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【翻譯】惡靈古堡5 - 被遺棄的版本與武器商人

作者:幻藍魚│2017-07-06 09:22:58│巴幣:40│人氣:3185



我想強調的重點是: 若您身為一個惡靈粉絲,您更該要去廣範涉獵


※ PS1 : 文章的『排板』以電腦版為主
※ PS2 : 圖片主要以美國BIO維基百科提供為主,其餘會加註來源
※ PS3 : 內文附大量 RE5官方概念圖片,手機非吃到飽用戶請注意流量。
※ PS4 : 有些國外文獻將此版本歸類為 Resident Evil 5 Beta (4.5)


惡靈古堡五 2005年第一部概念預告片 First Trailer 2005

惡靈古堡五 2007年 TSG 預告片

以下的內容全都是翻譯美國WIKIA收錄的文章 Rejected content from RE5

Rejected content from Resident Evil 5
惡靈古堡五 - 被遺棄的版本

Elements of Resident Evil 5 changed over the course of its four-year development.
在這四年開發過程中 BIO5 所有的變化要素

=========   Plot changes劇本的改變 ==========

以下內容 99% 由 relyonhorror 論壇 Ryan Stanford 所整理資料 + 1% RE WIKIA 內文


Before the Majini were introduced as the enemy force in Resident Evil 5, they actually had planned the game to be featuring a T-Virus outbreak and zombies to be the main enemy force inside the game. The Public Assembly stage was originally supposed to be three times larger than the final since the player would have to barricade themselves away and survive a swarm of zombies. Public Assembly went over three complete overhauls before settling on the final one.


The original concept from 2005 up to 2007 presented Chris alone in Africa fighting a hoards of enemies from all kinds. By arriving in Kijuju, Chris was forced to get rid of an Uroboros creature as Excella and Irving watch the fight.


The game started with Chris arriving in Africa when he was suddenly attacked by Uroboros, who was just a regular BOW at this point in development. You’d start the game by facing Uroboros and it escaping, meanwhile Irving and Excella would be watching from a building above. Cameras were to be set all around the African village in hidden areas monitoring your progress. At this point in development Irving also was not a big honcho but actually an experiment, even having a number imprinted on the back of his neck. The boss ending off the African village area was going to be a transformed Irving.

當遊戲一開始克里斯剛抵達非洲時,他馬上就糟受到銜尾蛇病毒型態的生化兵器襲擊(在開發階段它不過就是小兵等級)可惜讓它溜走。而艾克榭菈與厄文則在遠處建築上方俯看整個過程。整個非洲村莊各個隱蔽區域到處設置著監視器以監控克里斯的進度。 在初期開發階段厄文並非被定位成現今的油田所長而是一個實驗體,並且在他的脖子後方刻印著條碼。在非洲村莊的最終BOSS戰即是與變異後的厄文決戰。

The town would be deadly silent after the fight until a train full of zombies passing by derailed and crashes, sending the whole town straight to hell as it soon would be swarmed by the undead. There was going to be a scene where you went through a palace-like building and when escaping you would jump out of a window onto a pillar. A horde of zombies would be below shaking the pillars as Chris had to jump from pillar to pillar, and if the player wasn’t careful they’d fall and die a gruesome death.

The earlier mentioned barricaded areas could also house the merchant, in fact the very merchant from Resident Evil 4! Players would need to get rid of the barricades of the door and then an option to knock the door would come. The game would switch to a first person mode as the Merchant opens a slit in the door and ask if all the zombies were taken care of (in the area) and if Chris was friend or foe.



There also would be more powerful zombies that were capable of running but not confirmed if these were Crimson Heads or not.


Jill originally wasn’t going to be a Test Tube subject and instead Chris would find her in Africa as leader of a BSAA squad unit (originally Chris was a lone wolf and not a member of the BSAA) though the details of why Chris believed her dead and such are not explained. Chris would become a member of the unit to help them out with the outbreak of zombies, helping civilians and themselves try to escape the city.


