
【評析】垂死之光2:新手殭屍與活人之戰(Dying Light 2:Stay Zombie Review)

移動的靶 | 2022-02-12 20:09:17 | 巴幣 26 | 人氣 4154

2022/3/3追加英文評論給外國玩家(Applied english version review for foreign players)
Sorry I must to admit, my English is not good so I will often to check this review and to fix any wrong words.

Because the famous of Dying Light, there has many players who await Dying Light 2, of
course it included me, so I beforehand bought it last year that costed my much money.

I played the game since the game released in 2/4/2022 until recently,even though I spent
much time on most side quests and explored many secret spots, until 2/11 depend on
friends’ help I played to the ending of the game, and I spared the detail here.

Anyway I tasted what is “The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment” again.

Let me “First the villain, then the gentleman”, first to talk about Dying Light 2’s defects.


1. BUG太多。
It's too many bugs.

It almost that we can find new bugs everyday.
Compared to Dying Light 1, it’s like The Heaven and The Hell. I also played Dying Light 1
since it just began to release and until now I have much feeling for this.

I guaranteed it has much less bugs when Dying Light 1 just released,even I cannot
remembered what bug it has.

而二代又是怎麼回事呢? 我下面舉幾個例子。
And what situation is Dying Light 2? I can give you some examples.

(1) 人物移動偶爾會發生左右偏移的BUG。
Sometimes our character won’t move straight when we tried to(BUG).

Especially when Aiden try to turn his direction in his rushing, sometimes he will like skid and
moves like S type, this never happened in Dying Light 1.

(2) 爬風車解鎖時的升降桿BUG。
Bugs happened when Aiden try to unlock some windmills.

When Aiden try to jump to the floating stick, sometimes his hands will grab nothing and fall,
or he try to jump to front floating stick from one stick but instead he jumped to his left side
and fall(the player pressed “w” and “space” keys).

證據:(The Evidence)
Please jump to 22:30 timeline, you will see those bugs happened, even the floating stick
became 2 sticks reduplicated.

And the floating stick floated up but Aiden’s body stayed(His hands grabbed the air)

(3) 人物如果坐電梯時故意在電梯內做出橫向踩牆移動動作,有可能直接「穿牆」跑出電梯外進入建築物內部的怪異BUG現象。
If Aiden try to use “Wall Run” skill in the elevator when the elevator is moving, sometimes he
will passed thought the wall of the elevator(bug) and fall down in the elevator shaft.

(4) 推進劇情導致支線任務再也無法完成的BUG,同理造成的抑制劑箱子浮在空中的BUG。
The bug causes players impossible to do some side quests when players pushed the story
progression. It included the chest contained inhibitor that floated on the ruin of the building.


我不確定是否其他被轟炸過的區域是否也有類似BUG,保守估計肯定是有,而問題在於二代推出至今(2022/2/12)根本還未開放玩家重置遊戲進度的New Game Plus(也就是俗稱的第二輪)模式,且抑制劑這種可永久增加角色HP跟體力值的特殊道具根本無法重複取得,拿不到這些抑制劑的角色就硬是比別人弱些,因此可將此BUG歸類為嚴重BUG。
If players didn’t get the inhibitor in the western building of The Whare and moved the progression of the main story to the very latter,the story will happen “missile bombardment in Villedor” accident.
Many buildings collapsed forever and made the chest floated on the building ruin. Unless the player connect to other players’ game and their story progression is not so latter.

I am not sure it has other inhibitors floated on the ruins or not, I guess it has. And the problem is that Techland still don’t apply “new game plus” mode in the game now(2/12/2022), players still cannot get those inhibitors because the bug, so I judged this is a critical bug in the game.

如圖:(As the screenshot)
The place covered by the mist caused by the bombardment, it blocked most sight of players.

Somehow, it has a side quest(Living Dead) requests players to go to the top of the building that destroyed by the bombardment(BUG).

如圖:(As the screenshot)
活死人(living dead)任務,玩家在某棟屋頂上撿到一隻對講機,上面傳來生存者的求救通訊,但因為訊號不佳艾登說的話根本傳不到對面,於是艾登求問蘿玟尋求協助,蘿玟建議艾登爬上最近的電塔應該就能解決通訊不良的問題。但因為我的遊戲進度裡該地區已經受到過飛彈轟炸的洗禮(此轟炸是在與華爾茲對決之前就已經發生的,所以與玩家是否阻止華爾茲的最後飛彈攻擊無關。事實上不管玩家是否阻止飛彈轟炸,遊戲中的維耶多城都不會受影響,它只有影響劇情結尾的描述),所以剛好這棟建築物已變成一堆瓦礫,根本就沒有電塔了,自然爬不上去,更別說在塔上通訊啥鬼,任務就此卡死在這步驟。(2022/2/16)
There has no target building anymore but the Living Dead quest still ask me to go to the top of the building, so the quest stuck here forever.

(5) 拉電線時電線偶爾會卡到障礙物。
When Aiden try to pull the cable, sometimes it stuck on some obstacles.

In the film you can see the cable stuck on the obstacle, unless the player presses “F” key to
release the cable and restart the pulling.

(6) 部份地板斜坡只要人物踩上去就會直直滑落無法跳躍。

我很確定這是BUG,證據在此:(The Evidence)
Please jump to 03:02:29 in the timeline, you will see Aiden can jump to the opposite of the slope.
But please jump to 03:03:00, next slope is not like the last one, Aiden always fell down to his
death when he tried to jump to the opposite of the slope because he always froze(he cannot jump on the slope) when he stood on the slope, so I judged this is another critical bug.

(7) 劇情強制所有玩家必須集合才能打開的門,偶爾會因BUG打不開。
The game forced all players must stick together to open some doors that story related, sometimes will not trigger the story and caused players stuck there(bug).

This bug always happened in multiplay mode.

比如這個影片(As the film)
Please jump to 03:13:15 timeline, you can see there has a red button in the right side of the door, that means the button was locked so we cannot open the door but my friend ensured we can open the door(it should be open). So I returned to the main menu of the game and re-entered the game in single player mode, the button of the door became green light so I can open it and enter the next story event. There has many bugs like this but I didn’t write down them all.

(8) 部份怪物偶爾會跳去某些不該進入的位置導致玩家無法繼續任務。
Sometime monsters will jump to some places they shouldn’t at and caused players cannot continue their quest.

Like GRE Anomaly BOSS zombie “Revenant”, when it dying in the fight, it sometimes jumped to the outside of the area and disappeared or became idle invulnerable situation.
Or like Waltz jumped to inside four pillars in 03:31:50 timeline of the film. We almost cannot hurt him unless I shot him by my bow(fortunately there has some space the arrows can pierce though).

(9) 偶爾會碰上無敵的發呆殭屍或無敵的發呆敵人。
Sometime players will encounter idle and invulnerable enemies or zombies.

