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Pegasus Divine Armour

作者:Wind Cloud│聖鬥士星矢 黃金傳說篇│2008-10-18 12:08:16│巴幣:0│人氣:519
Pegasus Seiya is one of the Bronze Saints helping to protect the Goddess Athena. He never gives up aiding Athena for a world in which everyone has peace, love and happiness. The Ultimate Cosmos he gathers and then he may wear the Gold Armour of Sagittarius, he may also burn his Power of cosmos to the limit thus turning his armour of Pegasus into gold! Seiya's conscious courage and determination will lead him to move on for Elysion after Hades Chapter and Golden Legacy . I truly admire Seiya that when he refuses to give up fighting even though θάνατος/Thanatos is strong beyond imagination (stronger even for the Gold Cloths). Seiya's cosmos burns and unexpectedly transforms his armour to Divine.
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同標籤作品搜尋:|聖鬥士星矢:冥王十二宮篇|Greek Mythology|聖鬥士星矢 黃金傳說篇|

留言共 2 篇留言

This is a mythology ?Is game content ? So abstruse = =

Have not seen you send the documents for a long time

are you busy?

10-19 01:29

Wind Cloud
從小時候看星矢的漫畫到每週總想趕快租到最新一集的動畫,然後再到紅白機出《黃金十二宮》的時候~這個由車田正美採擷了希臘神話的背景而原創的故事,實在撼動我心(燃燒ACG魂啊)。10-19 11:28
It is so exciting to see the series of saint seiya is still being active around. Every time when I hear he says "君はコスモを感じたことがあるか," I believe it makes every fan's blood and cosmo burning.

燃えろ! 俺のコスモよ~~!

btw, look at this on ebay:


how further are they going to evolve?

10-19 09:45

Wind Cloud
我超想看在今年終於能續做的〈極樂淨土篇〉DVD呀!10-19 11:34

1喜歡★LoMiYaBi 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:God of War I...




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