
1 GP

(DC) 神槍機兵

作者:七王│2018-08-28 22:36:20│巴幣:2│人氣:159

Gunspike/Cannon Spike/CAPCOM/2000

Cannon Spike, originally released in Japan as Gunspike (ガンスパイク), is a multi-directional shooter arcade game released in 2000 by Psikyo and later in the same year for the Dreamcast by Capcom. It uses Capcom-designed characters and runs on Sega's Naomi Hardware. Cannon Spike is similar to games like Smash TV and Capcom's Commando, although with primary focus on boss fighting. Cannon Spike is noted as one of the last games released for Dreamcast in Europe, published by Bigben Interactive and exclusively sold at retail in Game outlets.

The international name of Cannon Spike is the name of a trademark attack performed by Cammy, a character from the Street Fighter series of video games and one of the protagonists of this title.

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