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模擬市民 密技

作者:Louisa│模擬市民│2008-03-17 08:33:07│巴幣:0│人氣:2877
模擬市民 秘技
遊戲中同時按 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C鍵,再輸入下列密碼
開啟密技模式後, 輸入klapaucius
然後再開啟密技模式輸入 !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! 到底
但要故意打錯一個 (例如:!;!;!;!;!;!;1) 之後再按 Enter鍵
會出現錯誤訊息 不要理它 一直按 Enter鍵
依此類推,最多可以重複 60次
按一次就增加 10萬最多到 9999999
而且之後花費 不會減少金錢

! = 重做上一個密技
; = 分開多個密碼指令
klapaucius = 加$1000
hist_add = 在現在的家庭加上新的家庭歷史
write_destlist = 加上目的地路線表到 AllRoutes.txt 裡
auto_level = 建築工具等級自動設定為需要
file import [FAM File] = 自動輸入或讀取 FAM
house (house number) = 自動讀取指示的房子
prepare_lot = 調查和修理物體
crash = 當機
water_tool = 讓你的家被水環繞
shrink_text [font size] [text] = 創造檔案 shrunk_text_#.bmp
edit_char = 創造人的個性模式
interests = 顯示人的個性和興趣
draw_all_frames off = 關閉描繪所有框架
draw_all_frames on = 描繪所有框架
draw_origins = 以有顏色的小點來描繪每一個人
core_dump = 拋棄所有記憶到 core_dump_(date:time).txt
dump_happy = Dump Selected Person's Most Recent List of Scored Interactions to a File
dump_mc = Dump Selected Person's Motive Contribution Curve to a File
debug_social = Enable Debug Flag to Show Outcome Choice Dialogs for Social Interactions
sim_log end = End Sim Logging
cht [filename] = Execute "file.cht" file as a List of Cheats
draw_floorable off = 關閉地板格子
draw_floorable on = 地板格子
assert = Force an Assert for Testing
log_animations = Log Animations in the Event Log Window
map_edit off = 關閉編輯地圖
map_edit on = 編輯地圖
move_objects = 移動任何物體
tutorial off = No Tutorial Object Generation when Tutorial House is Loaded
browser_failsafe = 防止瀏覽器當機
preview_anims off = 關閉預看狀態
preview_anims on = 預看狀態
quit = 離開遊戲
#import = Read in Behavior Tuning Constants from Tuning.txt
rebuild_cp = Rebuilds Entire Control Panel/UCP from Scratch
refreash_faces = Refresh the BMP_ Resources for All People whose IFF Files are Writable
refreash_textures = Rematch Dependent Textures and Regenerate Bitmaps for All User Characters
restore_tut = 恢復個別指導
rotation [0-3] = 旋轉攝影機
route_balloons off = Routing Debug Balloons Diabled
route_balloons on = Routing Debug Balloons Enabled
fam_test [opcount] = Run Series of Random Operations on Unhoused Families
save = 儲存現在讀取的家庭
history = 儲存家庭歷史檔案
plugh = 說 "plugh"
porntipsguzzardo = 說 "porntipsguzzardo"
xyzzy = 說 "xyzzy"
draw_routes on = 關閉所選擇人物的路線
draw_routes off = 所選擇人物的路線
log_mask = Set Event Logging Mask
sim_speed [-1000 - 1000] = 設定遊戲速度
edit_grass [number] = 改變草地
grow_grass [0-150] = 種植草地
lot_size [number] = Set Lot Size
sim_limit [milliseconds] = Set Max Milliseconds to Allow Simulator
bubble_tweak [z offset value] = Set Z Offset for Thought Bubbles
[directory path] = Sets the Neighborhood Directory to the Path
allow_inuse = Sets Whether Menu Items Appear for in use Objects
memview = Show Memory View Window in Debug Builds of the Game
begin = Start Sim Logging sim_log
swap_houses [house number] = Swap the Two House Files and Updates Families
sweep off = Ticks Disabled
sweep on = Ticks Enabled
tile_info on = 關閉設計師資訊
tile_info off = 設計師資訊
visitor_control = Toggle Allowing Visitors to be Controlled using the Keyboard
report_assets = 財產報告開關
auto_reset = Toggle Automatic Object Reset Feature
sim_peek = Toggle Calls to PeekMessage within Sim Loop
cam_mode = 攝影機模式開關
all_menus = Toggle Display Unavailable Interactions in Person Control Menus
music = 音樂開關
obj_comp = Toggle Object Compression in Save File
quats = Toggle Quaternion Tranformations
sound_log = Toggle Sound Log Window
sound = 聲音開關
html = 網頁創造開關
reload_people = Total Reload of People Skeletons, Anmiations, Suits and Skins
soundeven = 聲音事件觸發器
write_routes = Write out an RTE File Every Time a Route is Found
#export = Write Out Behavior Turning Constants to Tuning.txt

set_hour # = 設定時間(#=1~24)
set_speed # = 設定遊戲速度(#=-1000~+1000)
interests = 改變人的個性和興趣
autonomy # = 改變市民想法 (1~100)
grow_grass # = 種植草地(#=1~150)
map_edit on/off = 編輯地圖
route_balloons on/off = 基礎教學on/off
sweep on/off = Shows ticks of the game
tile_info on/off = 牆磚的資訊on/off
log_mask = 設定事件記錄
draw_all_frames on/off = 描繪所有框架on/off
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:|模擬市民 密技 非常男女 寵物世代 歡樂派對 超級巨星 魔法世界 歡樂假期|模擬市民|

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face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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