One area in the game would include a swarm of zombies attacking you in an area full of exploding barrels and you’d have to be careful as setting one off would set them all off, killing you.

Chris and the team would almost be out of the city when the worst possible thing would happen; Tricell (which was still the enemy force in the game) would release 10-15 El Gigantes into the town as Jill had to return power to the train station to get energy working so that they’d be able to open the mechanisms to get some trains in the locked-down station and escape out of town on the train.

克里斯與整個BSAA 團隊準備要離開城市時,最糟糕的事情發生了;三聯(依舊是遊戲裡主要敵軍)一口氣釋放了10~15隻的巨人(台譯食人鬼)進入城鎮,而這時的吉兒不得不返回火車站並想辦法回復電力,以便將火車站裡被鎖緊的廠房機構給解鎖以取得火車,並藉由火車逃離現場。

A section of the El Gigante invasion included protecting Jill as she tried to return power to the place.


Eventually the team would escape to the train which is when Irving would of come into play, as he was one of the experimental Uroboros weapons and would become so large he would engulf whole parts of the train while Chris jumped from car to car fighting him.

最後整個 BSAA團隊成功逃至火車上後,而厄文也跟了上去。而他身為一個銜尾蛇病毒的實驗性武器,他漸漸不成人型並且變得異常巨大,一步一步的吞噬火車,而克里斯在車廂頂間不斷跳躍想辦法擊退。

Wesker, Excella, and a third member which was the male CEO of Tricell early in development but is unnamed would be the enemy force after that point for Resident Evil 5. Excella was not the head of Tricell as she was in the final and instead was Secretary for the CEO. Wesker and Excella would be intimate still but both would be in a way “using” the other to obtain what they wanted, believing there to be gain by manipulating the other.


The CEO would be the one watching Chris through the cameras scattered around the city. Later the CEO would be killed by Wesker and Excella in cold blood so Wesker could be “assigned” as the head of Tricell. Later he would take his ultimate lifeform, Tyrant, the project he had also been developing at Umbrella, and order it to kill Excella. Wesker it seems used the Tyrant as his project instead of Uroboros and had installed control mechanism and machinery on the Tyrant to make it controllable, intelligent, and lethal.


Before all of this though, after the train ride Chris and Jill would stop by in a nearby African Town surrounded by desert in the middle of the night. This is where they would meet Sheva and a group of local militia defending their town with primitive weapons from an onslaught of monsters. The town would be in a different part of Kijuju but there’d be a high watch tower in the middle of the town where you could look out at the whole Kijuju region.


Zombies and an El Gigante would show up as Chris, Jill, and the BSAA team tried to defend the local militia. The area would soon be timed as they contacted a BSAA helicopter to come in and rescue them. Chris and his partner, which at this point of development they were unsure if they wanted it to be Jill or Barry as they were planning to replace the earlier Jill scenes with Barry instead so Jill could be the enigma character who was believed dead and was actually in a test tube, would help protect the group (as well as Sheva) while the town was overrun by not only zombies but a new and more powerful enemy, Lickers. The helicopter would come but unfortunately would be taken down in an cinematic cutscene by a new force of flying enemies, a new type of BOW.

當克里斯、吉兒與 BSAA團隊試圖幫助這些民兵時殭屍與巨人都會傾巢而出。慶幸的因為他們連絡上BSAA直昇機駕駛員而得到空中支援,該地區騷動很快就被鎮壓完畢。這時期克里斯的夥伴於開發階段製作團隊根本也無法確定要使用吉兒或是巴瑞,也曾計劃用巴瑞替代早期的吉兒定位,這樣吉兒可合理的成為已死亡的人物而成為試管中的"謎之角色",並且巴瑞也能保護當地民兵(包括席娃)對抗更為強大的新型敵人-利卡。直昇機雖會抵達現場但是將會有一個簡輯動畫讓一個新型態的飛型B.O.W.登場並將它毀滅。

Ultimately given no choice, Chris, Sheva, Barry, and the surviving local militia and BSAA would go over a large Desert stage where enemies would pop up from under the sand until meeting a Merchant in a large abandoned boat in the location of a dried-up lake. This stage was later scrapped because when Majini were introduced there was no cover and it was just a large desert in the end with little detail.