不囉嗦,直接看影片比較快。(No more words, just watch this film.)

(10) 市中心區許多已分配的陣營據點,商人標示不正確。
The vendor's sign is not correct in some faction strongholds.
Open the map, there has a weapon vendor sign in there, but when Aiden walked to close it, the sign changed to a master craftsman sign instantly, and the vendor really didn’t sell any weapons and items, only sell materials, he even cannot upgrade Aiden’s blueprint. So this is obvious a bug.

(11) 偶爾任務目標位置會出現在錯誤的地圖外不可進入區域(黃色爛泥THV GenMod殘渣)。
Sometime it will appear a quest goal sign on the map and there is obviously at the place we didn’t allow to go(there has too much THV GenMod remaining).
Included finished side quest “Wall of Valor: Lost in Transmission”, it will keep to appear the quest goal on players’ map and always put at the wrong place in the screenshot(BUG).

(12) 街上隨機任務事件待救援的NPC出現在空中。
The NPC stood on the air(random quest).

(13) 聖約瑟醫院頂樓無線電中繼站旁邊的厄夜神行客藏身處每次進入遊戲後都會變成「未解鎖」狀態。(2022/2/16)
The Night Runner hideous unlocked sign in the top of Saint Joseph hospital keeps to become locked on players’ map.

However players unlocked it how many times, every time players enter the game it always became unlocked on their map, like the screenshot:
Every player climbed the radio tower, they will always unlocked the hideous first because this place is the place they must pass though.
When players revisit here, the hideous will unlocks automatic, no need to turn on the generator again because it will keep turn on.

Therehas another bug in the night runner hideous near Lower Dam Dyre.
如下圖箭頭所在處:(As the arrow pointed)
Even this hideous keeps to become unlocked sign on players’ map, when players die near it, they still will reappeared in the hideous, and they still can sleep in the hideous.

(14) 已解鎖的厄夜神行客藏身處竟然UV燈沒有打開,也無法在舖蓋捲上睡覺。(2022/2/21)
The UV light and bedroll won’t work in the Night Runner hideous.
The UV light and bedroll can be use when players just unlock it, but when they revisit this place, the UV light and bedroll won’t work anymore(even the generator is keeping turn on status), this hideous complete useless by the bug.

(15) 獵犬田發電站劇情已解鎖但入口仍然被封閉無法進入。(2022/2/22)
The entrance of Houndfield Electrical Station still locked when it unlocked by the story.

When players entered City Central first time by the story and restored the first electrical station in the area. Players open the map will see Houndfield Electrical Station unlocked(the lock is gone), but if players go to there they will find the entrance(windows) still blocked by obstacles.

But we can see those windows is not blocked in 00:00:29 timeline of the film.
So the bug happened here and I am sure the entrance should not blocked because when I left the game and re-entered it, those windows became unblocked.

(16) 許多已揭露過的地點時常莫名其妙變成未揭露狀態。(2022/2/22)
Some revealed locations sometimes became unrevealed.

As Houndfield Electrical Station, if players explore to the location in the early progression of the story, this location will always become unrevealed on players’ map.

另外玩家剛進入第二張地圖區域(市中心圓環[Central Loop])之後如果沒在解鎖第一個發電站之後特地回到此處,反而直接透過地圖傳送的方式傳回第一張地圖(此時仍然可以傳送到維和者的地鐵中心站基地,雖然此處已基本無人),玩家將會發現此時因為市中心區域的地鐵站,也就是玩家剛剛進入第二張地圖時出來的那個地鐵站,又變回「未揭露」狀態,因此無法再地圖傳送過去,然而因為玩家此時還未在第二張地圖的任何區域解鎖其他地鐵站,導致玩家將被困在第一張地圖無法前往第二張地圖。
If players just enter the second map area(City Center) and teleport to the first map area(Old Villedor) then the bug happened, they will find they cannot teleport to the metro station they visited because it became unrevealed on the map.

Players still can return to City Center by their paragliders, but this bug caused much trouble still.
Until they left the game and re-entered the game, all will became normal.

There has another location often become unrevealed from revealed. That’s “Holy Trinity” metro station.

(17) 主線爬VNC電台大樓時有可能發生劇情無法觸發的BUG造成任務卡死且此任務卡死角色將再也無法離開此區。(2022/2/25)
If players try to climb VNC building with the path the developer unexpected, they will never trigger the radio talking event and stuck forever even they arrived the top of VNC radio tower because there won’t appear the device you can insert your quest item to(Some device I cannot remembered).

If players choose to use their grappling hooks to climb to the roof that solar panels at, they will not trigger the radio talking event(talk to Frank) and then they won’t trigger other story event on the radio tower, the device that players need to insert the PCB to won’t appear there, end the story.
It’s a bug, yes. The developer should to set the event trigger point on the roof that solar panels at, not the way around the building outside. If they set it on the roof, all players must pass though it, unless they just fly to the top of VNC radio tower by Harry Potter’s flying broom(if they do this, then they deserved this bug = =).

I believed that must exist other bugs I don’t know, some bugs I found even caused much serious problems in the game, obviously Techland is too hurry to sell this game, especially purchased in advance in the middle of last year. This looks like they are selling the house, this is not the way to respect us(customers).

2. 遊戲平衡不佳。
The balance of the game is bad.

當玩家角色等級(非跑酷或戰鬥等級)提升到超過6之後,無論是商店還是各個可探索地點能找到的黃色(unique)裝備幾乎全部都只會是6級以下的,而問題就在於玩家角色等級上限是9,外頭殭屍們的等級是會隨玩家角色等級提升的,各位想像一下當你們的角色等級9的時候手上還拿著6級的unique武器會是什麼情形? 雖然商店偶爾會賣紫色7級以上裝備,但大家都知道紫的武器耐用度跟黃武是有很明顯的差距的,而且紫武最多只能做2次武器改造,同時在二代中的武器已無法自由修理,武器維修只能透過改造時一併進行(所有的改造都會回復武器50點耐用度),而大多數黃武(少數像雙手斧類型的武器一律無法套用任何改造)可以做3次改造,這使紫武及黃武的耐用度差距被進一步拉大,然而玩家卻極難入手7級以上黃武,這樣的設計真的OK嗎? 特別是這代的武器因為維修機制問題比一代更加不耐用!!
When the player character level up to over 6, wherever the player goes, he/she won’t find any artifact(yellow) equipments that over level 7, even the darkest dungeon(like GRE facilities).
And the problem is our Aiden’s max level is 9, you can imagine that how we fight level 9 zombies with our level 6 artifact equipments with tears, or with our level 9 unique(purple) equipments bought from vendors.
I believed you know what different with artifact and unique equipments.

