch-queen who often took the form of a golden eagle to spy on her subjects. A mighty hero drove her into exile long ago, breaking the magic tiara that allowed her to change shape. The elf-queen and her unscrupulous children were cursed with half-bird forms for the rest of their days. The alluring song of the harpy is a legacy of the sinister enchantments wielded by the long-lost elf-queen against her people.

Helmed Horror Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: Helmed horrors are created by means of an ancient ritual. A helmed horror has truesight and regeneration, and it can channel different kinds of energy through its greatsword.

Homunculus Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: A homunculus obeys its creator until he or she specifies a new owner, at which point the homunculus bonds with its new master. A homunculus is often tasked with guarding a specific creature, object, or location and gains powers that better enable it to perform this task.

Hook Horror Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 20: Hook horrors live in total darkness. They can see in lit environments, but in the dark of the deep earth they navigate using echolocation. They also make clicking noises to communicate with one another. An Underdark explorer might become aware of nearby hook horrors by these noises.
DC 25: Although they hunt in small packs, hook horrors also gather in larger groups called clans. A particular clan, ruled by its strongest egg-laying female, ranges over a wide area in the Underdark. Its members defend clan territory fiercely from any intruder, including unrelated hook horrors.
DC 30: Hook horrors are omnivorous but prefer meat to plants. Rumor has it that they prefer the flesh of drow over any other. Not surprisingly, drow slay wild hook horrors and take young and eggs to raise as slaves.

★Hell Hound Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Primordials created hell hounds when the world was young. Even though the beasts did not originate in the Nine Hells, they are so named because of their fiery and terrifying aspect.
DC 20: Fire giants bred captive populations of hell hounds thousands of years ago, selecting them for size and prowess, until they crafted the firebred hell hound. Firebred hell hounds possess an instinctive loyalty to their age-old masters.
★Shadow Hound Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: When a shadow hound catches the scent of its prey, nothing can discourage it from making the kill. When it eventually finds its prey, it sounds its whispery, hunting bay.
★Wild Hunt Hound Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 25: Allowed to drink from the pure heart springs of the Feywild, wild hunt hounds are infused with a vigor unmatched by lesser dogs. They tirelessly guard the manors of eladrin nobles and accompany them on great hunts.

Human Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Humans are a scattered and divided people. They inhabit kingdoms, fiefdoms, and isolated settlements throughout the world, expanding their influence, exploring the darkest frontiers, and making war against their rivals.
DC 20: The ruins of ancient human empires are scattered throughout the world. No present-day human kingdom matches these fallen empires in terms of scale and grandeur, but humans remain undaunted. Their culture has reasserted itself, and humans have begun to expand their influence.

Hydra Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful skill check.
Nature DC 20: Legends that speak of hydras that can regenerate severed heads have so far proven false.
Nature DC 25: Although hydras spend much of their time in water, they are not amphibious—they must surface to breathe.
Arcana DC 30: The first hydras sprang from the spilled blood of Bryakus, a terrible primordial who battled the gods in ancient times. Although the gods defeated Bryakus long ago, his monstrous progeny still thrive in the Elemental Chaos and elsewhere. Particularly powerful hydras have the ability to spit acid and other forms of energy, such as fire or lightning.
自然DC 20: 民間流傳的關於多頭蛇即使頭被斬下也能再生的傳說已經被證明是錯誤的了。
自然DC 25: 雖然多頭蛇喜歡在水裏打發它們的時間,但它們不是水生生物——它們必須浮出水面呼吸。
神秘DC 30: 第一隻多頭蛇是從Bryakus,一位曾在上古時代和神明們交戰的魔神灑落的血液中誕生的。雖然神祗們擊敗了Bryakus,但他的怪物後代們仍然在元素深淵和其他地方繁殖著。特別強大的多頭蛇擁有能力噴吐強酸或其他能量,例如火焰和閃電。

