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suede《Night Thoughts》感想 001

作者:allwe│2016-07-07 02:55:11│巴幣:0│人氣:257
I don't feel touched. I don't feel what suede's vocalist Brett Anderson feel. 對我黎講,唔大意義嘅歌詞,係敗筆吧。我連結唔到。噢,點去睇佢地個演唱會。

依家再次聽緊依隻碟,〈I Don't Know How To Reach You〉(14:43) okay, 詞同曲。

suede主音Brett Anderson話,
“Lots of the songs on the album, like I Don’t Know How To Reach You, are from my father’s point of view about losing touch with me."
“How as you get older and you are not a little boy any more and go into teenagehood, your relationship with your parents changes."

I Don't Know How To Reach You
Remember when we were standing
Dappled and still unshaved
Hiding from hidden cameras
In the shadow of the cranes

The things that I stole I gave you
The things that you said you liked
I bought you those pretty things
But you gave them back

Now I don’t know how to reach you
I don’t know where to look
I turn away from my mistakes
Try not to look

And I don’k know how to reach you
I don’t know where to look
I turn away, I fold the page, I close the book

I’d steal a shadow for you
I’d love you like a knife
From the towers I try to call you
From the depths of the power lines

Tell me the things that scare you
Touch me with terror’s flame
Fill me with hesitation, again

Cause I don’t know how to reach you
I don’t know where to look
I turn away from my mistakes
Try not to look

And I don’k know how to reach you
I don’t know where to look
I turn away, I fold the page, I close the book

And I don’k know how to reach you
I don’t know where to look
I turn away, I fold the page, I close the book

I never thought it would happen
I never thought it would happen

Happen to me
Happen to me
Happen to me

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