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An eye-opening teammate

作者:湛澄│2018-07-16 00:27:45│巴幣:4│人氣:202

Thanks to a colleague of mine, I am now participating in interpretation practices twice a month.  Nice intellectual stimulation.  For instance, I got the chance to talk about parenting in English:

A 3-y-o kid who enjoyed himself among the kind school janitors and patient teachers at a nursery with below-average English teaching standards were forced to switch to another kindergarten. His mom worried that he might be lagging behind his peers and yet rebutted that she's not intentionally being a "tiger mom".  She also suffered when facing this dilemma... We all felt sorry for the pathetic little boy.

Among the four lady participants other than myself, I find a young girl (who used to aspire to become our colleague in the future) particularly interesting to learn about for two reasons.

Firstly, she worked as an intern at the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the French Consulate in Hong Kong, helping to organise events (she had to fly to cities in mainland China at times).  She also made phone calls to Hong Kong corporates' directors to seek room for cooperation with French companies.  In order to work at the Chamber, she had to be proficient in French.  She was also adapting quite well to her job over there, until her employment was terminated due to operational reasons (to be exact, the Chamber wants to hire a French employee instead).  Her future company will be a financial PR responsible for IPOs.

Secondly, she has gained some international exposure during her undergraduate studies.  During her experience of being an exchange student in Finland, she gave a presentation on Finland's success in striking a balance between environmental protection and economic development:
1. Finland is adopting the model of circular economy, paying heed to all details of the production cycle to minimise waste and saving $3 billion EURO in doing so.

2. The business sector is embracing the concept of environmental protection.  Among its relatively small population of 5.4 million, there are 1,300 companies specialising in environmental technology and thus Finland is leading the world in that field (with an annual growth of 10% in recent years).
Sustainable development has been deeply woven into the fabric of Finland.  It has demonstrated how a nation can overcome difficulties in striking the balance by facilitating the use of advanced technologies, showing a strong political will and creating economic/financial incentives. [政治決心, 經濟誘因]

All in all, this young lady broadens my horizons as much as my colleague does.  I am pretty much looking forward to hearing her adventure stories at her new job.  

I am racing against time to boost my word power.  It's challenging and yet exciting to attempt doing SI when the Putonghua-speaking pastor gave his preach at my church today. (The VBS is here. Luckily I only needed to whisper to myself XD")

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