

典獄長 | 2016-10-30 10:59:14 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 121

(NoCG Beaver, Bergen, Norway)
      “Well, today’s mission is: Polar Fish Fishery has been criticized for whaling since 2016, and Kripos discovered that they imported animal fat, but the profile said remains unidentified. Which creature’s fat is beyond figure? One of the conserved ingredients? I suspected this with drug trafficking.” claimed leader Oyvind, “Now the fat has been refined into liquid, stored in a tanker trailer there.”
     “So we’re going to take that tanker back?Alright, is time for us to fight like hero!” boasted Aksel. “But we don’t know how much strength there, and they might protect the tanker at all cost.”reminded Bruno. “In case of this, we deployed an armored truck tractor, regular vehicles can’t resist massive shots. That’s all the info I got, reach to their factory with me.”
      On their way to factory, Laust told his view of whaling: ”Whales are huge and mysterious, but finally get slaughtered by barbaric humans initially, with the skills and tools improved, more whales were died from overwhaling. We killing ourselves may be manageable, what’s the point that we getting more militant to harming the creatures BEYOND related to us? Doesn’t it sounds ironic?” “You have an enthusiasm for cherishing everything. But we must finish this first.” said Oyvind.
      As soon as they arrived, they didn’t seethe tanker at the loading zone, and some guards are holding assault rifles. “Looks like they occupied the whole factory, we can’t help but laying siege to front.”“Are you ready for this?” “Of course, block the entrance.” Entrance blocked,they got off and shooting the enemies in sight!
******Imagine the combat scene by yourselves******
       Bruno and Laust dashed into the depot and killing more enemies, suddenly they heard someone crying. ”Hey, I heard someone crying in frozen room!” “Let’s get in and check.” They opened the door and found a crowd of victims in apron, tied tightly. ”Who are you?” “We’re the staff in this factory, those dickheads disguised as us for picking a drug trafficking spot!” “Until we found a flaw in their document, come on, do your best to escape from here, they’re too busy to notice you.” They following Bruno to emergency exit, Bruno discovered that tanker was hidden in back alley.
     ”Come in, I found the tanker, if loading zone secured, move to back alley!” Aksel drove the tractor to there, connected with tanker, ”Laust, we’re ready to go! Hop on!” “The liquid’s activity is unstable, avoid collision!”
    “Shit, I saw the reinforcements on route,get onto tanker and defend it! Keep driving Aksel!” shouted Oyvind.
******Still imagine the scene******
     “Looks like we’re clear, drive us to a warehouse in Vaagen Harbor, I promised a team waiting for me.”
     They arrived the warehouse, a group of investigators were there. “Hello captain, we’re here to check the ingredients of the liquid.” They sucked a drop of it and started analyzing. ”This is definitely new drug, made from aquatic mammels’ fat.” “I knew is related to whaling! Hope everyone can show some mercy to animals and no more drugs!” said Laust. “Take it easy, someday human will become wise as they used to.” replied Bruno.

