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Scar on Face(Charlotte)
作者:SPT草包│2017-08-01 14:47:23│巴幣:0│人氣:114
Scar on FaceCharlotte 插入曲
請按我Recessive, my hair I wear in bangs隱性 額前搖曳的長長的劉海Recessive, getting long again隱性 到如今再一次的變長了Recessive, I need get a trim隱性 恍惚間又需要修剪了Recessive, but I don't wanna go隱性 但是我卻沒有去的動力What I had held in my hands, just another illusion仿佛我手中所持,僅僅是另一個幻想Recessive, I'm not the stronger one隱性 我不是最堅強的那一個Recessive, just a living thing隱性 僅僅只是一個活物而已Recessive, the light is way too bright隱性 那束光太過耀眼Recessive, need to get away隱性 只能逃開There remains a little scar on your face still facing down臉上殘留著小小傷疤的你仍然無法直起脊樑To the ground you hold yourself and crouch like you've been wounded只是僵硬的面對著地板,蜷縮起來,就好像你已傷痕累累I want to run away every time I see it每一次我看到你,我都害怕的想逃開Recessive, every single thing隱性 每一個單獨存在於世界的東西Recessive, distorted隱性 被扭曲之後Recessive, what may appear deformed隱性 都會變得畸形Recessive, cherish from heart隱性 卻也會被發自內心的愛護There is no more yesterday這已經不是昨天了Have no future tomorrow不會再有明天的未來Recessive, from the very beginning隱性 從一開始就知道Recessive, knew this all along隱性 無論誰都會變得孤獨I will send you flowers & strength of dignity with love我將帶著愛,贈與你花瓣與撐起尊嚴的力量Something that will overflow and be out of your arms然後某些東西將會從你的雙臂噴涌而出So you can go ahead, live alone by yourself之後就繼續向前吧,繼續自己一個人堅強的活下去Yes I see the scar on your face is like proof of warrior是的,我覺得你臉上的傷疤,就是戰士的榮耀That will stand up to anything & anytime that comes然後你就可以站在世紀的洪流之前So I close my eyes, 'cause it's too bright for me所以我閉上了我的眼睛。因為你實在太過閃耀
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