All equipments that over level 6 only appear underwater at southern of Newfound Last Lands unless random renegade encounter events.
This means, players will focus to farm their high level equipments in the same area, even a pig know this is stupid design.
And that made players have less willing to explore those dangerous places(abandoned stores, GRE research facilities, evacuation convoy, military convoy...etc) unless they are lack of crafting materials, it made this game lower playable.
以目前的狀況來看,玩家角色等級超過6級之後,到處搜括寶箱刷裝備就成了沒有意義的事,因為會出等級與角色匹配的裝備的地方只剩下那些水中的空投箱!雖然這遊戲看似被設計成打寶刷裝的打殭屍遊戲,可是實際上老玩家們還是只會去同一個地方刷裝備,這種設計有趣味可言嗎? 嗯?? 這真的讓人懷疑Techland首席設計師是否有作好把關動作,對於遊戲存在如此明顯設計面的矛盾問題竟然就這樣給它釋出了。(2022/2/15)
So I doubted the head of development who was controlled the quality of the game develop or not.
It’s obviously balance problem in the game and this person still judged the game finished and was ready to sell? Where is his/her professional?

And easter eggs “Korek Charm”, “Ka Doom Shotgun” and “Flying Broom”, they are really break the balance of the game.


About those cheating items I should explain is. Ka Doom Shotgun has over 19XX damage and shooting times, and players won’t need to change clips for it. It just one shot that even can tear apart zombies and human enemies in the shooting line.

Korek Charm can repeatedly repair your weapons infinity times.

Flying Broom is the favorite of Harry Potter, you know how is it work. Every player will drop their paragliders when they get this fantastic broom and if they can drop their paragliders, I believed you will see full of abandoned paragliders in almost every trash can in Villedor.

If those easter egg items designed blueprints(to craft some limited using time items) instead infinity times items, I believed that won’t break the balance so completely and it can still make some fun instead, like other easter egg items “cyberpunk 2077 knuckle”, “Left Finger of gloVa”, “dying force”...etc.

為什麼我會說這些開發人員的彩蛋道具破壞平衡? 因為網上肯定會有這方面的攻略消息,很快每個玩家就都會人手一件,對於武器不再需要維修以及大家都能自由飛翔的情況,設計師自己故意在武器上面設計耐用度還設計得如此嚴苛根本就像是在打自己的臉,不是嗎? 更何況滑翔傘本來就是個需要技巧使用才能充分發揮的技術性道具,有了飛行掃帚還有哪個玩家會繼續用滑翔傘? 恐怕只剩下愛炫技的玩家才會吧....
Why I said those items broken the balance? Because you know the information will spray all around the world by internet in only one day, almost every player will know where to get them very soon.

Another balance breaking point is the quest enemies’s level is not fit to player character’s level, sometime Aiden will see his target goon zombie’s level is far lower than other standard zombies around it, their level even maybe double to the goon’s.

3. 二代取消可重玩一輪的設計。
Techland taken off new game plus mode in Dying Light 2.

我不懂為什麼Techland要在二代拔掉NG+(重玩一輪New Game Plus),當二代新增劇情分岐的設計時還特地拔掉玩家NG+的權力真的很不人道,雖然他們很可能打算等後續更新才會歸還此功能,可是在這期間玩家的觀感會很差。
I really don’t understand why Techland decided to cancel the interesting mode in Dying Light 2.
When players can choose Aiden’s path in the story of the game, but they don’t allow players to reset the game’s story progression, it’s ambivalence and it’s not fun.
Maybe they will return the mode to the game, but players will very disappoint for Techland in the period.

4.  劇情存在太多疑點沒有解開。
It’s still too many secrets remains when players finished the game.

我不知道為什麼Techland要這麼做,或許是為了後續DLC做鋪陳? 但問題在於結局顯示主角艾登會離開維耶多城,DLC推出只會是兩種情況,1是直接將新劇情跟任務內容塞進原本的主線劇情中,2是像一代那樣直接描述主角離開城市後的故事。
I don’t know why Techland did this, maybe it’s for something further large DLCs? But the problem is they maybe just forgot them if they choose the way like Dying Light 1(like DLC “The Following”).

I will give you 5 examples below here, if you don’t want to be leak you can skip this paragraph.

First, who leaded the research of origin Harran Virus in GRE in the past?

Second, who continued to research Harran virus when other researchers created the vaccine(then created mutated version)? Is the man the same to the one who researched origin Harran Virus?

Third, why the man who researched origin Harran Virus doesn’t executed by other people in the world when they tried to find someone to blame like those GRE scientists hanged by survivors in Villedor?(If he is responsible in created mutated Harran Virus)

Fourth, who ordered the army to burn down Waltz’s lab?

Fifth, what happened on Doctor Camden when Kyle Crane met his bad ending? The vaccine created by him? If not, I will very very disappoint, because this is unfair to them(Dr. Zere and Dr. Camden), Dr. Zere even sacrificed his life for it. And now we saw how Techland forgot them.

I know some secrets won’t be find out in short time, but after humanity’s fall it’s over 15 years, I won’t believed that people can forgot their hatred so easily, especially those virus killed so many people they loved and those zombies were keeping to remind them everyday. There always has someone try to find out who behinds all this tragedy.

But Techland, never mentioned these information in the game. Even Aiden and other survivors seem just don’t care this, this is unreasonable and more precisely, nonlogical.

(1) 當夜行者領導人法蘭克與維和者傑克少校及胡安一起去會見威廉斯上校時,法蘭克被人用毒箭射傷,這毒箭後來被證實不是由威廉斯的下屬所做的,然而劇情中艾登對此就無多做追查,反而是一路跑去追蹤華爾茲的下落。


(2) 當艾登最後與華爾茲決戰時,華爾茲宣稱他用X13飛彈轟炸維耶多是為了治療艾登妹妹「米雅」的病,但卻始終不解釋到底飛彈轟炸是能怎麼拯救米雅? 這看似狗屁不通的道理他卻願意以死貫徹,若沒有足夠的理論支持實在讓人難以相信他會為此戰鬥至死,可是他卻到死都不說清楚講明白,米雅的治療方法因此成為懸案。
有玩家告訴我原因是用來治療米雅的X13研究試劑要開啟需要用GRE鑰匙,但是使用GRE鑰匙開啟試劑就會啟動飛彈發射。這邊問題就來了,當艾登抵達現場時華爾茲宣稱飛彈已經在運作發射程序了,也就是說若這說法屬實那表示他手上應該已持有X13研究試劑可以治療米雅的病才對,但是為何與他決戰後他卻宣稱他仍需要GRE鑰匙來救米雅? 而米雅自己走出來要把GRE鑰匙交給艾登時鑰匙卻被她不慎弄到生化毒池裡再也無法使用,華爾茲當下大喊NO~~~~這劇情證明此種說法也明顯有矛盾。
接著又由此啟發新的問題:為何當時不先讓華爾茲用GRE鑰匙取出X13試劑,再讓艾登用GRE鑰匙解除飛彈發射程序? 這樣不是皆大歡喜嗎?

