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作者:小鸚│2022-10-07 00:20:09│巴幣:2│人氣:107
It seems to me that there is a terrible amount of misinformation out there, even among Christians, about what heaven will be like. Some think we will be like the angels. (Wrong! They are spirits; we will have physical bodies.) Some think we will be up in the sky, sitting on the clouds. (Wrong! We will walk upon the new earth that the Creator will create.) Some think that we will be reincarnated for another go-round on earth. (Wrong! We will be raised once from the dead with our bodies and personalities intact and then live forever with the Lamb.)
And some people think that heaven will be ten trillion years of vacation, where we will just lie around and do nothing, being waited on for ever and ever. Wrong! We will have work to do in God’s new world, work that will be pure joyful service. “No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face” (Revelation 22:3,4).
God knows that the greatest satisfaction in one’s heart comes from accomplishment, not from being pampered. Perhaps Bach will write more great music, King David more great poems, and C. S. Lewis more great books. He will let you know what he needs you to do. Know this—serving the Lamb who once served you will be the greatest thrill of your eternity.

Asia Lutheran Seminary

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