
0 GP


作者:Nil│2018-02-11 22:21:20│巴幣:0│人氣:142
Character ability: TARGET VITALS
All of Valentine's attacks inflict damage that cannot be recovered when tagged out

Tier 1: Surgeon General
Rarity: gold
Element: air
Max ATK: 4763
Max HP: 25.7K
Max FS: 9245
Signature ability: STIMPAK
While Valentine is alive, she gains a permanent ENRAGE every 30 seconds
While Valentine is alive, teammates gain IMMUNE and HEAVY REGEN for 15 seconds every 30 seconds
Ideal stats: +50% defence, +100% ATK, +50% meter gain, +50% HP
Resistances: stun, bleed, disable
Dead on Arrival BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Sedative BB1
Countervenom: Detox BB1
Countervenom: Paralysis BB1

Tier 2: Silent Kill
Rarity: gold
Element: water
Max ATK: 4148
Max HP: 28578
Max FS: 9107
Signature ability: FOGGY MEMORY
20% chance on HIT to REMOVE all negative COMBAT EFFECTS from self
20% chance on HIT to REMOVE all beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS from opponent
Ideal stats: +50% defence, +100% ATK, +50% meter gain, +50% HP
Resistances: stun, bleed, disable
EKG Flatliner BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Sedative BB1
Checkmate Incision BB1
Countervenom: Paralysis BB1

Tier 3: Last Hope
Rarity: gold (exclusive)
Element: light
Max ATK: 3533
Max HP: 31429
Max FS: 8964
Signature ability: URGENT CARE
Once per match while Valentine is alive, teammates gain HEAVY REGEN for 10 seconds when dropping below 25% HEALTH
Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 50% health
Ideal stats: +50% defence, +100% HP, +50% meter gain, +50% ATK
Resistances: bleed, stun, disable
Dead on Arrival BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Sedative BB1
Countervenom: Paralysis BB1
Countervenom: Detox BB1

Tier 4: Oh Mai
Rarity: silver (exclusive / currently unavailable)
Element: fire
Max ATK: 4083
Max HP: 22049
Max FS: 7929
Signature ability: DEADLY FURY
Gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds after defeating an opponent
When any teammate is defeated, all remaining teammates gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds
Ideal stats: +50% defence, +100% ATK, +50% meter gain, 50% HP
Resistances: cripple, stun, bleed
EKG Flatliner BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Sedative BB1
Countervenom: Paralysis BB1
Countervenom: Detox BB1

Tier 5: Icy Hot
Rarity: bronze (worth evolving to silver)
Element: water
Max ATK: 3840
Max HP: 20786
Max FS: 7465
Signature ability: FIRST RESPONDER
All teammates TAG IN with REGEN for 6 seconds
On TAG IN, all teammates gain 15% meter for ALL BLOCKBUSTERS
Stats: +50% defence, +100% HP, +50% meter gain
Resistances: bleed, stun, disable
Dead on Arrival BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Sedative BB1
Checkmate Incision BB1
Vial Hazard: Type C

Tier 6: Graveyard Shift
Rarity: silver
Element: dark
Max ATK: 3030
Max HP: 26942
Max FS: 7686
Signature ability: FORENSICS
Gain REGEN for 15 seconds after defeating an opponent
When any teammate is defeated, all remaining teammates gain REGEN for 15 seconds
Stats: +50% defence, +100% HP, +50% meter gain
Resistances: bleed, stun, disable
Dead on Arrival BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Sedative BB1
Checkmate Incision BB1
Vial Hazard: Type C

Tier 7: Scrub
Rarity: bronze
Element: air
Max ATK: 3047
Max HP: 20996
Max FS: 6690
Signature ability: OUTPATIENT
Teammates in reserve regenerate SCRATCH DAMAGE 100% faster
Teammates in reserve gain BLOCKBUSTER meter 20% faster
Stats: +50% defence, +100% HP, +50% meter gain
Resistances: bleed, stun, disable
Dead on Arrival BB3
Forbidden Procedure BB2
Countervenom: Detox BB1
Vial Hazard: Type A
Vial Hazard: Type C

Special moves:
Burst - On HIT, inflict BLEED for 10 seconds
Chocoglycemia - TAUNT your opponent to gain REGEN for 15 seconds
Dead Cross - 50% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 8 seconds
Triage! - Forces enemy to TAG OUT on HIT, removing all COMBAT EFFECTS
Vial Hazard: Type A - Reduces the meter of opponent BLOCKBUSTERS by 50% (on HIT or BLOCK) (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
Vial Hazard: Type B - 50% chance to remove all beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS from the opponent (on HIT or BLOCK)
Vial Hazard: Type C - 50% chance to STUN opponent for 4 seconds (on HIT or BLOCK) (worth upgrading to lvl 15)

Checkmate Incision BB1 - 25% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 8 seconds
Countervenom: Detox BB1 - 35% chance on HIT to remove all beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS
Countervenom: Paralysis BB1 - 35% chance on HIT to STUN opponent for 5 seconds (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
Countervenom: Sedative BB1 - Reduces the meter of opponent BLOCKBUSTERS by 35% (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
Dead on Arrival BB3 - If used to defeat an opponent, gain REGEN for 10 seconds (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
EKG Flatliner BB3 - 50% bonus damage if opponent has a BLEED effect (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
Forbidden Procedure BB2 - Resurrect fallen teammates with 25% HEALTH (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
Laryngectomy BB2 - 25% chance on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 7 seconds
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face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】