到底這飛彈自動發射程序是誰搞出來的? 轟炸所有GRE設施所在的20個城市是為了什麼? 若是為了在病毒散布出來的同時毀滅這些城市以拯救其他地方的人類免受病毒威脅,但問題是為何當年病毒剛開始散撥時這自動發射的飛彈程序為什麼沒有動作? 一直到11年前全世界早就被病毒毀滅時才要動作然後威廉斯上校才阻止了射向維耶多的飛彈(關閉供應全市的電力以阻止飛彈發射)?

(3) 我選擇的是讓飛彈發射的結局,但結局卻沒揭露米雅後來怎樣了,只看到最後由哈孔帶走米雅,且在艾登離開維耶多的時候哈孔追了上去跟他一起同行,米雅還是下落不明也生死不知,因此成為懸案。

(4) 當初哈蘭病毒的變種是誰主導開發的?

(5) 華爾茲的研究所是誰下令放火燒掉的?

(6) 相信應該很多一代玩家都想知道一代的卡姆登博士後來如何了? 一代結局沒交代,二代開頭也根本沒說明,遊戲中甚至完全沒人提起這號人物,就好像他根本就不存在一樣...當初在哈蘭為了研究出病毒疫苗而被賴斯殺害的澤雷也是乏人問津,甚至二代開頭提到過的哈蘭病毒的疫苗到底是哪些人開發的也沒詳說,只提到是一群天才共同研發出來的,但這些人是誰? 有包括澤雷跟卡姆登嗎? 沒有的話他們情何以堪?? Techland這樣對得起一代這些角色嗎? 對得起玩家的期望嗎?

(7) 回到一代的基本問題,當初哈蘭病毒雖然大家都知道是GRE內部秘密開發的生化武器,但從事後發展看來似乎不是所有GRE高層都涉及這個秘密案子(如果是這樣那二代的劇情應該會說GRE在哈蘭事件發生後就被各國政府聯合鏟除了才是,就像惡靈古堡[Resident Evil)劇情中的保護傘公司一樣因生化武器開發的秘密被公開而解體),那問題就來了,是誰主導開發哈蘭殭屍病毒武器的? 這人很可能也是秘密開發變種哈蘭病毒的人。

5. 劇情與標題不符。
The subtitle of the game is not suit the story.

Even though this is not related to the gameplay but I still want to mention it. Because the stories of “Dying Light 1” and “Dead Island(included Riptide)” are too sadly, it seems the scenario writer is Shakespeare’s fans, his/her wrote stories always have bad ending, not only protagonist included other people all met their bad ending, die terribly.

那問題就來了,這有符合標題寫的Stay Human的意義嗎? 主角最後還是要變殭屍啊,哪來的Human...根本是Stay Zombie還差不多。
Then the problem comes, how is the story of Dying Light 2 suit to “Stay Human”? Aiden still will become a zombie like Kyle Crane we knew. Where is “Stay Human”? It’s more like “Stay Zombie” right?

Beside, even though Harran forbad by the army and fell to a zombie city, but survivors never gave up for survive, even 2 doctors hired by GRE were keeping to research the vaccine for saving people by their will. They even had the breakthrough on the progression of the vaccine researching, but this also noticed by Suleiman(Rais) and Dr. Zere captured by his troopers, and died for protecting his research.

然而二代到底是怎麼回事呢? 雖然仍有GRE科學家隱藏在人群中,但不管是維和者還是市集那些生存者兩邊的所有領導人都沒人想要保住這些科學家讓他們進行THV(哈蘭病毒)突變體的疫苗研究,且艾登在遊戲中請人幫忙尋找這些科學家也不是為了開發疫苗,而是為了找米雅,這真的讓人傻眼,就算Stay Human標題指的不是真正意義上的維持人類之身,但艾登的行為似乎也說不上「維護人性」這件事,不是嗎? 因為他竟然首先想到的還是自己(為了找到乾妹妹|||),而不是所有生存者的生存權。
Then what happened in Dying Light 2 story? Even though it had some GRE scientists survived in Villedor, but no matter Peacekeepers or other survivors, non of their leaders willing to protect these GRE scientists and help them(or ask them) to research the vaccine of mutated Harran Virus.
(Aiden:"They just killed those who can research the vaccine of the virus".)
(Jack:"It will never has the vaccine, Aiden. That is only GRE's propaganda.)
[You 2 just abandoned too easily!]

Aiden searched those GRE scientists only for searching his sister “Mia”, not for saving all survivors in Villedor. How is this “Stay Human” in broad sense meaning of the subtitle? Unless Techland is playing his word game, because they know the humanity also included the dark side, but is this all they want? If so, I will judged they showed their non-respect on players. Completely underestimated all player’s intelligence.

雖然二代在劇情上提供玩家不少選擇權,可是為何就沒有讓艾登召集生存者請他們放開對GRE的仇恨,找到這些生還的科學家然後協助他們開發疫苗這個選項? 還是說艾登真的就是不如一代的凱爾?
They appied many selections for Aiden in Dying Light 2’s story, but why didn’t it include to make the leader of every organization to decide to protect GRE survived scientists and persuaded other survivors to abandon their hatred and help them to research the new vaccine of mutated Harran Virus? I know it will be the very hard decision to Aiden, but it surely is worth. And we know Aiden never do the decision, he even never had the thought on his mind, so he is not so good like Kyle Crane?

6. 惱人至極的爬風車設計。
Windmill climbing is too annoying.

If we only need to climb buildings is okay. Old players climbed many high radio towers and buildings in Dying Light 1, it’s not the thing too hard to do.

But those windmills in the game, especially those windmills included floating sticks are really too annoying and boring.
Worse is that has too many bugs in the parkour design like I told you in defect 1. I doubted how many players can endure this madness bugged climbing parkour! Especially when they find there has no chance to climb the windmill success in those bugs.

7. 有些跑酷有操作上的重複性,造成跑酷誤動作一再發生。
Some parkour actions have the same key on the keyboard. And caused players often to do the wrong parkour action.

It just like in Dying Light 1. There has familiar parkour problem and Techland never fix the problem as the issue is not exist.
Players often jump to opposite side and fall to die(Dying Light 1) when they tried to climb a place higher than their thought because they kept to trigger "Tic Tac" skill(the character after the jump can instantly climb the flat wall for a short range) but fail to grab the ledge, then their character will slowly slip down several seconds, if they careless press jump key again their character will rashly jump to the opposite direction of their climbing wall and get hurt or even die by the falling.
The key of the problem is the "Tic Tac" and "jump to the opposite side when climbing" key is the same key to trigger.

