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Rubbish is filled with our country

作者:終焉ヲ謳ウ翼天者│2016-08-04 10:26:56│巴幣:0│人氣:200
I have had tremendous expectation to our society. However, as time flies, I am deeply disappointed at our pathological world. People extinguish their conscience immediately when they are trapped in the dilemma of gaining money or maintaining pure innocence. Straightly speaking,I am sad at lawyer because they help a tyrant to do evil constantly.

• In 1689,the Bill of Rights(An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown) were raised,which lays down limits on the powers of the monarch and sets out the rights of Parliament, including the requirement for
• regular parliaments, free elections, and freedom.However,the human rights fallaciously
ascent dramatically.It caused crimes and shameless rubbish tend to take advantage of law to bully citizens.The spirits of those who apply themselves to pursue human rights,especially in Taiwan,our mom.

Lawyers determinate their intuitive knowledge because of abundant reward. Judge usually make ridiculous judgments according to “free evaluation of evidence through inner conviction.How dare these junk do such immoral things?Because we are educated that” Laughing at  poverty but  prostitution.”
For instance,these ignorant bahamut rubbish are fully worship money than everything on Earth: a12141xxxx, wsx75398, firlisa.By observing their post in detail,it is obivious that they are incompetent to aware of the importance of genuine innocence inherent.They are suck at studying and social activities,which contribute to their narrow perspective as well as outsiders’ funny self evidence.
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