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作者:劃破長空│2010-03-18 21:39:33│巴幣:0│人氣:227
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        Positive thinking has been popular these days. Positive thinking refers to a mindset of thinking optimistically, never giving up, and avoid negative thinking as much as possible. The developer of such theory claims that positive thinking is the key to success and is proven to be useful in one’s mental health and prospect of life. On top of this, I would like to add something to the theory personally.
        Let me ask you a question first. How do you describe a cup of water occupying half volume of the container, half full or half empty? I believe many have heard this question and know the ‘model’ answer. Nevertheless, is people answering ‘half empty’ really pessimistic?
        What would you do after knowing that there is a cup of water half full? Drink it all and feel happy that you can have half a cup of water? What would you do if you find your cup of water half empty? Sit down, embrace your knees in your arms and sob for the little water you barely have? In this sense, the former is optimistic for sure while the latter is pessimistic. However, what if I put it this way: after knowing that the cup of water is half empty, I would like to fill it.
        When we find something insufficient, we try to fix the problem. This is the optimistic mindset. As for the pessimistic one, we attempt to avoid the issue and leave it alone. Note that the problem has never been and will never be solved. A cup of water half full is actually equivalent to a cup of water half empty. The so-called optimistic thinking teaches us to evade the problem that there is only half a cup of water left. Then, we will forget the rooted issue and it can never be solved. By contrast, if we spot the problem, we can solve it right away or begin to work on the issue.
        Optimism and pessimism do not merely depend on how you look at things, but also what you do about it. When we realize something, it is just the first step. Then, we have to relate it to our lives and show response according to what you think.
        I am not saying that positive thinking is false. It only describes the mindset of oneself. This is the first step, realizing the situation. It is, of course, essential to be optimistic but after that actions must be taken to tackle the issue.
        Back to the theory of positive thinking, it refers to a mindset of thinking optimistically, never giving up, and avoiding negative thinking “as much as possible”. We avoid negative thinking as much as possible but we should never forget the existing problems.
Review on “Liar Game”
        In the Chinese New Year holidays I watched a Japanese Series “Liar Game 2”. This is the second season originated from its comics. It depicts selfishness, betrayal and greed, the dark side of human beings.
The main characters are a simple-minded girl (Kanzaki Nao) who believes that righteousness exists and it is not stupid to insist on her motto, and a male (Akiyama Shinichi) expert in deceit and fraudulence whose murdered mother believes in the same thing as Nao does.
They both get involved in Liar Game held by a secret organization (LGT). Liar Game puts the contestants into a stage full of cheating and betrayal, and pushes them to their limits. LGT usually “lends” the candidates a lump sum of money and take the exactly same amount back at the end of the round. During the round, the candidates are authorized to snatch opponents’ money within the law. Deceiving is allowed because an agreement has been made once the game started. Returning the money to LGT, the remaining money will be the price for the winner. As for the loser, he/she owes LGT money.
Nao always thinks of ways to help everyone out, that is, giving out her price to the losers to return money. However, some greedy candidates betray her and grab the most advantages from the game. The righteousness Nao believes in seems to be a big burden. With Akiyama’s help, Nao can fleet the faith of owing LGT money and go on with the competition.
In season 2, they come across a psychology professor in university. She believes that the relationship between human beings merely builds on money and even fear. Therefore, she threatens and lures other contestants in terms of money to help her win the game, but loses to Nao who is very simple-minded. This is because the contestants who are forced to help her are moved by the righteousness Nao insists on. Liar Game is then not about deceiving, but ironically gaining the trust from others.
The series used a lot of exaggerated description of people who laugh of victory after deceiving other candidates, and who collapse to failure hopelessly. Other than the amazing brain battle in Liar Game, the series is definitely worth watching as it gives a very clear message on trusting others to gain their trust.
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