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【翻譯】Mozart Effect 3 Albums

作者:幽影│交響情人夢│2009-02-15 22:35:28│巴幣:0│人氣:1724
The Mozart Effect: Music For Moms and Moms-To-Be

01. 《唐‧喬望尼》讓我們手牽手,K.527
02. G小調嬉遊曲第二樂章:行板,K.158
03. 降B大調第12號弦樂四重奏第二樂章:慢板,K.172
04. 第四號小夜曲第六樂章:行板,K.203 (189b)
05. D大調嬉遊曲第二樂章:行板,K.136 (125a)
06. D大調嬉遊曲第五樂章:慢板,K.100
07. 嬉遊曲第二樂章:行板;D大調小夜曲第二樂章
08. 降B大調嬉遊曲第一樂章:行板,K.137
09. D大調嬉遊曲第一樂章:最緩板-快板,K.205

01. La Ci Darem la Mano from Don Giovanni, K.527
02. Andante, II, From the Divertimento in G Minor, K.158
03. Adagio, II, From the String Quartet No. 12 in B Flat Major, K.172
04. Andante, VI, From the Serenade, K.203
05. Andante, II, From the Divertimento in D Major, K.136
06. Adagio, V, From the Divertimento in D Major, K.100
07. Andante, II, From the Divertimento, II, From the Cassation in D Major
08. Andante, II, From the Divertimento in B Flat Major, K.137
09. Largo-Allegro, I, From the Divertimento in D Major, K.205


The Mozart Effect: Music For Children, Mozart In Motion

01. 《唐‧喬望尼》香檳之歌,K.527
02. 第11號鋼琴奏鳴曲第三樂章:《土耳其進行曲》,K.331 (K.300i)
03. C大調德國舞曲,K.611
04. 《戰鬥》,K.535
05. 第40號交響曲第一樂章,K.550
06. 第一號進行曲,K.335
07. 第四號德國舞曲,K.602
08. 降B大調嬉遊曲第五樂章:果籃-快板,K.15gg
09. 第二號德國舞曲,K.605
10. 《魔笛》帕帕基諾的詠嘆調,K.620
11. D大調第七號小夜曲《哈夫納》:小步舞曲,K.250
12. 第七號嬉遊曲:小步舞曲,K.205
13. 第15號嬉遊曲:小步舞曲,K.287
14. 第四號小夜曲第九樂章:最急板,K.203 (189b)

01. Don Giovanni, opera, K.527 Champagne Aria
02. Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major ("Alla Turca") K.331 (K.300i) Rondo alla turca
03. Die Leyerer, K.611
04. 'La Bataille', K.535
05. Symphony No. 40, (First Movement), K.550
06. March No. 1, K.335
07. German Dance No. 4, K.602
08. Cotillon, Allegro, Divertimento in B Flat, K.15gg
09. German Dance No. 2, K.605
10. Papageno's Song from the Magic Flute, K.620
11. Menuetto, Serenade in D, K.250
12. Menuetto, Divertimento Serenade, K.205
13. Menuetto, Divertimento in B Flat, K.287
14. Prestissimo, Serenade, K.203 (K.189b)


The Mozart Effect: Music For Babies: Nighty Night

01. 《唐‧喬望尼》到窗前來,K.527
02. 第11號鋼琴奏鳴曲第一樂章:優美的行板,K.331
03. C大調第10號弦樂四重奏第三樂章:慢板, K.170
04. D大調第11號交響曲:行板,K.84
05. D大調第三號嬉遊曲:慢板,K.131
06. 降E大調雙簧管四重奏:行板,K.407
07. 降B大調弦樂四重奏:慢板,K.174
08. 第15號嬉遊曲:慢板,K.287
09. 單簧管五重奏第二樂章:小廣板,K.581

01. Don Giovanni, K.527- Deh! Vienialla Finestra
02. Piano Sonata No. 11 in a Major, K.331- Andante Grandioso
03. String Quartet No. 10 in C Major, K.170- Un poco adagio
04. Symphony No. 11 in D Major, K.84- Andante
05. Divertimento in D Major, K.131- Adagio
06. Oboe Quartet in E Flat Major, K.407- Andante
07. String Quartet in B Flat Major, K.174- Adagio
08. Divertimento in B Flat Major, K.287- Adagio
09. Clarinet Quintet in a Major, K.581- Larghetto

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