Hyena Lore
A character knows the following information about hyenas with a successful skill check.
Nature DC 15: Hyenas are commonly regarded as cowardly, gluttonous, filthy, and destructive beasts. Gnolls often
keep hyenas as pets and hunting animals.
Arcana DC 25: Cacklefiend hyenas are native to the Abyss. Their jaws drip with acid, and their cackle is extremely unnerving. Yeenoghu, the demon god of gnolls, sends cacklefiend hyenas to serve favored gnoll chieftains.
自然DC 15:鬣狗通常被認為是膽怯,貪吃,污穢具有破壞性的野獸。豺狼人常常會飼養鬣狗作為寵物與狩獵獸。
神秘DC 25:喧擾惡魔鬣狗是深淵的原住民。它們的鄂部滴涎著酸液,喧擾聲極端使人煩躁。耶諾古,豺狼人的惡魔神祗,派遣喧擾惡魔鬣狗去服侍寵愛的豺狼人酋長。

Kobold Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Kobolds often dwell near a dragon’s lair, maintaining a safe distance but bringing sacrificial offerings to their “god.” Most dragons ignore kobolds, as a crocodile ignores the birds that pick its teeth clean. Once in a great while, however, a young dragon takes an interest in its kobold cult, which then becomes a real menace to the dragon’s enemies.
DC 20: Kobolds are skilled at making traps, which they use to capture prey and to acquire sacrifices for their dragon
DC 15: 狗頭人往往在龍的巢穴附近築巢聚居,並且與他們的“神”保持著安全距離,但是經常攜帶貢品去取悅它們。很多龍乾脆無視了這些小爬蟲,就象鱷魚無視為它清理牙縫的鳥兒一樣。不過偶然也會有那麼一兩次,一條年輕的巨龍對崇拜它的狗頭人教團產生了興趣,那麼這時候這些小爬蟲也會真正成為這條巨龍的敵人必須面對的威脅。
DC 20:狗頭人是製作陷阱的天才。他們利用陷阱捕捉獵物和準備奉獻給他們的“神”的祭品。

Kruthik Lore
A character knows the following information about kruthiks with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Kruthiks are chitinous reptilian hunters that form small hives underground. They use their superior numbers to overwhelm and devour all other nearby creatures. Kruthiks hunt methodically, stripping one area of prey before expanding their territory. They butcher their kills and carry treasure back to their nesting warrens. Mauled carcasses and strange tracks that look as if they were made by spikes are sure signs of a kruthik horde.
DC 20: Kruthiks communicate with one another through a complex series of insectlike chitters and reptilian hisses. These sounds can often be heard in advance of a kruthik attack. Kruthiks hatch from eggs and undergo several metamorphoses during their life cycle. Hatchlings grow into young, but young and adults enter a hard cocoon to change into the next larger breed of kruthik.
DC 25: Kruthiks take the scent of their own dead as a warning, and they avoid areas where many other kruthiks have died. Slaying enough kruthiks in one area might drive the remaining hive elsewhere.
DC 30: The origin of the kruthik lies in the cruel history of the tiefling empire of Bael Turath. Tiefling mages infused worldly reptiles with fiendish blood, creating the kruthiks as infiltrators to weaken enemy holdings from within. Perhaps the tieflings had a way to control the kruthiks at that time, but if so, that technique was lost with the fall of the tiefling empire.

Kuo-toa Lore
A character knows the following information about kuo-toa with a successful Nature check.
DC 20: Kuo-toas live in the Underdark, where they worship dark gods and work toward sinister ends, seeing themselves as superior to all other humanoids. They are at home in water and on land, so they can be encountered in dry caverns as well as subterranean bodies of water. On the edge of underground lakes or seas, kuo-toas build settlements around their shrines. Within these places, priests called whips make up the top caste of kuo-toa society. Kuo-toa monitors are the whips’ agents as well as an elite warrior force that keeps lower ranking kuo-toas in line.
DC 25: Madness taints kuo-toa civilization, and it can spread through a kuo-toa settlement like a disease. The mental disciplines practiced by whips and monitors often protect them from lunacy, but kuo-toa leaders must carefully control and watch the common populace. This madness has caused some kuo-toa communities to disintegrate, leaving behind ruins populated by mad kuo-toas and wandering monsters.

