Canyon Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's cars to make extremely long and high jumps.
峽谷領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的汽車進行極長的高速跳躍。
Chrome Realm AcceleCharger - Clarifies and removes any illusion or mirage seen by the driver.
鉻領域充電器 - 消除駕駛員看到的任何幻覺或海市蜃樓。
Reactor Realm AcceleCharger - Negates all external noise, making the driver's car soundproof.
反應堆領域領域充電器 - 消除所有外部干擾,使駕駛者的汽車隔音。
Blizzard Realm AcceleCharger - Allows traction on any terrain.
暴風雪領域充電器 - 允許在任何地形上牽引。
Solar Realm AcceleCharger - Allows a driver's car to negate shifts of gravity and remain on the track.
太陽領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的汽車抵消重力的變化並保持在賽道上。
Micro Realm AcceleCharger - Allows cars to change size.
微型領域充電器 - 允許汽車改變尺寸。
Wind Realm AcceleCharger - Negates the effect of powerful winds.
風領域充電器 - 抵消強風的影響。
Monument Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's vehicle to become two-dimensional. Won by the Racing Drones.
紀念碑領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的車輛變成二維的。
Desert Realm AcceleCharger - Allows cars to safely travel on sand or unstable surfaces.
沙漠領域充電器 - 允許汽車安全地在沙子或不穩定的表面上行駛。
Warped Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's vehicle to teleport to another area a short distance away, or to disappear and reappear. Won by the Racing Drones.
扭曲領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的車輛遠距離傳送到另一個區域,或者消失並重新出現。
Fog Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's vehicle to see clearly in foggy conditions. Won by the Racing Drones.
霧領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的車輛在有霧的條件下清晰地看到。
Cybergrid Realm AcceleCharger - Allows cars to make 90 degree turns without the loss of speed or traction.
Cybergrid領域充電器 - 允許汽車在沒有速度或牽引力的情況下進行90度轉彎。
Labyrinth Realm AcceleCharger - Manipulates a driver's GPS to lead them to the finish line.
迷宮領域充電器 - 操縱駕駛員的GPS以引導他們到終點線。
Storm Realm AcceleCharger - Protects the driver's car from electrical charges. Won by RD-L1.
閃電領域充電器 - 保護駕駛員的汽車不受電費影響。
Swamp Realm AcceleCharger - Creates an organic road of vines beneath the car. Won by Nolo Pasaro.
沼澤領域充電器 - 在汽車下面創造一條有機葡萄藤之路。
Cavern Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver to see in total darkness. Won by Deezel "Porkchop" Riggs.
洞窟領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員在完全黑暗中看到。
Lava Realm AcceleCharger - Creates tires that always remain in perfect condition. Won by RD-L1.
熔岩領域充電器 - 創造始終保持完美狀態的輪胎。
Water Realm AcceleCharger - Grants the driver's car the ability to drive on water. Won by RD-L1.
水領域充電器 - 賦予駕駛者汽車駕駛水上駕駛的能力。
Metro Realm AcceleCharger - Creates a force field around the car. Won by the Silencerz.
都會領域充電器 - 在汽車周圍創建一個力場。
Cliffside Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the car to take any turn without slowing down or losing traction. Won by the Racing Drones or the Silencerz.
峭壁領域充電器 - 允許賽車在不減速或失去牽引力的情況下進行任何轉彎。
Ice Realm AcceleCharger - Gives the car the ability to maintain a firm grip over slippery terrain. Won by the Silencerz.
冰領域充電器 - 使汽車能夠在濕滑的地形上保持牢固的抓地力。
Pipeline Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's car to drive upside down or on walls. Won by the Silencerz.
管道領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的車顛倒或在牆上行駛。
Junk Realm AcceleCharger - Creates a frictionless track under the car. Won by Kurt Wylde.
廢場領域充電器 - 在汽車下創造一個無摩擦的軌道。
Ruins Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's car to pass through objects. Won by Racing Drones or Silencerz.
遺跡領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的汽車穿過物體。
Cosmic Realm AcceleCharger - Allows the driver's car to travel at the speed of light. Won by the Silencerz.
宇宙領域充電器 - 允許駕駛員的車以光速行駛。
Sky Realm - Allows your car to fly like a jet to avoid big obstacles.
天空領域通電器 - 讓汽車能夠像飛機一樣飛翔。
Forest Realm - Allows you to manipulate the nature of the realm by helping you get to the finish.
野獸領域充電器 - 讓汽車能夠讓大自然成為你的朋友,因為領域的生物將你帶到了賽道的盡頭。
Glass Realm - Allows your vehicle's weight to almost nothing.
玻璃領域充電器 - 使汽車能夠在不破壞它的情況下在所有易碎表面上行駛,或者讓汽車具有失重的能力。
Sound Realm - Allows you to amplify sound so you can better hear your surroundings.
音頻充電器 - 讓汽車能夠阻擋軌道上周圍的巨大噪音,讓您通過惡性聲波處理。
Wormhole Realm Accelecharger - This Accele-charger will create a interdenominational shortcut in the Realm, so the driver may skip part of the track.
蟲洞領域充電器 - 此加速充電器將在領域中創建一個跨界的快捷方式,因此駕駛員可以跳過部分軌道。