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SHS-500 Reference Manual

Voice List
Select a Voice with the [SELECT] knob.
No.  Voice  Display  MSB  LSB  PC1  
001  Saw Lead 1  SawLead1  104  20  91  
002  Saw Lead 2  SawLead2  0  104  82  
003  Quack Lead  QuackLd  0  112  85  
004  Bright Decay  BriteDcy  104  21  85  
Square Lead  SquareLd  0  112  81  
006  Under Heim  UndrHeim  104  51  88  
007  Analogon  Analogon  104  52  82  
008  Synth Brass  SynBrass  0  113  64  
009  Electric Piano  E.Piano  104  28  5  
DX Electric Piano  DXPiano  0  112  6  
011  Electric Guitar  E.Guitar  104  3  31  
012  Jazz Guitar  J.Guitar  104  0  27  
013  Acoustic Guitar  A.Guitar  0  117  26  
014  Electric Bass  E.Bass  104  6  34  
Slap Bass  SlapBass  0  112  37  
016  Synth Bass  SynBass  0  112  39  
017  DX Bass  DXBass  0  118  40  
018  Piano  Piano  0  112  2  
019  Piano & Strings  Pno&Strs  104  39  1  
Piano & Pad  Pno&Pad  104  40  1  
021  Air Choir  AirChoir  0  112  55  
022  Strings  Strings  0  116  49  
023  Brass  Brass  0  117  63  
024  Trumpet  Trumpet  0  115  57  
Flute  Flute  0  115  74  
026  Alto Sax  AltoSax  104  2  66  
027  Tenor Sax  TenorSax  104  3  67  
028  Harmonica  Harmnica  0  112  23  
029  House Kit  HouseKit  127  0  65  
030 Power Kit  PowerKit  127  0  88  

Voices No. 029 and 030 are Drum Kits. When you select a Drum Kit, various drum and percussion sounds are assigned to individual keys, from which they can be played. Details on the instruments and key assignments of each Drum Kit can be found in the Drum Kit List on page 20.

Drum Kit List
The MIDI Note number and Note are actually one octave lower than the keyboard Note number and Note. For example, in House Kit, the Kick T9 5 (Note number48/Note C2) corresponds to MIDI (Note number36/Note C1).

Keyboard                          MIDI           1 org               127-000-65                          127-000-88
                                                                    0 org               127-000-64                          127-000-87
Note number     Note     Note    Note number     Note     Note                House Kit                            Power Kit

