9.5 | 整體呈現 Presentation When you can say a game's title screen is awesome, you know you're in for something good. 一個遊戲的開頭畫面面很讚 - 你知道你將踏上一場很棒的旅程 |
9.0 | 畫面 Graphics Terrific character animation and the game world is beautiful. You'll notice some pop-up, though. 很棒的人物動畫, 遊戲世界很美. 不過有點 pop-up (物體突然出現) 的問題. |
9.5 | 聲音 Sound Metal fans will be in heaven listening to Brutal Legend's soundtrack, but more impressive is the voice acting. 遊戲的音樂會讓重金屬迷們將會置身於天堂, 但優秀的配音才是這遊戲的主角 |
9.0 | 遊戲性 Gameplay A variety of gameplay styles are pulled together without any of them feeling tacked on or inadequate. 遊戲模式眾多, 而且每種遊戲方法融入相當自然 |
8.0 | 遊戲壽命 Lasting Appeal The Legend is a little on the short side, but there are plenty side quests to be accomplished even after the credits roll. 惡黑有點短, 不過有許多支線任務可讓玩家玩 |
9.0 Outstanding |
總分 OVERALL 出色 (out of 10 / not an average) |
同標籤作品搜尋:惡黑搖滾|Brutal Legend|閃光|開盒
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