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12/15 Speech and my feedback.

作者:看看我再看看你│2021-12-21 20:17:49│巴幣:0│人氣:87
Today’s speech was delivered by Professor Wang Chunmin, the vice dean of the School of Education. The topic of his speech was to revitalize the ethnic language and talk about the social practice of educational technology.

What impressed me most in today's speech was the 22K reminder. The warnings of this video made me realize that our time is very limited, and we spent too much time worrying about the unknown and left the present unused. We have many opportunities and time to enrich ourselves, so we should make good use of our youth to try and explore. The teacher gave many practical examples, especially the application of design thinking in daily life, which also opened my eyes. In particular, this skill can also help weak or endangered cultures.

Today, after hearing this sharing, I am more determined in my mind. Don't give up or define yourself as not good enough. No matter if you encounter any setbacks, you still have to hope and believe that you are still a unique and precious existence.
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前一篇:12/8 Speech ...




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