The situation in Dying Light 2 is when the player characters try to jump and "grab" the upper ledge(most is not completely vertical to the character, about 25° angle of the upper ledge to the vertical surface) they often triggered “wall run” skill on the vertical surface of the wall and fall to die instead to grab the upper ledge.
This happened because those two actions triggered by the same key “space(to grab the ledge is also the key to trigger)” on the keyboard. So how players won’t do the wrong parkour action?

8. 對新手不夠友善的跑酷設計。
The control system of parkour is not so friendly for newbie players.

For example, it has many big buildings players need to climb, because it also has many airdropped chests and The Night Runner’s hideous on the roof of those big buildings.
Even though it’s fun to climb those big building I admit, but I also believed that many newbie players who never played Dying Light are harder to overcome those challenge than old players, especially when they did the wrong action it often directly causes their characters’ death, then they need to climb again in the beginning, that gives newbies deeply frustration.

Then this applied “defect 7”, that will cause even more frustration when they climb high towers and buildings.

9. 暗殺動作的扭頭攻擊如果扭不死殭屍就必定被反抓的問題。
If Aiden cannot kill a zombie by turning the zombie’s head from it’s back, Aiden will paralyzed and hold by the zombie what he failed in his assassination.

雖然仍可及時掙扎脫身,但這明顯是很不合理的設計,因為被扭頭的一方既然受到重創,還以可以比攻擊的一方更快發動攻擊? 這很明顯不正常也不合理。
The problem is when Aiden try to assassinate a zombie but the zombie has higher level and he will not kill the zombie and the result is surely he will grabbed by the zombie that cannot assassinate success.
Even Aiden still can struggle to free himself, but this is obviously unreasonable, because the zombie got heavy hurt from the assassination, Aiden should reacted faster than it and do the next attack before it recovered itself!

10. 各種設計圖的強化升級需求及等級數量做得太多了。
It’s too much special infected trophies needed in those upgrade of blueprints.

If players do not farm these infected trophies, they will impossible to upgrade their blueprints to the max level. For example, a level 8 blueprint need 100 infected trophies(uncommon) to upgrade to level 9(max), not to mention the level 8 blueprint needed how many trophies.
And a artifact weapon has 3 parts that needed those blueprints to craft weapon mods! It included other combat consumable items that also have blueprints to upgrade! It’s just like Techland was dug a super large pit and luring players to fall into the deepest hell of infected trophiy farming.

11. 回血藥比一代更難製作/合成也更罕見。
The medicine(medkit) is harder to craft, the materials are more rare than Dying Light 1.

一代的醫療包只需要紗布及酒精就能製作,這些材料商人本身就會賣,更別說連垃圾桶都翻得到,而二代呢? 二代回血藥不同於一代醫療包(除非是高價的軍用醫療包,這東西無法製作),它需要的是蜂蜜與洋甘菊,而這些藥草甚至比一代最常見的紅色藥草(herb)更罕見,因為一代紅藥草幾乎到處都可在草地上看到,而只要有一根藥草,附近肯定也有一堆藥草。
Players only need the bandage and the alcohol to make the medkit(standard) in Dying Light 1, and venders sell these materials even players can find them in the trash can, the first aid box and some containers. How about medicines in Dying Light 2(no more standard medkit in DL2)?

The medicine replaced medkit(standard medkit, not military version) in Dying Light 2, and players must to find honey and chamomile to make the medicine.
These materials are rarer than bandage and alcohol in Dying Light 1, not to mention there has many ambulances in the street that contained medkits await for players to loot them. But players won’t find any medicine in ambulances in Dying Light 2, even though players still can find military medkits in the evacuation convoy and the military convoy, but these places are dangerous! Compare to Dying Light 1 players can easier to find the healing item.

The honey is rare material, normal venders(only one herb vender will sell herbs included honey) never sell them, you cannot find them on most grass locations, basically it only appeared on fixed grass on the roof of the house and some enemy strongholds. Medicine crafting difficulty is harder than the medkit in Dying Light 1.

雖然二代商人也會直接賣回血藥,但商人賣的道具幾乎都是等級1的,等級1的回血藥真是爛到掉渣,玩家等級高的時候血量輕易破400以上,用一次回血50還要花4秒的東西幾個玩家會想要? 別說是被夜魔打到,光是一個跑酷沒跑好掉下來受到的傷輕易就是1XX~2XX血量在扣的,被強盜打中也不下於50HP,這等級1的回血藥真的沒啥價值可言。
Yes venders directly sell medicines in Dying Light 2 but those medicine only level 1(no upgraded), compare to Dying Light 1 our characters have much different between these games, Kyle Crane almost had fixed max 200HP in Dying Light 1(if he don’t have the artifact skill to increase it), Aiden’s max HP is from 160(no injected any inhibitor) to max over 600(if he injected most inhibitors and was chosen to increase his max HP). Kyle Crane can restore 100 HP if he used medkit(standard), that is half his max HP amount! But Aiden used level 1 medicine only restore 50 HP, you can see which one is better. The level 1 medicine is almost useless for high level Aiden!!

12. 因上述缺點10而衍生的問題,就是低等級的道具在玩家角色高等級時都成了垃圾。
Because defect 10 and 11, all consumable items are too weak if the item’s level is too low(like garbage for high level characters).

The reason is very simple, when Aiden’s level increased, all enemy’s level also increased, but those consumable items’ still remain level 1 then players won’t use them anymore.
Either DIY grenades, mines, throwing daggers, Molotov cocktails, they can only do the minimal damage to high level enemies.
For example:
level 1 DIY grenade has 80 damage
level 9 DIY grenade has 1500+ damage
Now you know what I mean.
If you want to upgrade all consumable items’ level to the max, you will faint in the infected trophies needing. It just like max 250 legend level in Dying Light 1, it made most players to earn the experiences for their needed by used the bug(to create thousands "disaster relief on site packages" to trade the quartermaster for the experience) or maybe played Dying Light 1 over 10 years also cannot reach max legend level. The design they did as acted without a rational plan for me! All players won’t have so much patient to play the game like they supposed, most of them will just go to play other games before they can arrive the top they designed.
Techland don’t understand one fact, if they want players to play the game as longer as they can, their developers need to spend more time and resources to increase the game’s interesting content first! To extend Aiden and other stuffs' level is the worst way to extend the player’s playing time.
So I doubted they played their games or not. If not, then they never design a better game, and Dying Light 2 is obviously not better than Dying Light 1.

13. Q鍵的生存者感應能力時靈時不靈。
The survivor detection ability somethings cannot work.

Summarized experiences, the function only work when Aiden stop moving over several seconds, so if the player try to move in the fighting, the survivor detection ability won’t work and the player cannot find out it has more enemies behind the wall or not.
This design made the battle more difficult, the player easier got surprise attack from the back. I’m not sure it’s the developer’s willing or not.

