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【維基翻譯】惡靈古堡啟示1 : FBC、獵犬組織篇

作者:幻藍魚│2017-01-21 20:15:33│巴幣:10│人氣:2436
惡靈古堡《啟示》 遊戲內圍繞著三大組織的暗中較勁
分別是BSAA、FBC與 Il Veltro
故本篇翻譯著重於只於《啟示》剩下 登場的兩大陣營囉!

以下是英文 / 中文對照名詞
例如美國文獻中常出現的Terragrigia Panic
根據惡靈古堡2058資訊站 2058info習慣翻作『浮島恐慌』

(Federal Bioterrorism Commission/F.B.C.)聯邦生化恐怖行動對策委員會
(Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance/B.S.A.A.)生化恐怖主義安全評估聯盟
(Il Veltro)  獵犬

Paraguas Line Company 帕拉格斯航運公司
Queen Zenobia 潔諾比雅皇后號
Queen Semiramis 賽美拉米斯皇后號
Queen Dido 黛朵皇后號

Terragrigia 漂浮之島 / 浮島 / 特拉哥奇亞 / 提拉格里吉亞
Terragrigia Panic 浮島恐慌 (特拉哥奇亞事件)
Regia Solis satellite 雷吉婭索利斯衛星


Paraguas Line Company 傘線公司
Queen Zenobia 潔諾琵雅女王號
Queen Semiramis 沙米拉姆女王號
Queen Dido 蒂特女王號
Terragrigia Panic 提拉格里吉亞恐慌
Regia Solis satellite 雷基亞.索利斯衛星


克里夫·R·歐布萊恩(Clive R. O'Brian)
瑞秋・芙麗(Rachel Foley)
感染瑞秋(Rachel Ooze)
女漢克(Lady Hunk)


The FBC (Federal Bioterrorism Commission) was the United States federal anti-bioterrorism committee formed by the federal government as the enforcement agency of biological defense and bioterrorism countermeasures. It had abundant financial power and funding equal to the military budget of a small country, and conducted exclusive equipment development. It was disbanded in 2005 and absorbed by the BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance).

FBC(聯邦生化恐怖行動對策委員會)即對抗生物恐怖主義委員會,是由美國聯邦政府所創設「作為生物防禦和生物恐怖主義對策」的執行機構。它擁有相當於一個小國的軍事預算程度的豐富的財政力量和資金,並包含了專供給FBC的設備開發。 FBC於2005年解散並由BSAA(生化恐怖主義安全評估聯盟)組織吸收。


聯邦生化恐怖行動對策委員會(Federal Bioterrorism Commission/F.B.C.)

The Federal Bioterrorism Commission was a government commission set up for handling bioterrorist operations. It was led by Morgan Lansdale. The FBC were involved in the 2004 bio-terror attack on the floating city; Terragrigia. Parker Luciani and Jessica Sherawat, both BSAA agents, are seen as members of the FBC in 2004.



While there were no publicised reports of biological outbreaks since the 1998 Raccoon City Destruction Incident- along with easily silenced incidents on Sheena Island; Rockfort Island and the Ross Sea Ice Shelf - there were no reports on bioterrorist activities for several years. However, the financial blockade on Umbrella U.S.A. led to rogue Umbrella researchers selling bio weapons to the black market.The threat of a potential outbreak became significant enough in 2001 that the commission came into being.This would be a smart decision, as the events of the following year proved to the US government that bioterrorism was a real threat, with black-market trade in South America and a bioterrorist missile threat being made on the US after an outbreak on the Spencer Rain cruiseliner.

1998年發生的拉昆市毀滅事件(Raccoon City Destruction Incident)與無人發現的希娜島的消滅事件《生存者1》皆無對外公佈過曾爆發生化災害。南極羅斯冰棚與羅克福德島《聖女密碼》在這數年間曾發生過的生化恐怖份子的活動跡象完全沒被世人知曉,然而,對於安布雷拉美國分部所採取的金融封鎖導致惡劣的雨傘研究人員在黑市上兜售生化兵器。由於面對潛在爆發的生化威脅逐漸必須重視,2001年對策委員會正式成立。然而這是個正確的決定,因為隔年所發生的大事件:南美洲的黑市貿易導致的《哈維爾作戰》與史賓塞雨豪華郵輪上的生物恐怖主義份子威脅將在美國本土爆發飛彈攻擊事件《生存者4》,馬上向美國政府證明,生化恐怖主義是一個真正的威脅!