From the boat the players would go from the desert to a marshland which hosted a pyramid inside of it and the local Ndipaya tribe (the tribal enemies who ate the Ndipaya flowers). In this version of the game though the entire Ndipaya civilization was wiped out by an overdose of the Ndipaya flower. The Marshlands were to be the stage before the ruins and when they finally got to the ruins of the Ndipaya (the Ndipaya Kingdom as it’s called), Chris and Sheva would get separated as Chris walks onto fragile ground, collapsing under him making Chris falls down to it’s depths but safely landing in water inside of the Ndipaya Kingdom. Sheva meanwhile tries to find a way around to get back to him, and instead finding a secret Umbrella lab. The Ndipaya Kingdom is quite possibly the most changed area in the whole entire game, with a much different design. The Ndipaya Kingdom was going to be filled with a lot more puzzles and traps though they got rid of the idea when co-op was introduced as it got too confusing with two people.


The Ndipaya Kingdom would be half submerged under the water and they were going to include a way for Chris to swim under the water to get to area to area and have to find air pockets before drowning. The design was also completely different, being a lot more spherical.


The whole Ndipaya kingdom was going to be a huge area for Chris to explore. Using water routes and twisted paths, the area was like a giant abstract painting and maze-like. The player would be alone in the dark and the area instead of being filled with swarms of zombies would have had less enemies but more powerful ones, including a new variant of Hunters and giant insect monsters!


The Ndipaya only got stranger as Chris went on and had some interesting early designs, being one of the most changed in the game as previously mentioned. Files and scriptures from the old Ndipaya Tribe could be found talking about an Ancient BOW (created by the Ndipaya Flowers which is the source of the T-Virus) that slept within the ruins. Ultimately Chris would get to the “Garden” area that still exists in Resident Evil 5 (where Umbrella tents and equipment lay in the final). Here Chris would come face to face with an unexpected foe, as Wesker reveals himself to Chris at the Garden! This would be their first encounter in the game and let Chris know that Wesker is indeed alive.


Chris and Wesker would fight in the Sun Garden, with Wesker having the upper hand until three NPCs showed up (Sheva and two unknowns, one might of been Barry) to help Chris out. Sheva reveals that when Chris was exploring the ancient ruins, she’d found where Jill was, stored in a tube where they had her captured (the earlier scenes were to be changed for Barry to replace Jill’s earlier roles at this point)


Wesker outnumbered leaves while triggering the ancient BOW to awaken. Wesker escapes as Chris and the other NPCs fight the ancient BOW. It’s not said who the ancient BOW is but determining what you fight in the regular Resident Evil 5 in the chapter you reach the Sun Garden in, as well as the water and insect theme to go with the Ndipaya Kingdom theme, it is not out of the question to think U8 might have been the original “Ancient BOW”. He could fit the role. Chris and the few NPCs run after Wesker to get Jill but Sheva gets separated from the team and kidnapped by Excella.

當敵方數量上遠遠超過的情況下,威斯卡啟動了開關喚醒了古代巨型生化兵器,當克里斯等人忙著與古代兵器戰鬥時,威斯卡已悄悄離開現場了。雖然官方沒有說這個古老的生物兵器是誰,但根據玩家遊玩現今的惡靈古堡五抵達太陽花檀後,考量到恩迪帕亞王國是以『水』與『昆蟲』做為主題,根本可以輕易的猜想出 U-8 就是原始概念裡的"古代兵器"最符合其假設(誰叫U-8是隻螃蟹)。而克里斯與新的NPCs準備要追上威斯卡詢問吉兒的下落時,席娃卻離開了團隊且被艾克榭菈給綁架。

Some enemies in the final, like the Reaper, existed even in earlier builds. The Reaper itself was made to make a “classic-feeling Resident Evil BOW” for the lab area and it does it’s job. Ultimately after the lab areas Chris would get to Jill and rescue her. She would reveal she stabbed Wesker in the eye (told through flashback) and he was weak there. After falling, Wesker had took her and had stored her in these labs as a subject. After sharing back stories they would go to rescue Sheva who was being hung from the ceiling and hung up by Excella’s men.


