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進擊的巨人 OST Barricades 英文歌詞

作者:落夜幽│進擊的巨人│2017-08-15 11:40:49│巴幣:0│人氣:1245
作詞:Benjamin & mpi 作曲:澤野弘之Hiroyuki Sawano 歌手:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]

Wouldn't it be nice to take a walk on some pure whitesand, gaze at the horizon,without living in fear?
Wouldn't it be sweet to watch the sun curve down meet the waves?
And taste the ocean spray and realize we'd been living as slaves

We've got to learn to
Get back. Get back
But is it worth the price of our soul?
You know you had to
Kill her. Kill her!
Oh my dirty hands
It never fades
And if we
Get out Get out
I'll think about the price of our soul.
We've got to learn to
Live free live free
We'll live a life without barricades


How long I haven't seen the light shine through in my life
Lost everything
Family, confusion on the way.
Someone tries to talk to me and signpost the righteous road.
My animal inside
Can now be tamed to go
Over the wall

We've got to learn to
Get back get back
But is it worth the price of our soul?
The time I had to
Kill her kill her
It's my dirty hands
It never fades
And if we
Get out Get out
I'll think about the price of our soul.
We've got to learn to
Live free live free
We'll live a life without barricades


We've got to learn to
Get back. Get back
But is it worth the price of our soul?
You know you had to
Kill her. Kill her!
Oh my dirty hands
It never fades
And if we
Get out Get out
I'll think about the price of our soul.
We've got to learn to
Live free live free
We'll live a life without barricades

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前一篇:獨占我的英雄 OP ハー... 後一篇:進擊的巨人 OST Yo...



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