While USSOCOM and USSTRATCOM took part in those particular engagements, the FBC's earliest known engagement was with the bioterrorist attack on the Mediterranean city of Terragrigia in 2004. where the idealogical-turned-extremist movement, Il Veltro, was involved. The FBC was under heavy criticism during its role in the Terragrigia Panic - it refused to allow European Union members to assist in operations, and only agreed for the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance to take part as an independent observer. The FBC then made the even more controversial decision to pull-out of the city and use the city's own power source - the orbiting Regia Solis satellite - to destroy the city with overwhelming levels of solar rays.

雖然美國特種作戰司令部(USSOCOM)和美國戰略司令部(USSTRATCOM)參加了這些特別的行動,但FBC最早的活躍記錄是2004年地中海城市漂浮之島(Terragrigia)的生物恐怖襲擊,其中由意識形態轉換成極端主義的獵犬組織(Il Veltro)也參與其中。FBC在浮島恐慌事件(Terragrigia Panic)後受到嚴重的批評: 拒決允許歐洲聯盟成員協助作戰行動,並且只同意生物恐怖主義安全評估聯盟(BSAA)作為獨立觀察員參與其中,且FBC之後做出了更有爭議的決定→徹離城市,並利用城市引以為傲的運作能源 - 軌道上的雷吉婭索利斯衛星(Regia Solis satellite),以毀滅性的太陽光線摧毀城市。

已知組織成員 (Known members)

戴里歐.巴瑞歐尼探員 - (陣亡)於黛朵皇后號上拿著錄音檔
尼爾.費雪 - (陣亡) TerraSave組織內的高層,被ALEX背叛並被感染了銜尾蛇病毒
瑞秋・芙麗 - (陣亡) 與雷蒙德一起登陸潔諾比雅皇后號後不幸尚生
理查 - (陣亡) (前導片裡代瑞秋定位的角色)
摩根・蘭斯戴爾 - 首長
帕克·路奇亞尼- (在浮島恐慌後離職)
潔西卡·席拉瓦德 (在浮島恐慌後離職)
雷蒙德·維斯塔 - FBC高級幹員

制服 (Uniform)

The Federal Bioterrorism Commission operators wore simple uniforms consisting of a white shirt, navy pants and a blue kevlar vest. In operations where force was necessary, they also used tactical helmets.
軍備 (Weaponry)
The FBC possessed few weapons models, which were seen in the Terragrigia Panic and the assault on the BSAA Headquarters.
FN P90: Was used by FBC agents Parker and Jessica during the Terragigia Panic and by FBC special forces during the raid on the BSAA headquarters.
FN P90: 在浮島事件時,所有FBC的探員包括帕克與潔西卡;與FBC特種部隊突襲BSAA總部時皆持有之。

獵犬  (Il Veltro)

我這邊同時列出美國維基百科雨傘計畫 兩個網站的譯文,若唸的不順萬分抱歉

Il Veltro (Italian for "The Greyhound") was a bioterrorist organization. Its members all wore gas masks, concealing their true identities.

歷史 (History)

Veltro initially began as a student protest group, but gradually radicalized into a guerrilla terrorist group. Their de facto leader was Jack Norman, who commanded the group with absolute charisma. The group's name was a reference to the great grayhound in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, a creature that thrived on love, wisdom and virtue and would be the one to lift Italy out of sin and restore the country to its former glory. By choosing Veltro as their name, the group presented themselves as a kind of heavenly savior who would purify the world and crush the malignant avarice of human existence. However, their actions as terrorists corrupted them and directly contradicted the nature of the "Grayhound."


Veltro was a small and internationally unknown group for the majority of its history.


Il Veltro was formed as an Italian nationalist group opposed to the European Union's construction of Terragrigia, a self-sustaining city on the Mediterranean coastline. The core element of their belief was that mankind had become morally-corrupt. Sometime in the lead-up to summer of 2004, they gained the attention of Director General Morgan Lansdale of the Federal Bioterrorism Commission. Lansdale saw the destruction of Terragrigia by bioterrorists as a necessary evil to promote the need for his organization to have unrestricted powers. Gaining a powerful ally, the organization's radicals began to take control, forcing the moderates out.

In 2004 Veltro was provided with the necessary tools for Lansdale's anticipated attack, possessing three cruise ships formerly of the Paraguas Line to use as mobile bases; Hunter B.O.W.s and UAVs capable of dispersing the new t-Abyss Virus engineered for the attack. Veltro began their attack from the city's bay, taking the people by surprise. Five days into the attack, Lansdale saw the attack as a complete propaganda success and decided to eliminate Veltro as a bioterrorist threat to demonstrate the FBC skills.
2004年,摩根提供了獵犬預定攻擊所需的所有工具,包括帕拉格斯航運公司(Paraguas Line Company)旗下的三艄輪船作為移動基地,以獵人型B.O.W 搭配搭載了新型 T-深淵病毒的UAV無人搭載機作為整體攻擊策劃。獵犬以出其不意的方式進攻城市的海灣震驚社會。

The UAV was used to disperse the virus within the city while Hunters were released to kill those who avoided infection. According to the group's own statement, the attack was carried out in protest of exploitation.