They rescue Sheva as Jill and Sheva thank the other, bu on their way out Jill would be shot by Excella. As Excella escapes, Chris would run alone to end game leaving Sheva to care for Jill.

We’d reach end game where Chris would finally go up against Wesker, Excella, and the CEO. Wesker at this point betrays the CEO by shooting him in cold blood and a bit later unleashing his Tyrant and, as said earlier, commands the Tyrant to kill Excella.


After defeating Tyrant, Wesker would do his whole, “The Right to be a god is now mine” flashback with Chris and get into a fight with him in the airship chamber. The Air ship is not explained what it is for at this point in development as Uroboros was not the main plot point. Sheva would come to aid Chris and shoots Wesker in the eye (where Jill revealed was his weak point was earlier) but ultimately gets knocked out by Wesker and Chris and Wesker would have a one on one fight with each other through the airship chamber and into the depths of the volcano itself (it’s revealed this lab is built inside a dormant volcano it seems).


They find themselves in the volcano (which Capcom used to show this was the final battle) and Wesker and Chris fight one on one, ending with Wesker knee deep in the magma and as Chris is about to go under, he is saved by the earlier seen airship piloted by Sheva and Jill. Sheva would aim the ships missiles at Wesker as Chris would step onto the Wing of the air ship with a Rocket Launcher with Jill and they would all fire and kill Wesker in a big explosion of magma.


The game ended with Chris, Jill, and Sheva (it seems Barry was scrapped at this point or something unmentioned happened, maybe he split up like Josh does in the final game?) landing safely back on ground and Chris walking away from the jet into the sunset.


And that was what Resident Evil 5 originally was. There are more details such as enemies and a few specifics I didn’t cover, but you can check out the book yourself if you want all the fine details. Two scrapped areas also include an abandoned fort and a shopping center. Lots of this was changed when the game switched to co-op and the developers switched to Majini from zombies as the zombies ended up not being a big enough role through the game and the Majini would be able to stay a threat all the way till the end of the game, and Majini are more adverse in their abilities and swarms besides being mindless eaters. Instead of having Barry or Jill as the partner, Sheva became the partner when racial controversy came up for the game. Other changes came such as making Uroboros a bigger role (Wesker was even at one point able to control Uroboros with his mind!), making Wesker mutate for his final battle (this was to make Wesker seem desperate as opposed to his natural arrogance and cool), changing the final battle to co-op when that came in and changing the solo Chris sections to allow co-op, the tanker ship was introduced, and a lot more among other things.

(圖片來源 : 點我)

這些大概就是惡靈古堡五原本的故事內容。其實還有更多敵人與分鏡上的細節我並沒有整理出來,但如果你想要所有的細節,你可以自己查看這本書 The Art of Resident Evil 5。兩個遭廢棄的地圖包括一個廢棄堡壘和一個購物中心。當這個遊戲最後確定要使用雙人模式(co-op)來進行後,不僅很多的場景都被捨棄了,且開發人員也決並不再使用殭屍當作主要的敵人,主要原因就是殭屍無法在遊戲中從頭到尾成為一個嚴重威脅;上述特點不僅馬吉尼可以辦到外且還具有強大的能力與聚眾之合理性,相較之下都比愚蠢的啃食者要好。中期構想是想要讓巴瑞或是吉兒作為合作夥伴,但是在「種族爭議」的意見出現後就改成現今的席娃。其他的變化就是使得銜尾蛇病毒變成更加強大(威斯卡甚至被設定成可以用心靈操作銜尾蛇病毒),能使他在最終戰鬥中突變(是為了讓威斯卡表現出絕望感相較於先前的傲慢和冷靜),可惜這一切都因為雙人模式下都被刪除,而且原本玩家(克里斯)還能夠選擇是否要有夥伴搭檔;厄文的遊艇可以深入調查與超多超多的細節沒有提到。

