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LMYK - 香水 (English Cover) 中文歌詞

作者:Prankcat│2023-08-19 10:14:34│巴幣:0│人氣:52

Day and night I see your text 日日夜夜,我看著你的簡訊
It's been a while since you last asked if I'm free 自從你上次問我是否有空以來已經過去了許久
3 years, we've been apart until now 三年了,我們分別至今
but now out of the blue you act as if nothing's changed 但現在你突然表現得好像什麼都沒變一樣

Do you remember, back when we met 你還記得嗎,在初識之時
We talked about our dreams and had nothing to fear 我們無所畏懼的談論著夢想
The memories of us by the sea 在海邊的回憶
Those days when we were young and free 那些年少輕狂的日子

But look at me now and who I've become 但看看現在的我,成了甚麼模樣
And all the pain that I've caused to those I love 還有我給予所愛的人們帶來了甚麼樣的痛苦
I see them cry but I can't feel a thing don't know why 我看見他們哭泣,卻沒有任何感受,也不明白為什麼
It's like I'm numb inside 似乎我的內心已然麻痺

It's not your love or your kindness I'm asking for 我想要的從不是你的愛或善意
But when you're near I'm reminded of who we were 但每當你靠近時,我就會想起我們的曾經
It's that perfume that you're wearing from D&G 當時你用的就是D&G的香水
That makes it hard not to miss you more 這令人很難不那麼想念你

What would I say if I saw you again 若能再次見到你,我又該說些甚麼
Would I try and impress you like I used to 我仍會嘗試在你心底留下深刻的印象嗎
You look great. Oh. that's all I could say to you 你看起來很棒,哦,這就是我能對你說的全部
Hoping you might say the same 希望你也說出同樣的話語

But lately you don't seemed to care 但近來你似乎並不在意
You're smoking the way I've never seen before 你抽煙的方式是我以前從未見過的
I'm not sad. No. It's not that I'm sad 我不難過。不,這並不表示我難過
I know that people change and that's life 我知道人都會改變,這就是生活

See, look at me now and who I've become 看看,看看我,我成了何種模樣
I have nothing left to give 我沒有甚麼可以給予了
Not a tear left to shed just an empty soul  流不下一滴淚,僅剩空虛的靈魂
Full of lies and I'm barely getting by 勉強度過著滿是謊言的人生

It's not that I'll ever fall back in love with you 這不表示我會重新愛上你
But when you're near I'm reminded of what we had 但當你靠近時我總會想起我們曾經擁有過的一切
It's that perfume that you're wearing from D&G 你用的就是D&G的香水
That takes me back to the days we shared 這讓我回憶起共同度過的日子

I held you close and had it all 我緊擁著你彷彿擁有了一切
Those days are safe in my heart 那些日子令我心裡充滿著安全感
I never wished to have you back 我從未期望過讓你回來
Wouldn't want to change the past 不願改變過去
But when I look into your eyes 但當我望進你的雙眼
I think twice 我想了又想

You deserve to be loved just the way you are 你值得被愛,就像你本來的樣子
I've never met someone quite like you 我從未見過像你這樣的人
But if I fall back in love than I'll be the one 但如果我重新墜入愛河,我會成為那個人
who cry when you leave me again 而當你再次離開我時,誰又會哭泣呢
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