But when the player try to loot something inside houses and buildings, this design obvious annoying and extended the looting time.

14. 延續了一代同一按鍵有不同功能的互相衝突現象。(2022/2/15)
The game inherited the conflict that the same key on the keyboard that has different functions from Dying Light 1.

一代預設的開啟手電筒按鍵是"T",剛好與玩家選擇扮演殭屍進入PVP模式的按鍵完全相同,只要玩家在遊戲中進入夜晚時間,系統就一定會跳出視窗詢問玩家是否要按下"T"鍵扮演殭屍,然後玩家只能靜等十數秒時間等該視窗自行收回,否則手電筒根本就開不起來orz 因為T按了就變成殭屍模式...玩家偏偏根本無法關閉此提示視窗!
The default key of turn on the flashlight is “T”, just like to play “Night Hunter” zombie and invades to other player’s game(PVP mode) in the night in Dying Light 1.
When night comes, the system will appear a small window to remind the player that press the key “T” to enter PVP mode and invade other player’s game. That often blocked the player to turn on the flashlight in night time, and the player also cannot just turn off the small window(it blocked the sight).

而二代又是怎麼回事? 相同的手電筒預設按鍵,但又與支援其他呼救玩家的按鍵相同,只要有玩家在你家附近玩這遊戲時啟動呼救,你的遊戲就會跳出是否連線過去支援的小視窗(跟一代提醒你可以玩殭屍PVP對抗模式的小視窗一樣),你按"T"就變成連去別人的遊戲,手電筒又變成開不起來的狀態,除非你改鍵盤按鍵(幸好不是像跑酷動作與跳躍動作完全相同無法切割的問題,雖然跳出小視窗加入別人遊戲的按鍵無法變更,但至少玩家還可以變更手電筒的開關按鍵)。
What about Dying Light 2? It has the same key “T” to turn on the flashlight but we also have the same key “T” to enter other player’s game who called for help and we also cannot turn off the small window that blocked our sight about ten seconds.

It’s good we can just change the key of turn on the flashlight in the “Option” to avoid the problem like Dying Light 1.

15. 部份常用跑酷動作比一代更難發動。(2022/2/19)
Some parkour actions are harder to trigger than the same parkour in Dying Light 1.

As “Slide” and “Enemy Jump”. The player can very intuitive to do these parkour skills in Dying Light 1, but it’s harder to do the same in Dying Light 2.
The reason is when Aiden stop the rush, he cannot rush instantly again then the enemy jump only work in the rush.
Beside “Slide” in Dying Light 2 also only work in the rush and Aiden cannot rush anytime like Kyle.

還就是滑地鏟不像一代可以將敵人或殭屍鏟倒,使其實用度大為降低。另人不解的是為什麼Techland要改這個設定? 於合理性而言這樣變更更不合乎物理原則(這動作其實就跟武術中的掃腿一樣都有讓對手失去平衡倒下的效果),而且也只會降低遊戲的趣味不是嗎?
And “Slide” is no longer can put down the enemy like the same skill in Dying Light 1, that made the skill is lower practicality. So I don’t understand why Techland change the skill? It’s lower reasonable and logical(this action is like “sweep the legs” in Karate and other martial arts, it should make the enemy lost his balance and tumbled), and this only lower the gameplay of the game, right?

16. 戰鬥少了骨折(類似暈眩stun)系統。(2022/2/19)
They canceled “X ray/fracture”(as stun) system.

The player sometime can hit the enemy(zombie or human) into fracture statues in Dying Light 1, if it happened, the player can see the enemy’s bones(like the X ray projection) inside the body and Kyle can use execution attack to kill the enemy in front!
Kyle must to hit the enemy by blunt attack(included fist and kick attack). All blunt weapons have lower damage than sharp weapons but only they can make enemy fracture and easier to beat down the enemy. But it’s sadly they canceled the X ray/fracture system in Dying Light 2.

17. 無論是玩家角色用弓還是十字弓所射出的箭矢都已不再可以直接回收。(2022/2/19)
All arrows and bolts are not retrievable in the game(they can be retrieve in Dying Light 1).

They just canceled the arrow and the bolt’s retrievable design, it’s unreasonable and no fun. Worse is the damage of the bow and the crossbow are much weaker than the version of Dying Light 1, this change obvious for increase the difficulty in the game.

Techland把槍械從遊戲中拿掉若是為了讓遊戲背景設定更符合人類文明倒退的現狀(實際上設計師們卻還是在遊戲中留下了致敬毀滅戰士DOOM的單手短散彈槍這把完全不必填彈且殺傷力爆表的作弊武器打自己的臉),也沒必要故意削弱弓箭的殺傷力,畢竟在二代連敵人都不少持用弓箭戰鬥的類型,弓殺傷力降低不也算是讓這些敵方的弓箭手變弱嗎? 實際上確實也是如此啊,所有玩家碰上的弓箭手幾乎都是薄皮嫩雞,只要玩家能貼上去三兩下就能直接秒殺他們,這樣是有增加到遊戲困難度?
Techland took off guns in the game for the story background and made it more like human civilization’s fall more like the real, but they don’t need to weaken bows and crossbows because these ranged weapons our enemy also have.
In the fact those developers designed some easter egg items in the game and included “Ka Doom Shotgun” to flap their faces because the gun is totally overpower than any other weapons in the game and only the player can use it. Irony, isn’t it?

18. 增加的武器擋格動作卻拿掉盾牌的設計,而擋格能夠抵擋的攻擊比盾牌更少。(2022/2/19)
Applied weapon blocking action but deleted shields in Dying Light 2. And shields can block more attacks like explosion attacks in Dying Light 1.

Even though Aiden can block enemy’s attack by his weapons(include the bow and the crossbow), and perfect blocking can stun the enemy attacker for several seconds, but this design weaker than shields in Dying Light 1.

Kyle can learn skills to make the shield and even crafted different type elemental effect mod on the shield in Dying Light 1. If Kyle performed a perfect blocking like Aiden, his enemy attacker will be burned(fire modify) or shocked(electricity modify) or frozen(ice modify) or struck down(heavily modify).
And the shield is not only can block all ranged attack like throwing axes even included any bullets, it included explosion attacks like grenades and suicide zombies!! even Kyle got the explosion in zero range if he held the shield and faced the source of the explosion, he will only take few damage from it!!
But the shield is not invulnerable in Dying Light 1, it has durable limit and Kyle cannot repair it, when the shield reached the durable limit Kyle will drop it automatically.

19. 不甚實用的新戰鬥技能「撲倒(block charge)」。(2022/2/19)
Useless new battle skill "Block Charge".