Even before the game was finished it went through a lot of changes. Enemies went through lots of design changes, from dogs to Lickers to Reapers to Majini. The Tanker was originally supposed to be fully explorable and players could go to every inch of it freely. Other areas in this later stage were also cut including one where Chris, Sheva, and 12 BSAA members in the swamp would have to infiltrate and survive a fortress full of Arrow Majini and other kinds there. Still our focus is Resident Evil 4.5 and the above is about a complete overview of what Resident Evil 4.5 was before lots of changes. These changes seemed to have started somewhere in 2006-2007 or so. The first trailer shows Chris alone and those running enemies could of been the running zombies mentioned. The next trailer however brought in Majini though the areas are vastly different from the final. Whatever the case it’s interesting to see what once existed in Resident Evil 5 and what it could of been before co-op was introduced. It seems the game changed a lot in development more than some people may have imagined though many elements also made their way to the final but in often lesser forms (like the El Gigante fight in the town at night might have been where the timed Licker fight was supposed to happen once). If you want more images, information, and other tidbits about the beta of Resident Evil 5, check out “The Art of Resident Evil 5” now on sale.

(圖片來源 : 點我)

縱使在遊戲開發將結束之前,依舊經歷了很多變化。敵人的部份也經歷很大的設計變更,從殭屍犬到利卡到收割者到馬吉尼。三聯的油田廠地原本應該是可以讓玩家自由的探索每一寸角落的。而在這場地之後還有一個場景也被完全刪除,這裡將有克里斯、席娃與12位BSAA成員在沼澤地區得想辦法潛行路過一個充滿著拿弓箭的馬吉尼與其他強敵的堡壘。講了這麼多,以上就是關於惡靈古堡4.5與現今版本間有著超多變化的完整概述。原始概念的轉變似乎在2006-2007年左右便開始,第一個預告片就顯示出克里斯是單獨出任務且那些跑步的陰影沒意外就是會跑步的殭屍,然而,下個預告片就已變成了馬吉尼且與現今的發展有很大的不同。不論如何,能夠看到五代之前在單人模式下構想下的劇情實在是相當有趣的。以開發階段來看,現今的遊戲發展變化實在過大,雖然有些要素最後也有保留下來但往往規模變得更小(例如現今 2-3的夜晚的巨人戰役,本來將會是在固定時間內想辦法在利卡群攻下撐到直昇機救援)。如果各位還想涉獵更多的圖片與資訊,建議購入 The Art of Resident Evil 5 這本書。

Lost in Nightmares
↑ 幫助大家回憶用

Dummied audio indicated that there was going to be a conversation between Jill and Chris, where Jill teased Chris about the latter flirting with a younger co-worker. In addition, the teaser for the DLC storyline had scenes that were not included in the final version, such as Chris checking up on Jill shortly after Wesker's ambush and their going back to back, as well as a scene where Jill nearly fell off a balcony before being caught by Chris. The latter scene was later reused in part as part of the teaser for Resident Evil: Revelations.


Desperate Escape

There was dummied dialogue between Jill and Josh Stone, with the former questioning the latter about his relationship with Sheva Alomar, with the latter stating that Sheva's "more like a sister" to him.


============   Character 角色 =============


Chris Redfield

Initially, Chris was the only playable character in the main game. Later on, Sheva was scripted to tag along as an NPC partner, and then as a playable partner. His muscles also increased in size between the 2005 trailer and its 2007 remake.