25        C#    0      C#0        13        C#    -1     C#-1                      W Kick                                  Surdo Mute
26          D   0       D0         14          D   -1      D-1                  Surdo Open                              Surdo Open
27        D#    0      D#0        15        D#    -1     D#-1                      Hi Q                                           Hi Q
28          E   0       E0         16          E   -1      E-1                    Whip Slap                                 Whip Slap
29          F   0       F0         17          F   -1      F-1                     Scratch H                                  Scratch H
30        F#    0      F#0        18        F#    -1     F#-1                    Scratch L                                  Scratch L
31         G   0       G0         19         G   -1     G-1                   W Noise up                               Finger Snap
32        G#    0      G#0        20        G#    -1     G#-1                    Tom T8 3                                 Click Noise
33          A   0       A0         21          A   -1      A-1              Hi-Hat Open T8 1                      Metronome Click
34        A#    0      A#0        22        A#    -1     A#-1                    Tom T8 6                              Metronome Bell
35          B   0       B0         23          B   -1      B-1                     Crash T8                                Seq Click L
36          C   1       C1         24          C   0       C0                     Kick T9 4                                 Seq Click H
37        C#    1      C#1        25        C#    0      C#0                 Snare T8 Rim                              Brush Tap
38          D   1       D1         26          D   0       D0                    Snare T8 5                                Brush Swirl
39        D#    1      D#1        27        D#    0      D#0               Clap Analog Sm                           Brush Slap
40          E   1       E1         28          E   0       E0                Snare Garage L                        Brush Tap Swirl
41          F   1       F1         29          F   0       F0        Snare Rock Roll Distortion                    Snare Roll
42        F#    1      F#1        30        F#    0      F#0                   Snare T9 3                                  Castanet
43         G   1       G1         31         G   0       G0                    Snare T8 1                          Snare Soft Power
44        G#    1      G#1        32        G#    0      G#0                   Snare T9 5                                   Sticks
45          A   1       A1         33          A   0       A0                     Kick T9 1                                  Kick Amb+
46        A#    1      A#1        34        A#    0      A#0                Snare T9 Gate                        Open Rim Power
47          B   1       B1         35          B   0       B0                     Kick T9 2                            Kick Power Open
48          C   2       C2         36          C   1       C1                     Kick T9 5                           Kick Power Closed
49        C#    2      C#2        37        C#    1      C#1                 Snare T9 Rim                         Side Stick Power
50          D   2       D2         38          D   1       D1                    Snare T9 1                               Snare Power
51        D#    2      D#2        39        D#    1      D#1                      Clap T9                             Hand Clap Power
52          E   2       E2         40          E   1       E1                    Snare T9 2                              Snare Rough
53          F   2       F2         41          F   1       F1                      Tom T9 1                                Tom Power 1
54        F#    2      F#2        42        F#    1      F#1              Hi-Hat Close T8 1                  Hi-Hat Closed Power
55         G   2       G2         43         G   1       G1                     Tom T9 2                               Tom Power 2
56        G#    2      G#2        44        G#    1      G#1               Hi-Hat Pedal T9                     Hi-Hat Pedal Power
57          A   2       A2         45          A   1       A1                      Tom T9 3                                Tom Power 3
58        A#    2      A#2        46        A#    1      A#1               Hi-Hat Open T9                     Hi-Hat Open Power
59          B   2       B2         47          B   1       B1                     Tom T9 4                                Tom Power 4
60       C   3       C3         48          C   2       C2                     Tom T9 5                                Tom Power 5
61        C#3             C#3 49 C# 2 C#2                          Crash T9                  Crash Cymbal Acoustic 1                                                                           
62          D   3       D3         50      D2 D2                           Tom T9 6                            Tom Power 6
63        D#    3      D#3        51        D#    2      D#2                      Ride T9                        Ride Cymbal Acoustic 1
64          E   3       E3         52          E2               E2           Chinese Cymbal 4         Chinese Cymbal Acoustic
65          F 3         F3   53        F 2     F2                           Ride Cymbal Cup 2          Ride Cymbal Cup Acoustic
66        F#    3      F#3        54        F#    2      F#2                Tambourine Hit                            Tambourine
67         G   3       G3         55         G   2       G2                Crash Cymbal 3                 Splash Cymbal Acoustic
68        G#    3      G#3        56        G#    2      G#2                    Cowbell 1                                   Cowbell
69          A   3       A3         57          A   2       A2                Crash Cymbal 2                Crash Cymbal Acoustic 2
70        A#    3      A#3        58        A#    2      A#2            Vibraslap                                   Vibraslap
71          B   3       B3         59          B   2       B2                 Ride Cymbal 3                   Ride Cymbal Acoustic 2
72          C   4       C4         60          C   3       C3            Bongo High Open 1F                          Bongo H
73        C#    4      C#4        61        C#    3      C#3           Bongo Low Open 3F                         Bongo L
74          D   4       D4         62          D   3       D3                Conga High Tip                         Conga H Mute
75        D#    4      D#4        63        D#    3      D#3         Conga High Slap Open                   Conga H Open
76          E   4       E4         64          E   3       E3              Conga High Open                            Conga L
77          F   4       F4         65          F   3       F3                     Timbale H                                 Timbale H
78        F#    4      F#4        66        F#    3      F#3                    Timbale L                                  Timbale L
79         G   4       G4         67         G   3       G3                      Agogo H                                    Agogo H
80        G#    4      G#4        68        G#    3      G#3                     Agogo L                                    Agogo L
81          A   4       A4         69          A   3       A3                 Cavasa House                                Cabasa
82        A#    4      A#4        70        A#    3      A#3                 Maracas Slur                                Maracas
83          B   4       B4         71          B   3       B3                      Fx Gun 2                            Samba Whistle H
84          C   5       C5         72          C   4       C4                     Fx Gun 1                             Samba Whistle L
85         C#    5      C#5        73        C#    4      C#4              Analog Shaker H                           Guiro Short
86          D   5       D5         74          D   4       D4               Analog Shaker L                           Guiro Long
87        D#    5      D#5        75        D#    4      D#4                    Claves T8                                    Claves
88          E   5       E5         76          E   4       E4                        Hi Q 1                                Wood Block H
89          F   5       F5         77          F   4       F4                        Hi Q 2                                  Wood Block L
90                F#    5      F#5        78        F#    4      F#4                     Scratch L                                 Cuica Mute
91         G   5       G5         79         G   4       G4                    Scratch L 2                               Cuica Open
92        G#    5      G#5        80        G#    4      G#4                 Triangle Mute                            Triangle Mute
93          A   5       A5         81          A   4       A4                  Triangle Open                           Triangle Open
94        A#    5      A#5        82        A#    4      A#4                Analog Shaker                                Shaker
95         B   5       B5         83          B   4       B4                    Sleigh Bell                                Jingle Bells
96          C   6       C6         84          C   5       C5                      Bell Tree                                    Bell Tree
97        C#    6      C#6        85        C#    5      C#5                  Snare Hip 1
98          D   6       D6         86          D   5       D5                   Snare Hip 2
99        D#    6      D#6        87        D#    5      D#5                     Vox Bell
100        E 6     E6         88     E 5       E5               Snare Break
101       F 6   F6   89   F 5   F5             Vox ALK
102       F# 6   F#6   90   F# 5   F#5               Snare Fx
103          G 6   G6   91   G 5   G5            Kick Fx Hammer

