
1 GP


作者:三日月柔一│2017-06-28 22:31:11│巴幣:2│人氣:181

姓名: 永井 熊八 ながい クマはちNagai Kumahachi
暱稱 : 熊 クマさん Kumasan
身高:179 體重:79(現在的事)

姓名 : 三日月 一 みかづき いち Mikaduki ichi
暱稱: 一 いちくん ichikun
身高:181 體重 : 88(對 也是現在)




熊 : Hero你怎麼看?
Hero : 這一群不行吶,沒有一個可以看的
熊 : 你也不能這樣說啦,他們這一批成績也算是還不錯的,有些都要跟你一開更好或並列了
Hero : 這樣說也對啦,娜先把女生挑起來你想如何?
熊 : 你的意思是男生就不要啦?那這樣也太不平衡囉。
Hero : 這樣比較保險啦,不然等等接下來的成績都比較普普你也知道。不然你這一批挑一兩個男生吧。
熊 : 這樣啊,那.......就看哪一個人發現我們倆在這裡看著他們就選那些囉,感覺比較會有警覺。
Hero : 阿哈哈哈哈,你是想要他們幹嘛?你會一點武術不是想把他們變成沙包吧?
熊 : 你想太多了,要是選到我打不贏的後面你們有辦法打贏?


Today I well introduction the two protagonists and I was ½ Japanese , so my name well use Japan's name , then his name I was thinks so much time , then I think pay tribute to "漏れなつ (morenatsu)",if you interested on it ,please play this game , maybe you con find in common on the game and ichi ,whach character I think you can find him , he is my favorite character , then my classmate is so much people , so let me be lazy did't introduction them , and today I well write the prologue , the really prologue , and please be sufferance , because I well a office employee HR , is not have many time to update story fast , sorry everyone.

Yes! it me
name : 永井 熊八 ながい クマはちNagai Kumahachi
(It's my real name , I think it's maybe not really Japanese name , but it true about my father give me thet name , and I was like it very much , I hope some friend don't identify how I am (Please)XD
nickname : 熊 クマさん Kumasan
height : 179 body weight : 79 (NOW)
The story is start at I was 17 years old , a 11th grader in senior high , school is at Yuchih township in Nantou county

Second Protagonist:
name : 三日月 一 みかづき いち Mikaduki ichi
(Actually,I fell he is very very like that character so much , maybe you read my story con fined they well similar)
nickname : 一 いちくん ichikun
height : 181 body weight : 88 (NOW)
16 years old , is allready to a 10th grader in senior high , first time I meet him is at the new student audition

The really prologue:

A chance I and my friend Hero can stay at 2F to see the new student on audition , who is the best can come us school to learn

On time , there have 8 people in to the room , 5 boy and 3 girl , I and Hero see them at 2F

Kuma : How about them?
Hero : NO , I think them isn't best , because face was so so.
Kuma : Why did you told that , their's results is not bad , some one maybe is better then you or stand side by side with you
Hero : You are right , so all girls are eligibility
Kuma : You mean all the boy is to fail to be chosen ? It's sex ratio disproportionality you know
Hero : It's insurance practices I think , next student's results is bad then them ,If yoy want you choose one ro two boy is ok
Kuma : OK , then I think if anyone can find us at 2F see them , he is the better , he maybe is cautious
Hero:HA HA HA HA ! why did you want he is cautious? you learn some martial arts I know , did you want him be your sandbags ?
Kuma: HA HA HA HA ! you think so much , if I choose someone I can't beat him I think isn't have anyone can in this school

At a particular esimportant stage in a series of events , have someone eye contact with me , yes he is Mikaduki

"Sorry about my English is not good , I think you read this story is very hard , but if you find mistake , please tell me , thanks!!"
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前一篇:熊與熊的共舞-序章... 後一篇:熊與熊的共舞-失去些什麼...



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