Five days into the attack, Lansdale saw the attack as a complete propaganda success and decided to eliminate Veltro as a bioterrorist threat to demonstrate the FBC skills.
The groups on each ship found out too late that Lansdale had rigged them to infest the ships with t-Abyss on his command. Jack Norman and a number of survivors on board the Queen Dido managed to hold off the infected for a further two weeks before Lansdale set off a bomb on the Dido and had the Zenobia and Semiramis captured and taken out to sea while the city was destroyed by Regia Solis.

After the incident, the FBC (Federal Bioterrorism Commission]] announced that all key members of Veltro were eliminated in an FBC mop-up operation on their hideouts.

The video they left behind, which claimed responsibility for the Terragrigia Panic, was eventually used to raise Norman up as a martyr by certain extremists and was widely available on video sharing websites.

In 2005, Norman released a video threatening to infect one fifth of the Earth's oceans with t-Abyss.
2005年,諾曼親自釋出了一段影片宣告將藉由T-深淵病毒來感染地球上1/5 的海洋。

At least seven people survived the sinking of the Queen Dido, having been saved merely by the design of the ship and being sealed in an area not yet flooded. They counted the days of their entrapment on a dining room wall in blood, lasting a year until Lansdale ordered an FBC team to investigate the wreck in search for incriminating evidence linking himself to the Terragrigia Panic.
In the skirmish that ensued, Norman was the only survivor. Knowing full well that Lansdale was searching for his PDA, Norman recorded a final message exclaiming that the FBC commissioner would never get his hands on the PDA before he injected himself with a sample of the t-Abyss virus. BSAA agents Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine reached the un-flooded area shortly after Norman infected himself. Finding him in a throne room, he made one final protest against Lansdale before convulsions led him to drop the PDA for the agents to pick up.
They attempted to leave but the insane Norman, determined to exact revenge on Lansdale, consumed a large quantity of the t-Abyss virus and mutated into a marine creature referred to as the "Ultimate Abyss". He attacked Chris and Jill who were forced to kill him. As he lay dying, he regained enough sanity to realize that Veltro was finally finished and that his suffering was at an end. With his death, the last remnants of the organization died with him and Veltro was truly gone for good.

獵犬成員 (Members)

傑克・諾曼 (Jack Norman) - 領導者
伯納德·科爾蒂 (Bernard Corti) - 派遣登陸潔諾比雅皇后號
Earl Brinvico - 被原始的獵犬事蹟感動而加入的新興成員
Cafer Tokush - "因獵犬而死的烈士."
Ekrem Ataiza - "一個擁有強烈的意志去對抗身上的突變"
Ugolino Baronio - "不僅忠於獵犬也忠於朋友,R.I.P."
Gilberto Leone - "他對妻子的愛等同他對獵犬的愛. R.I.P."
Lidiya Leone - "讓你的孩子在一個不被謊言和欺騙的世界中長大。"
Hashim Kadar - "縱使我不再是我自己,我必定對獵犬鞠躬盡瘁"


本篇圖片來源: 《啟示》《啟示2》PC版遊戲畫面擷圖


以下是來自 PIXIV 的同人二創圖片

這是繪師 黒春. 所繪製的 雷蒙德

整個啟示裡,應該就是這張瑞秋的圖片獲得最高的人氣 ٩(。・ω・。)و  
對了很抱歉我不能直接附上原圖連結,因為瑞秋的二創圖片以18禁 居多
考量到有些網友的心智年齡,只能附上ID給予查詢。  ID: 24617733

以下圖片皆取自於繪師   設楽 的作品【腐向け】リベレログ③ (P網點我)


惡靈古堡裡屬於粗曠型的角色真的很少呢! 帕克算是蠻有特色的一位(๑•̀ω•́)

第一格  努力找彈藥中   好奇怪啊 創世紀沒有反應呢....
第二格  帕克:夠了,船要沉了  吉兒:吵死了..(以下略)
第三格  十分鐘後  吉兒:啊! 有...
第四格  吉兒: 啊~~~~~這不是彈藥  是蛋蛋啊!!

不過日本二創那邊 FBC三人組的三種戀愛搭配都有其支持者就是XD

最後! 附上超Q風格的瑞秋作個結束!!!
(圖片來源:  deviantart 網站,由 yusuyoshi-sano 提供)

好的! 本篇文章到此告一段落
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新聞學院的戀愛預報 111#純黑的巧克力塔 更新看更多我要大聲說昨天20:01

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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