Lamia Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: A lamia is a bizarre fey comprised of hundreds of black scarab beetles. It lures wayfarers to their deaths by assuming a pleasing humanoid guise.
DC 25: When a lamia slays a humanoid creature, it adds another beetle to its evergrowing swarm. When a lamia’s swarm grows too large, it reproduces by first slaying a worthy fey creature such as a powerful eladrin. Rather than consuming the body, the lamia divides itself, filling the corpse with hundreds of its beetles. Over time, these beetles devour the corpse and arise as a new lamia. This newborn lamia gains much of the victim’s memories and knowledge in the process.

Larva Mage Lore
A character knows the following information about larva mages with a successful Religion check.
DC 25: Only the most evil spellcasters return to unlife as larva mages. When a larva mage is destroyed, the maggots and worms that comprise its physical form lose their sentience and become harmless vermin.
DC 30: Particularly powerful larva mages retain more of their previous spellcasting ability than others, and know several wizard powers. They often carry their old spellbooks around with them.
DC 35: An elder evil being called Kyuss created the first larva mages to guard vaults of forbidden lore. These larva mages are among the most powerful of their kind and wield an impressive array of spells.

Lich Lore
A character knows the following information about liches with a successful Religion check.
DC 20: A mortal becomes a lich by performing a dark and terrible ritual. In this ritual the mortal dies, but rises again as an undead creature. Most liches are wizards or warlocks, but a few multiclassed clerics follow this dark path.
DC 25: A lich’s life force is bound up in a magic phylactery, which typically takes the form of a fist-sized metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been written. If you destroy a lich, its spirit returns to its phylactery. Its body reforms in 1d10 days at the location of the phylactery unless you also destroy the phylactery. Most liches hide their phylacteries in secret (and well-guarded) vaults, sometimes on other planes. Destroying a lich and its phylactery does not guarantee that the lich is gone forever. Powerful beings associated with undeath, including Orcus and Vecna, can reform a destroyed lich, turning it into a lich vestige.
DC 30: Some of the most fearsome villains in the long history of the world have been liches, including Acererak—master of the Tomb of Horrors—and the god Vecna himself. All liches pay homage to Orcus, and it is said that Orcus can instantly destroy the phylactery of any lich that displeases him.

Lizardfolk Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Lizardfolk favor humid climates. They dwell in warm or temperate marshes, swamps, and jungles, or more rarely in flooded cavern systems. Lizardfolk occasionally trade with humanoids they trust (usually halflings), bartering for finished goods. However, tribes that prey on other humanoids generally don’t engage in any kind of trade.
DC 20: Lizardfolk hatch from eggs and grow quickly to adulthood; by 2 years of age, they are fully grown. A tribe maintains a communal incubator in which all the tribe’s eggs are sealed together. Young lizardfolk are raised together by the whole tribe. Parental relationships do not exist among lizardfolk. Lizardfolk have a patriarchal society in which the most powerful member rules the others as chieftain. Shamans and mystics commonly advise the chieftain.
DC 25: Lizardfolk do not worship gods, but large tribes often elevate one of their own to the status of a living deity. This figure becomes the tribe’s lizard king. A lizard king usually possesses unusual strength, ferocity, and cleverness and might be tainted by primordial or demonic influences. Powerful reptilian creatures such as dragons sometimes usurp this role and command a tribe’s loyalty.

Lycanthrope Lore
A character knows the following information about lycanthropes with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Lycanthropy is hereditary, and lycanthropes mate with those of a similar species to produce lycanthrope offspring. Some lycanthropes can also mate with similarly sized humanoids, sometimes producing lycanthrope children. However, the blood is diluted in this way, and many such children never change or instead become shifters.

Magma Beast Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 15: Magma beasts are elemental beings that originate in the Elemental Chaos. Many now live in the natural world, having crossed over into volcanic regions of the surface and the Underdark.
DC 20: Magma brutes and magma hurlers are smarter than most magma beasts and can sometimes be bribed with regular gifts of food. They serve anyone who can promise them interesting meals, and they occasionally bully lesser magma beasts into fighting alongside them.
DC 25: Humanoids slain by magma beasts are usually devoured in their entirety—including their equipment. Magma beasts consume even the steel of armor and weapons, given time.