Chris was always to be a big muscle man since the beginning, in fact, his muscles were even bigger in the beta. He’s muscular because he had been training to defeat Wesker. (文獻 在此)

最初期,克里斯是整個遊戲裡唯一可以操作的角色。後來,編劇設計席娃為 NPC般的合作角色,最後被定案成為可操作角色。相較於2005初版,2007年重製後的克里斯的肌肉可是有顯著性的提升。


Sheva Alomar

Originally, Sheva Alomar was not a BSAA operative but an member of a local Kijujuan militia. She would later meet Chris at some point in the game and re-appear several other times. At some point during the game, Sheva was going to get kidnapped by Excella and her men. In the release version, Sheva is instead Chris' partner, and accompanies him throughout his mission.

*Sheva's breasts are slightly smaller than Jill's. She is not muscley because the developers wanted her to look sexy. Her tattoo 'Shujaa' means 'hero' in Swahili.  <補充 文獻>

起初,席娃·阿羅瑪 並非作為一個BSAA組織裡的幹員,而是當地奇祖祖自治區裡民兵之一員。她會在遊戲中某個時間點與克里斯見面並且數次登場。在遊戲進行到某個階段,席娃將會被民兵們出賣而被艾克榭菈綁架。而最終市售版本,席娃變成克里斯的搭檔並陪伴著他完成整趟任務。


Jill Valentine

At one point in the development, Chris and Sheva were to find Jill Valentine in her capsule in the TRICELL facility. This was rejected in favour of having Jill serve Albert Wesker as a brainwashed puppet. This early idea is hinted in the 2007 trailer of the game, showing Jill opens up her eyes in what appears to be a capsule at the end of the trailer. There was also audio for Jill that was cut.


Jill's control mechanism was originally to be on her head but the project leader said "If we put it on her chest, we can open up her chest area and it'd be sexy." No one on the development team argued with that.


Excella Gionne

Excella's appearance is very different from her final appearance. She wears a pink skirt and shirt with a belt, and has her hair down. Excella was not intended to be the CEO of Tricell as the time; the CEO was an unnamed man and she was his secretary (and would witness the CEO being gunned down by Wesker from behind). Also during the development, Excella would have been involved in capturing Sheva, and was also intended to be killed by a Tyrant, which would impale her chest.


Excella was originally a secretary to the male CEO of Tricell. Wesker becomes intimate with her to gain access into Tricell. Their relationship is strengthened by what they believe they can gain by manipulating each other. When the male CEO idea was scrapped and Excella was put in charge, her character was changed to a more elegant celebrity type, and again the developers worked hard to ensure her breasts were always on show in the cut-scenes.


Barry Burton

At some point, TRICELL would release ten to fifteen El Gigantes into Kijuju as Chris and a BSAA team try to escape the city. Jill and Barry appear as NPCs in this boss fight. Barry Burton was initially planned to appear at several other points too, backing up Chris and or Jill.


Later, Barry was added in The Mercenaries Reunion and 2015's Resident Evil: Revelations 2, where he has a role of a BSAA Advisor.

Ricardo Irving

uPl86Irving: Was originally planned to be playable at some point (assumed to have been part of The Mercenaries) but was unused / cut.

uPl86Irving 根據卡普空ARC檔案的命名原則,uP檔名為可使用角色之意,我們可大膽推測原本計劃在某個時候可以操作厄文(或許是傭兵角色),但最終還是沒有採用/取消。

One of the more interesting concept images, as it was done before the Urobros design was finalized–Irving, after overdosing on the drug, transforms into a hulking beast.

在官方概念圖畫中有一張特別有趣,似乎是在銜尾蛇病毒被設計出來前完成的擬稿,在藥劑使用過量而變成一個粗陋的野獸,即最終型態的厄文。 (這段文獻取自本篇文章)

Albert Wesker

Although largely having the same role as in the final game, Wesker underwent several changes: Namely, he would have acted as a subordinate towards the CEO of Tricell (who at the time was a separate character from Excella Gionne as noted above). Eventually, Wesker would gun down the CEO from behind in cold blood as Chris watches. He also would have merely had Jill used for research instead of brainwashing her into acting as an unwilling accomplice in his plans. How he was going to be defeated was also different. In one storyboard scene, Sheva Alomar would have shot him in the head with a handgun. In another sequence, Wesker would have been caught in an inferno, with Chris and Sheva, commandeering an aircraft, firing missiles at him with Wesker looking shocked. It should also be noted that Wesker was in human form during both those times, implying that Wesker would not have infected himself with Uroboros at all when fighting them. Like Jill, there was also some audio from Wesker that was cut.