The player can press weapon blocking key and “V” key to perform the skill “Block Charge” to push over the enemy on the ground, but this skill has 2 defects.
1. Aiden will move forward some steps when he was using the skill. This will endanger him if he is battle on the high place like the roof of the house or high building’s edge.
2. Aiden will NOT keep to attack like “volatile” when he pushed over the enemy, he will instantly release the enemy(then rolls forward, so be careful if he is at some place like cliff) and the enemy will instantly recovered and fight back to him. This make the potential skill useless, it can’t make enough damage to the enemy and even can’t hold the enemy up, it also has the possibility to cause Aiden fall down from high places.

It’s still the word: “if you cannot give, then don’t give”, I really can’t understand what psychology is the developer.

20. 當玩家角色需要連擊E鍵拉開箱子蓋子的時候無法中斷開箱動作強行離開。(2022/2/20)
When the player is trying to pull out the lid of the chest(need to repeatedly press "E" key), the player will cannot cancel the action to avoid some dangerous situations.

Every time the player try to open the kind of the chest and suddenly appeared zombies or enemies around his/her character, he/she cannot cancel the action then his/her character will be eat alive by zombies or crashed into goo or dismembered by bandits and he/she only can do is watch the procedure. Yeah it's funny but it's not so funny for the player i think.

21. 多玩家模式只要是客戶端(client)的玩家都會明顯感受到延遲情況。(2022/2/27)
Players can feel terribly lag when they connected to other player’s game(client players).

Basically players connected to other player’s game after 5 minutes, their game will be frozen after he moved every 2 steps, and if they don’t release “W” key(move forward), then their game will keep the frozen situation until the ending of the world.
This problem also happened when they try to loot any corpse(and packages), to use medicine, even to use paraglider in the air, every actions they need to keep to press down any key like “E” or “W” to perform that will cause their game be frozen so those action they will impossible to finish in the game!! Every time it happened, the host player will see these client player's characters just stopped the action wherever they are doing, even in the air(their characters will not fall, they will stay in the air and stopped).

This lag problem is critical in the game, especially the multiplay mode make the game more fun.
You cannot see it happened in my films above because I was the host player in those films. But after that I tried to connect to other player’s game then found the problem happened to me. It also happened when I connected to another player that living at the same region(Taiwan) to me.

忘了附上證據:(Sorry I forgot the evidence)
Everybody please watch the film. The film recorded I connected to another player who is living the same region to me and played with him.
You can see there was often lag, it's much different with films I put above.

22. 自從此續作推出之後,設計團隊故意在一代主畫面以前插入另一個選單讓玩家不小心改進入二代的遊戲而非一代。(2022/3/6)
Since the game released in 2/4/2022, developers intentionally inserted a new selection screen before the main menu of Dying Light 1 to lure players who want to play Dying Light 1 to enter Dying Light 2 instead.

What they did it's just to tried to make players to do the wrong choice, to enter Dying Light 2 game not Dying Light 1 that they want to play. Because if players try to skip the intro film before the main menu they need to push repeatedly any key, but this will often trigger the selection of enter Dying Light 2 because the default place of the arrow(as the screenshot) is in the section of Dying Light 2.

Honestly if players really want to play Dying Light 2, they won't run Dying Light 1's shortcut on their computer desktop. So what they did is zero practicability for players, even we can think it's from their pure malice to Dying Light 1!
Even this problem is in Dying Light 1, but it's obviously their chief who leaded the development to design Dying Light 2 wanted. Because that so I judged it is a defect in Dying Light 2, it is logical.

And what they did only enrage players, they don't know this won't has any benefit on Dying Light 2's advertisement, unless players who didn't install Dying Light 1. But we still can see they want to obstructed we continue to play Dying Light 1, this is not something we can permitted.


1. 新增分岐劇情設計。
New different story paths.

It’s not only in the main story line, included side quests, every choice who players decided possibly caused different consequence.
For example, when the player made the choice and enraged someone who became aggressive, maybe some follow up quests given by him will disappeared. Or maybe because that another person will come to ask your help.
The game applied the choices that players can deal out important places(like electrical stations, water treatment plants) to one of two different factions, this will make the main story change greatly in follow up event. Some important NPCs maybe become your allies, or enemies, it’s all depend on your decision.

2. 增加了更多的跑酷動作,並強化部份戰鬥動作的實用性。
More parkour and battle skills and enhanced some of them.

As the “Wall Run” skill, make players more effective to explore Villedor.
And the “Drop Kick” has significant higher damage than the same skill in Dying Light 1, also the skill will auto aim Aiden’s target and make he easier to hit the target. Especially this skill even can kick human enemy into the air!(all human enemies immune the knock down effect by the skill in Dying Light 1).

Attack from above skills changed to two different skills.
first is “Ground Pound” that can make the blast wave to all nearby enemies and make them stagger even knock them down(if they are weak).
second is “Smash” that can do a lot of damage to the enemy that has the same size with Aiden.

Performing round attack is not only for the 2-handed weapon, if Aiden learned “Windmill” skill, he can perform round attack to damage all enemies around him by any melee weapons in Dying Light 2!

They canceled players to learn any skill to do assassination action, Aiden can assassinate the enemy
without any skill in Dying Light 2.
But first they changed the “head twisted kill” assassination action, it has no instant kill effect instead it do a lot of damage to the target(but all boss enemies immune to the attack). Second the assassination action must perform in sneak mode, Aiden cannot perform the action when the enemy found him!(Kyle Crane can still perform the head twisted kill to the enemy if he is in the target’s back either the target found him or not in Dying Light 1)
This game appied new assassination skills like "Stab", "Stab Follow up" and "Ledge Takedown", but I am not sure "Stab" can instant kill the enemy no matter the target's level or not.

New skill “Serial Shot” allowed Aiden to shoot max 3 enemies at a time, and the arrow will directly fly to the point Aiden aimed, they decreased greatly the curve effect of arrow flying, Aiden almost can ignore ballistic prediction when he is using the bow.

Aiden climbs and use the bow will continue to spend his stamina, this design make the game more real.
The grappling hook that almost everyone like to use in Dying Light 1 changed to another version.
It is no longer can pull the user to the point the hook stabbed at directly(like Spiderman), but Aiden(the user) can swing to the opposite place by the grappling hook like Tarzan.

And Aiden also can use it to pull the enemy to fly over to his side and knocked the target down(only work on human size targets) like Scorpion in Mortal Combat! But be careful, this grappling hook cannot pull the enemy who is using heavy attack.

3. 各種武器及道具改裝的設計圖全部都能透過商人升級,且每個武器都有被細分為不同部位的可改裝欄位。
All blueprints included weapons and items can be craft that can be upgrade by NPC craft vendors, and we can craft weapon mods for max 3 parts!