: No sound

Voice Parameters
Parameter   Description
Octave (Figure)
For shifting the pitch of the keyboard up or down by one octave. Octave affects only notes played after pressing the button. It does not affect notes that are already playing when it is pressed. Setting value: -2 . +2
Default: Depends on the Voice

Transpose (Figure)
For transposing the pitch of the keyboard up or down in semitones.
Transpose affects only notes played after pressing the button. It does not affect notes that are already playing when it is pressed. Setting value: minus12 to +12
Default: 0

Sustain (Figure)
While holding down this button, the notes you play have a longer sustain. Setting value: ON, OFF Default: OFF

Pitch bend (Figure)
For adding smooth pitch variations to notes you play on the keyboard. The maximum pitch bend range can be changed via the Function. Setting value: 0 . 16383 (MIDI) Default: 8192 (CENTER)

Modulation (Figure)
For applying a vibrato effect to notes played on the keyboard.
For changing the parameter of the effect which is selected with the [EFFECT] selector. (This is available only when the Function setting Modulation value is set to EfctCtrl).
Setting value: 0 . 127 Default: 0

Effect List

Select the desired effect with the [EFFECT] selector then set its value with the [EFFECT CONTROL] knob.

Effect  Description

(Figure)Filter Setting value
Effect name and its value will appear in the display for a few seconds. This is same as the following effects.
Filter shapes the sound by allowing only a specified range of frequencies to pass and/or by producing a resonance peak at the cutoff frequency. Filter can be used to create a range of synthesizer-like sounds. Filter has two internal parameters Cutoff and Resonance. Making a setting here automatically changes the setting of these parameters as well.
Cutoff: Adjusts the cutoff frequency, and therefore the brightness of the sound. The higher the value, the brighter the sound.
Resonance: Adjusts the amount of Resonance applied at the cutoff frequency. The higher value increases the Resonance to emphasize the frequencies at the cutoff frequency, resulting in an exaggerated peak.
Selecting another Voice resets both Cutoff and Resonance to 64.
Setting value: 0 to 127 Default: Cutoff: 64, Resonance: 64

Sets th.touch sensitivity of the keyboard. Lower values produce greater volume variation in response to keyboard  dynamics.in other words, providing greater sensitivity and  making it easier to produce wide dynamic changes. Higher  values produce a more uniform response.in other words,  
Dynamics  Setting value  providing less sensitivity and making it easier to produce loud sounds in your performance.  
Selecting another Voice resets the effect depth value you  have set.  
Setting value: 0 to 127  
Default: Depends on the Voice  

REVERB (Figure)
Adds the ambience of a club or concert hall to the sound. The higher the value, the greater the effect. Selecting another Voice resets the effect depth value you have set.
Setting value: 0 to 127
Default: Depends on the Voice

CHORUS  (Figure)
Produces a rich fat sound as if several parts are being played simultaneously. The higher the value, the greater the effect. Selecting another Voice resets the effect depth value you have set.  
Chorus  Setting value  Setting value: 0 to 127 Default: Depends on the Voice  

OTHER (Figure)
Other Setting value
Adjusts the parameters of the DSP effect selected by the Function. Selecting another Voice resets the effect depth value you have set. In the default setting, the optimum DSP type for the selected Voice is automatically called up.
DSP will be turned off when turning the power to the instrument on or when the DSP parameter is set to 0. DSP will be turned on if the value is changed.
Setting value: 0 to 127 Default: Depends on the Voice

The effect depth value can be controlled by the [EFFECT CONTROL] knob and the Modulation wheel (if set via the Functions). If both are used to set the value, priority will be given to the last used one. For example, the value will be set to minimum if you decrease the value with the [EFFECT CONTROL] knob even when the Modulation wheel has been set to the maximum position.

DSP Type List
DSP Type Display Description
Distortion 1 Dist.1 Distortion 2 Dist.2
Adds an edgy distortion to the sound. For powerful guitar sound of Rock and Blues, it is an indispensable effect. There are two different types (Distortion 1 and 2). Turn the Knob to adjust the degree of the distortion effect.

DSP Chorus DSP Chrs Adds warm modulation to the sound. Turn the Knob to change the modulation speed.
Flanger Flanger Creates a swirling, metallic sound similar to that of a jet airplane. Turn the Knob to change the modulation speed.
Phaser Phaser Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. Turn the Knob to adjust the modulation speed.
Tremolo Tremolo Rich Tremolo effect with volume modulation. Turn the Knob to adjust the modulation speed.
Rotary Speaker RotarySp Simulates the characteristic effect of a rotary speaker. Turn the Knob to change the rotating speed.
Low Pass Filter LPF Modifies the tonal color of the sound by cutting the signals above the Cutoff Frequency. Turn the Knob to adjust the cutoff frequency.
High Pass Filter HPF Modifies the tonal color of the sound by cutting the signals below the Cutoff Frequency. Turn the Knob to adjust the cutoff frequency.

The illustrations and LCD screens as shown in this manual are for instructional purposes only,and may appear somewhat different from those on your instrument.
The company names and product names in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

This is the end of the file.

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