※以下部份美國維基無收錄這段,而這段描述取自這篇 文獻

The scene we see in the final game of Jill jumping out of a window with Wesker and falling down a large chasm. The only factoid they took out was that originally Jill was going to stab Wesker in the eye which became Wesker’s one and only true weakpoint where he got a glass eye to replace his stabbed one.


Wesker kept his Samurai Edge as it was deemed he would only use his super strength against 'worthy' opponents. Originally, he was to have no gun as the developers thought he wouldn't need one due to his powers. His coat is made of special material that can deflect shrapnel and other common shards.  

威斯卡持續留著他的愛槍武士之刃(Samurai Edge)因為他只想把超能力用來對抗值得尊敬的對手(換言之手槍是用來對付三流角色)。實際上,在開發階段,製作團隊考量他的超能力是根本不需要配槍的(所以我說日本瓦斯槍廠 MARUI塞了多少錢賄賂啊)。威斯卡的披風採用特殊材質可以抵抗砲彈與碎片。

========== Gameplay 遊戲內容部份 =========

↑ 場景與敵人部份,強烈建議看一下這初版的預告片!

Enemies 敵人篇

※圖片來源: Beta Analysis

Enemies such as Zombies were going to make an appearance in the game, as seen in the conceptual 2005 Trailer, and according to The Art of Resident Evil 5 (book), they were confirmed to be quick t-Virus type zombies. They were also featured in an early tech demo of the game.


Uroboros was to be a common enemy type, even fought at the start of the game.

Zombie group attacks with Majinis were planned.

The agitator majini original spoke in English.

Group El-Gigantes fight was planned and involved teaming up with the BSAA to take them down.
一大群的食人鬼(俗稱巨人) 將BSAA部隊擊倒的故事劇情設定

A Tyrant was going to make an appearance.

Considering some concept art images, there were supposed to be zombie-like creatures hiding in the sand, appearing only in desert levels (which were scrapped too).

The Executioner was originally just a chainsaw Majini with a large axe, but it didn't look right, so a bigger enemy was created.


Several stages were altered through the development of the game from 2005-2008, In the 2008 Presentation there were several differences:

The Stairway of the Sun would include Kipepeo enemies.

The helicopter crash site would be playable and not a cutscene with a set of Quick Time Events.

There would be a night stage with Majinis to fight (presumably evolved into the Ndesu boss fight stage).

The area with Tricell tents would include a set of enemies such as Majinis and Adjule.


↑ 里昂四代的主要配槍 Sliver Ghost 抑揚器加長版

↑ 帶牙槍管的 1911 手槍,原始設定應該是七發,若真拿此槍開場對玩家而言一定更虐~

↑ 衝鋒槍 (真槍正確型號請有研究的人補充吧 )

The merchant 商人

uEm91Marchant: A Merchant similar to the one in Resident Evil 4 was going to make an appearance in the game, according to the official art book of Resident Evil 5, and you would be able to steal ammo/weapons from him too, that idea however was dropped early in development.

圖片為萃取 uEm91Marchant ARC 檔案後所看到的模組樣貌。根據惡靈古堡5的官方藝術書,類似惡靈古堡4的商人將會在遊戲中出現,你也可以從他那裡竊取彈藥/武器,但是這個想法在早期開發階段就被淘汰了。

An early conceptual unused model of him can be found in the files, named "Marchant". It has a flat orange texture and non-detailed model, with the Kanji for merchant (商Shō?) being imprinted on the front. the model looks like it is based on Chris' early model.
我們可以在官方給予的檔案中找到這個檔案(.ARC),並被命名為"商人",這是全身僅用橘色材質填滿並且沒有詳細的外觀的半成品,並且有個漢字(商?)被刻在圖檔裡。模組一致被認為是克里斯最早期的外貌 (2005年那個藍色背心版)

In the final version, the merchant is replaced with a buy/sell system called the "Item Management" screen.