Manticore Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Manticores are wicked predators that delight in devouring intelligent creatures, especially dwarves and humans. They fling iron spikes from their tails with deadly precision.
DC 20: Manticores have three rows of teeth, which constantly grow throughout their lives. They often leave old teeth and iron spikes in the bodies of their mauled victims as sure signs of manticore attack. Although dimwitted, manticores understand Common and can speak a few Common words and phrases. They are exceedingly impatient and tend to attack those who attempt to parley with them.

Marut Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Religion check.
DC 25: No one knows what purpose the maruts ultimately pursue, but the price for a marut’s service is always a reciprocal service; that is to say, maruts seem to be gathering favors. Maruts keep records of their verbal contracts in their fortresses on the Astral Sea.

Medusa Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: Medusas are known and feared for their gaze attacks. It is possible to close one’s eyes while fighting a medusa, but fighting the creature blindly is rarely a good choice.
DC 20: Medusas are accomplished archers and shoot arrows poisoned with their own saliva. Medusas prefer to live alone or in small groups, but they desire wealth and, most important, power and influence in the societies of other humanoids. A brood of medusas might rule over a terrified populace as a royal family, or a single medusa might act as the secret boss of an assassins’ guild.
DC 25: Male medusas don’t have the snaky hair of their female counterparts, but their blood is even more poisonous. The gaze of a female medusa turns creatures to stone, while the gaze of a male medusa ravages the mind and body, leaving its victims dazed, weak, and ripe for killing.
DC 30: The blood of a medusa can reverse petrification. One must apply a few drops of the creature’s blood to the lips or mouth of a petrified creature and succeed on a DC 20 Heal check. The medusa must have been killed within the past 24 hours for the blood to work.
DC 15: 美杜沙因他們的凝視攻擊而著名。閉上眼睛和他們戰鬥似乎是個好主意,但盲目的與其戰鬥並不是一個明智的選擇。
DC 20: 美杜沙是優秀的射手,他們用自己的唾液塗抹在箭頭上使其獲得毒性。美杜沙喜歡獨居或者組成一個小群體,但他們渴望財富,力量和在其他類人生物社會中的影響力。一群美杜沙可能會像皇族一樣統治著一群平民,單獨的一隻美杜沙可能會充當一個刺客工會的秘密首領。
DC 25: 雄性的美杜沙並沒有雌性美杜沙一般的蛇發,但他們的血液中含有更多的毒素。雌性美杜沙的凝視能令生物變成石頭,而雄性美杜沙的凝視則蹂躪受害者的身心,令他們暈眩、虛弱,並在時機成熟時將他們殺害。
DC 30: 美杜沙的血液能夠解除石化。要這麼做,你必須將這些生物的血液塗抹在被石化生物的嘴唇上並成功通過一個DC20的醫療檢定。美杜沙的血液在離體24小時後就會失去效果。

Mind Flayer Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Dungeoneering check.
DC 20: Mind flayers (or illithids, as they call themselves) bend others to their will and wield powers that shatter the minds of their foes. Mind flayers subsist on the devoured brains of intelligent creatures. They are coldly self-serving and think nothing of sacrificing companions or thralls to save themselves.
DC 25: Mind flayers communicate via telepathy, although they also understand Dark Speech. A mind flayer’s thralls are completely loyal and obedient. They obey the illithid’s telepathic commands in a dark, hopeless, dreamlike state, following the spirit of their instructions and not just the letter.
DC 30: Mind flayers are often solitary masterminds who manipulate hosts of weak-willed thralls to do their bidding, but sometimes they gather in small cabals of like-minded individuals. Horrible cities and kingdoms of mind flayers, organized around mighty disembodied intellects known as elder brains, lurk in the deepest portions of the Underdark.
DC 35: A mind flayer begins life as a small, tentacled, tadpolelike parasite that invades the skull of a helpless humanoid victim, devours its brain, and then subverts the body to its own use. Within a matter of days, it transforms the body it steals into an adult illithid, and all traces of the creature’s former being are permanently extinguished.

