Scenario II: The Doom of Eztli
Check Campaign Log. If the investigators were forced to wait foradditional supplies: Read Intro 1.
If the investigators cleared a path to the Eztli ruins: Skip to Intro 2.
檢查戰役日誌。 如果調查員們被迫等待額外物資:閱讀簡介1。
Intro 1:
Wednesday, July 8th, 1925
Our runners, José and Maria, returned several days later. They werefully stocked with food, water, aspirin, and weapons. I am curioushow deep Alejandro’s connections are in Mexico. For an outcasthistorian, he was able to secure guns and ammunition faster than I hadanticipated. But perhaps it is better if he keeps his sources undisclosed.
We ventured once more into the jungle. This time, we were prepared.We had learned from our previous excursion, and we made our wayacross the river canyon, venturing deeper south than we had daredbefore. Eventually we reached the ruins Alejandro sought, and soon wewill enter what Alejandro believes is the main temple. Strangely, theserpent creatures we encountered earlier didn’t attack in force as we hadfeared. Could they have fled? Or are they simply lying in wait, preparingto ambush while we sleep at night?
Proceed to Setup.
我們的信差何塞和瑪麗亞幾天後回來了。 他們帶著儲備充足的食物,水,阿司匹林和武器。 我很好奇亞歷杭德羅在墨西哥的關係有多深。 對於一位被遺棄的歷史學家來說,他能夠比我預期的更快地獲得槍支和彈藥。 但也許他保持他的來源管道不公開會更好。
我們再次冒險進入叢林。 這一次,我們做好了準備。 我們從之前的旅行中吸取了教訓,然後我們穿過河流峽谷,向南冒險,比我們之前更加敢於冒險。 最終我們到達了亞歷杭德羅所尋找的遺跡,很快我們就會進入亞歷杭德羅所認為的主要神廟。 奇怪的是,我們之前遇到的蛇形生物並沒有像我們擔心的那樣大規模攻擊。 他們逃走了嗎? 或者他們只是在等待,準備在我們晚上睡覺時伏擊?
Intro 2:
Friday, July 3rd, 1925
We spent most of yesterday moving our camp to the edge of the ruins.With the serpentine creatures still guarding the region, we have decidedthat a small party will have the best chance of slipping into the maintemple unnoticed. I told Maria, the expedition’s naturalist, to takeone of the trucks and wait beyond the northern edge of the rainforest.Our cartographer, José, is guarding the camp until we return. We’re onour own, but at least we’ve cleared an escape route in the event thingsgo sour…
Proceed to Setup.
我們昨天花了大部分時間將我們的營地搬到了遺跡的邊緣處。 由於蛇形生物仍然守護著該地區,我們已經決定組織一個小型隊伍是最有可能不被注意地潛入主要神廟。 我告訴探險隊的博物學家瑪利亞,乘坐其中一輛卡車在雨林的北部邊緣處等待。 我們的製圖師何塞正在守衛營地,直到我們回來為止。 我們要獨力應付,但至少我們已經清除出了一條逃生路線,如果事情發生了變化...
Æ Gather all cards from the following encounter sets: The Doomof Eztli, Agents of Yig, Yig’s Venom, Temporal Flux, DeadlyTraps, Forgotten Ruins, Poison, and Chilling Cold. These sets areindicated by the following icons:
Æ收集以下遭遇組合中的所有卡牌:伊茲提利的末日,伊格的使者,伊格的毒液,時間流量,致命陷阱,被遺忘的遺跡,毒藥和冰凍入骨。 這些組合由以下圖標表示:
Æ Put the Entryway into play. Each investigator begins play in theEntryway.
Æ把通道入口放置進場。 每個調查員都在通道入口開始遊戲。
Æ Create the exploration deck. This is done by taking thefive single-sided Ancient locations and shuffling them together,along with one copy each of the following treachery cards: IllOmen, Deep Dark, Final Mistake, Entombed, and Crypt Chill.
Æ創造探索牌庫。 這是通過拿取五張單面的遠古地點並將它們混洗在一起,以及以下每張背叛卡的一個副本來完成:生病的預兆,更深的黑暗,最後的錯誤,被埋葬和地穴冰寒。
Æ Set the following cards aside, out of play: The Harbinger ofValusia enemy, the Chamber of Time location, and the Relic ofAges asset.
Æ Set aside each Poisoned weakness that is not already in aninvestigator’s deck.
Æ Shuffle the remainder of the encounter cards to build theencounter deck.
Standalone Mode
If you are playing in Standalone Mode and do not wish torefer to any other setups or resolutions, you may use theinformation below when setting up this scenario:
Æ Assemble the chaos bag using the following tokens:+1, 0, 0, 0, –1, –2, –2, –3, –5, , , , , , .
Æ The investigators cleared a path to the Eztli ruins.
Æ You have no supplies.