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Discuss the human rights of high IQ AI? and the unemployment rate...

作者:翅尾子│2020-09-13 17:18:32│巴幣:0│人氣:164
My thoughts on episode 46 of Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld.
Forcing high IQ AI to work, what about their human rights?
Then I would say: High IQ AI will do one hour, and more than 10 humans will do 8 hours of work.
At other times, their AI is free.
Human society has to work to have money to live a life.
If there is no currency system in this world, everyone still has to help this group in exchange for the necessities of life.

Human work will not disappear.
As an engineer repairing software and hardware, as well as quality management personnel.
There are many kinds of jobs...

The unemployment rate will not increase.
Because of the corruption of politicians, the descendants of mankind are reduced.
Many people all over the world have no confidence in their country and life is hard, and they do not want to have children.
So there will not be too much manpower in the future.

Will high IQ AI destroy humans?
It depends on whether human beings are as evil as certain dictatorships.
I think the judgment of high IQ AI will not be worse than that of humans.
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前一篇:討論高智商AI人權?和失... 後一篇:紅色警戒2舊版,進入安裝...




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