國外有蠻多惡靈古堡5 Beta 版的劇情描述,美國維基附上的資料其實頗少(各方面皆是)

The earlier mentioned barricaded areas could also house the merchant, in fact the very merchant from Resident Evil 4! Players would need to get rid of the barricades of the door and then an option to knock the door would come. The game would switch to a first person mode as the Merchant opens a slit in the door and ask if all the zombies were taken care of (in the area) and if Chris was friend or foe.. If all the enemies were cleared and you hadn’t killed any other merchants or stole from any other (originally you’d be able to steal weapons and ammo from the Merchant’s shop but doing this would close all future Merchant shops for you) and if both applied you could come in and purchase weapons from him (and upgrades).


If all the enemies were cleared and you hadn’t killed any other merchants or stole from any other (originally you’d be able to steal weapons and ammo from the Merchant’s shop but doing this would close all future Merchant shops for you) and if both applied you could come in and purchase weapons from him (and upgrades).



↑ 惡靈古堡5 真人版預告片 第1集    (第2集點我)  (第3集點我)
這系列還有很多集,有興趣的就請自己去 Youtube 直接補完吧~



↑ 掙脫後的直拳與過肩摔

↑ 請直接點到 1分16秒處,示範四代中里昂被摔的動作


↑ 真的很難想像,玩家沒辦法偷搭的 5-3電梯 (強制進入動畫結束)
沒想到 製作團隊 真的有把那個場地完整做出來(連小地圖都顯示正確! )

下圖是小弟直接解譯uEm91Marchant ARC檔案,並放入Noesis 3D 程式中


↑ 應該真的真的很少玩家,有辦法在遊戲裡仔細看出 銜尾蛇B.O.W.的宿主本體吧?

↑ 目前模組家找到 RE5 程式碼中唯一藏起來可以使用的武器

↑ 原本的 SIG 556

↑ 搭載狙擊鏡的 SIG 556

↑ 也是使用 MOD SWAP 的技巧讓這把隱藏的武器於遊戲中使用。

↑ 利用場地模組,重新回到消失的戰場 - Train Yard
若是要看影片版的話可以點我過去的影片就不再覆述 (點我)

未使用的音訊檔 :

我自己只上傳一個音訊檔 s510_70_Sheva 給各位參考,請前往 XUITE 去確認一下(點我)
另外RE5 在遊戲中所有的角色都是有罵人的音訊檔 (官方都做好了,可惜沒開放)
話說威哥罵人窩囊廢的語音好舒壓 (=´ω`=)

============= 本文參考文獻 ============

A: Rejected content from Resident Evil 5 (超連結點我)
B: Resident Evil 5 Beta (4.5) Information P.1(超連結點我)
C: Resident Evil 5 Beta (4.5) Information P.2(超連結點我)

=========== 本文美術圖片來源 ===========

95% 都是擷取自官方出版書籍 Resident Evil 5 Concept Art
此外,Neoseeker.com 這個網站有把五代的美術設定集中絕大部份圖檔放在網路上
例如一大堆未登場的銜尾蛇型態敵人 (點我)



我個人的想法是,使用 MOD 不全然是壞事,越是深入研究反而更能明白當初製作者的用心
縱使只看角色立體構面,一個細膩的角色外觀都是由 點→線→面 逐步架構而成

↑ shcloutier 製作的 Gloomy Gray Village。BIO5地圖全程黑夜遊玩整個超極爽快的說~


最後附上一張 RE.NET 推薦的同人作品 - "Give me 5, Jill!"

以上! 感謝各位的閱讀 ٩(。・ω・。)و
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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