Yes, players can find many blueprints of weapons in Dying Light 1, but most of them different in the elemental power. Now all blueprints integrated into some kind of upgrade system. Players don’t need to find these blueprints in every places in Villedor, almost all blueprints sell by master craftsmen.
And it has different parts on weapons, it means players can craft different elemental type mods on the same weapon to customize it for themselves.
Beside, the weapon’s rank decided how many parts we can modify on it.
Normally there has three parts “tip”, “shaft”, “grip” on the artifact weapon, and only “tip”, “shaft” on the unique or the rare weapon, but it has no any part on the uncommon and common weapon to be modify.

Most items that can be crafted by players, not only weapons, included some consumable items like medicines, DIY grenades, mines, UV bars, boost drugs...etc
Depend on the upgrade system players can crafted better items in the further adventure.
For example, the level 1 medicine only restore 50 HP and it spend 4 seconds to finish the healing, but level 9(max) medicine can restore 250 HP and only spend 2 seconds to finish the healing!

4. 增加了護甲的設計。
Applied armor system.

Kyle didn’t has any armor to wear and protect himself in Dying Light 1, then now our Aiden can wear 3 different armor sets in different situation in Dying Light 2.
these armors included “tank”, “brawler”, “ranger” and “medic” type, they have different attributes and defense values. Players can also select to wear different type armor parts on Aiden.

5. 新增滑翔傘道具,滑翔傘、勾索及紫外線手電筒都不再需要學技能就可入手。
Applied some night runner tools like "Paraglider", "Binoculars". players can slowly float down to where they want to go by the paraglider, and see the long range sight by use the binocular.
And include other tools like “Grappling Hook”, “UV flashlight” players can get them without learning skills.


Aiden can float down to the ground or other lower location from higher location by the paralider. In the air Aiden can control which direction he want to float to, and he even can temporary slightly increase the height by spending some stamina points if the paraglider upgraded!
Aiden don’t need to learn skills, all those tools he can get from main story quests.
(Kyle must to learn the skill to get grappling hook and UV flashlight’s blueprints in Dying Light)

Be careful, the grappling hook has the length limit, if Aiden try to shoot to the target and he fell down over the range of it, the rope will break and Aiden will fall to die.
And using the grappling hook also spend some stamina point, if Aiden exhausted in his swings he will also release his hands on the rope and fall to die.

Aiden will greatly increase his height and instantly restore his stamina to full when he floated on the steam in the street by his paraglider, if he against the wind he will also restore his stamina but won’t increase his height.
Using those winds wisely Aiden can fly to even higher location or more far distance.
You can see the trace of the wind in the red circle.

These special tools can be upgrade like blueprints, but players need to spend “Military Tech” material to do it. “Military Tech” only appeared in Air Drop chests on the roof of high buildings!

6. 二代更多殭屍害怕紫外線照射。
There has more type of zombies fear UV lights.

It different to the origin Harran Virus, those zombies created by this mutated version more fear UV light and sunlight(even sunlight won’t hurts normal zombies and goon, demolisher but it hurts all other type of zombies).

7. 玩家角色的HP血量及體力值已不再倚靠升級所學的技能來提升。
Aiden’s max HP and stamina can only increased by inhibitors(Dying Light 2), but increased by skills like Kyle in Dying Light 1.

those inhibitors can increase Aiden's max HP and stamina(Allot them to increase your HP, Stamina), every time when he injects 3 inhibitors on himself(It will recorded and stored in your character data window), players can select which one you wanna increase, and every 3 inhibitors injected on him will also increase his max immunity automatically(to extend the time he can endures without UV lights and sunlight).
Of course Aiden cannot repeatedly takes the inhibitor in the same GRE inhibitor chest, because it is too important, instead Aiden takes the military medkit in the same inhibitor chest.

8. 遊戲地圖可冒險範圍比一代大上四倍。(2022/2/15)
Vellidor’s map is larger than Dying Light 1's Harran about 4 times in Dying Light 2.

Larger map means more explorable locations. And included Abandoned Stores, GRE research facilities,  evacuation convoys, military convoys, GRE Anomalies...etc
some places like Abandoned Stores, GRE research facilities and GRE Anomalies are places that better visits in the night because it’s too many zombies hide in those buildings and there even exist a lot of volatiles in some large buildings like GRE research facilities. And Revenant only appear in the GRE Anomaly in night time.

There has many metro stations that allowed players to teleport Aiden to any unlocked metro station on the Villedor map. This new design make the game more convenience than Dying Light 1.

需要注意的是二代地圖中的所有邊界以及部份區域都被THV GenMod炸彈轟炸過,滿地的黃色黏液會對玩家角色造成極度嚴重的免疫侵蝕狀況,碰觸5秒內就能讓玩家角色直接免疫值扣到零而死亡。
Caution, there has much corrupted area in the city(include all borders in the game). These places bombarded by THV GenMod, so if Aiden touched those yellow mud he will turns himself into the zombie(dead, not like what you think, even I hope Aiden can become a zombie too in the game and attack other players in multiplay mode) in 5 seconds.

9. 遊戲配樂相當不錯,很有文明倒退,懷念過往的氣氛。(2022/2/15)
The background music is nice, the mood of the music fits the humanilty's fall.

10. 所有武器(包括護甲)新增隨機屬性加成。(2022/2/19)
They applied randomized attributes in all weapons and armor parts.

The numbers of randomized attribute totally random.
How many type randomized attributes appear on the armor depend on the rank of it. Basically the type numbers of attribute on the artifact armor is more than the unique armor. And the unique armor has more than the rare armor.
What randomized attribute appeared on the armor depend on what type of it, for example it often appear the attribute that increase 2-handed weapon damage on “tank” type armor, and won’t appear on “medic” type armor.

Otherwise some attributes has the rate appear on any type armor.
If the armor’s level higher, the more type numbers of randomized attribute on it.
Weapons has the max 2 types of randomized attribute on them.

So, that is all my review for the game.
Maybe the defect I pointed is the advantage for some others, vice versa. All I can do is try to explain  what is good what is bad for me to you. It depend on you to decide it is worthy for you or not.

Good Night&Good Luck.


突破的水生藥草BUG我也遇到了 我的解決方法是 回到載入遊戲那裡 對你的存檔按W 他會有個回滾的選項
2022-02-25 08:04:53
2022-02-25 12:43:13
2022-02-25 08:05:28
2022-02-26 00:12:35
2022-02-26 00:36:23
2022-02-26 00:51:14
https://discord.gg/kKhXhDHQuY ←DC垂死之光群組,我的STEAM ID是5225452 匿稱是Moving_Target
2022-02-26 09:03:27
補充16 有骨折效果喔~但是機率變成非常少! 用鈍器類的機率大約是100下才有一下 因為有一天無聊 把武器全丟了用空手 突然發現的 已經測試過指虎鈍器也可以
2023-05-17 03:04:38
2023-05-17 09:30:27