Minotaur Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check.
DC 15: The archetypical minotaur is a savage, dungeondwelling brute that kills for pleasure. However, many minotaurs are civilized and cultured. These minotaurs are smaller than their savage kin, and they gather in settlements of all sizes.
DC 20: The cult of Baphomet, the demon lord also known as the Horned King, is a widespread substrate within minotaur society dedicated to embracing the beast within. Some minotaur city-states or temple strongholds are entirely populated with devotees of the demon prince and ruled by cabalists in a malevolent theocracy. In other minotaur societies, Baphomet’s cult is a hidden, subversive force of evil. Minotaur realms are hidden in the most remote and forbidding places of the world, in secret mountain citadels, snow-covered temple-states, and buried fortresses. Evil minotaurs are slave takers and plunderers that seek to weaken their targets before launching surprise attacks that leave no foe behind. Their more benign kin are contemplative warriors who remain mostly secluded, shrouding themselves and their society in secrecy. Good or evil, minotaurs are guided by their religious leaders. Cabalists devoted to Baphomet lead both evil templestates and hidden cults in other cities. In settlements where the Horned King’s cult has not seized control, priests of Bahamut, Erathis, Moradin, or Pelor hold sway.
DC 25: Minotaurs like mazes. They employ twisting designs on their clothing, armor, and weapons, and lay out simple or exceedingly complex labyrinths in their temples and gardens. Among benign minotaurs, these labyrinths are places of quiet contemplation. Evil minotaurs throw prisoners in labyrinths and allow their savage kin or summoned demons to hunt the hapless captives through the twisting corridors.
DC 15: 典型的牛頭人是居住在地下城中,以殺戮為樂的野蠻生物。不過,許多牛頭人已經開化了。這些牛頭人比他們的野蠻表親要小,各種不同體型的混居在一起。
DC 20: 牛頭人社會普遍崇拜巴弗米特,被稱為角之王的惡魔領主。一些被秘術師施行神權統治的牛頭人城邦或寺廟全民信仰這位惡魔王子。在其他牛頭人社會中,巴弗米特的信徒是隱藏起來的危險分子。牛頭人的領土隱藏在世界最遙遠最險峻的地方,例如山中的秘密堡壘、白雪覆蓋的寺院和被埋沒的要塞。邪惡的牛頭人是奴隸的掠奪者,他們會在對那些弱小的生物發動一次斬草除根的突然襲擊之後將俘虜作為奴隸。而他們善良的表親則是在與世隔絕的地方守衛著自己國度秘密的戰士。不論善良還是邪惡,牛頭人都是由他們的宗教領袖領導的。信奉巴弗米特的秘術師們領導著邪惡的神廟和在其他城市裏暗藏的信徒們。而在拒絕角之王的城市裏,巴哈姆特(Bahamut)、Erathis(艾拉西斯?)、莫拉丁(Moradin)或培羅(Pelor)是受歡迎的神祗。
DC 25: 牛頭人喜歡迷宮。他們會在衣物、盔甲和武器上裝飾曲折的圖案,在神殿和花園裏設計簡單或複雜的迷宮。對善良的牛頭人來說,迷宮是可供他們冥想的地方。邪惡的牛頭人會把俘虜關在迷宮裏,並讓他們狂暴的遠親和召喚來的惡魔在裏面獵殺這些不幸的生物。

Mummy Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Religion check.
DC 15: Mummy guardians are created to protect important tombs against robbers. A mummy guardian either wanders its tomb, attacking all who enter, or it lies in its sarcophagus, rising to attack when the sarcophagus is opened.
DC 20: A mummy lord is usually created from the remains of an important evil cleric or priest. A mummy lord might guard an important tomb or lead a cult. Yuan-ti often create mummy lords to guard temples of Zehir.
DC 15: 木乃伊守衛被創造於從盜墓賊手中保衛重要的墓穴。木乃伊守衛要麼在墓穴中遊蕩,攻擊任何闖入者;要麼躺在它的石棺中,在石棺被打開是爬出來尋找敵人。
DC 20: 木乃伊領主通常是借助邪惡的牧師或教士的屍體所創造的。木乃伊領主可能守衛一個重要的墓穴或者指揮一場獻祭。Yuan-ti總是創造木乃伊領主來守護Zehir的神廟。
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